New Year-- New You!

I know you set resolutions every year but you REALLY want this year to be different. You want a goal that can keep you going through out the year. You don’t need a special diet or the latest exercise craze to push you all the way through the year. You need a real LIFE change! A healthy life change!!! Clean out ALL the junk out of the pantry, clean out your closet with the clothes that are 2 sizes too big (or small), restock your pantry and refrigerator with whole grains, nuts, fruits, and veggies! Make a vow this year to honor your body! We can reach YOUR goals!

Eat clean, exercise regularly, and give yourself the much needed time to daily reflect on the important things in life.

I am not doing New Year’s resolutions this year. I plan to set 3 simple life goals that I want to maintain throughout the entire year! I just purchased my 2013 journal to write down my new life goals and plans for the New Year and to journal in daily.

A few examples for you to consider:

  1. Journal everyday.
  2. Drink more water before each meal
  3. Do interval training 1- 2 times per week
  4. Eat dessert only twice a week
  5. Have 3 pieces of fruit each day
  6. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week
  7. Eat out only twice per week
  8. Give someone compliment each day
  9. Spend 15 minutes focused time with each family member each day
  10. Try a yoga class
  11. Do strength training 2/3  times a week

I can’t wait to help you reach your new life goals for 2013.   Make a commitment to yourself to stay consistent for a set amount of time this year.   Consistency is the key to reaching & maintaining your goals. Email me any questions, concerns, or changes.

Holiday Extravaganza weigh in's will begin January 4th and continue until January 10th! Going to be exciting to see who has maintained their weight over the holidays! ~

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!

Blessings, Caroline

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthian 6:19-20