Hello friends!
Can you believe it's Thanksgiving week already? What an energizing day of workouts in the TransFit Studio yesterday! Congrats to Amy O'Neil for winning the Food Journal Challenge and thanks to so many ladies who give 150% in the TransFit studio each day! Already, this week has been full of family and friends and it has been on my mind especially how thankful I am for my amazing clients, friends and family. My clients continually bless me and inspire me as they strive to live healthier in body, mind, and spirit and my friends and family make my life so bright! My cup overflows!
As Thursday approaches friends, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for--especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. While this seems very hard to do during the holidays, let's remember that we CAN stay on track!
Holiday Extravaganza is well underway and there is a lot of money in the pot to date! You still have until today at 8pm to weigh in before holidays! The goal of this game is to keep you accountable to keep your weight the same over the holidays or to become the BIGGEST LOOSER and WIN the cash money in the POT or one of the amazing prizes (like the FULL OUTFIT from lululemon)!!!
During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL! It is okay to have a few “taboo” foods. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, just focus on moderation! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, choose a sweet potato with honey instead and turkey, vegetables and cranberry sauce then have a smaller piece of pumpkin pie (a MUCH better choice than pecan- which can hold over 500 calories per slice!!) This week, let us remain focused on striving for our goals- and be on the lookout for a SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY RELEASE with TransFit!!
We are releasing our first e-book!! It will be a 14 Day Recharge to totally recharge your holidays in body, mind, and spirit, stimulate your metabolism, and have a break though in your healthy lifestyle!! The 14 Day Recharge will be released Friday at a SPECIAL discount price so get ready!!
Moving into Thursday- try these 5 Holiday tips:
1. Make a list of why you started working out and read it before going to social events over the holidays! Keep your goals in mind.
2. Its okay to say “NO” to all the food pushers! You don’t have to try everyone’s “famous recipe”. Compliment the host in other wonderful areas.
3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible; your usual workout times may not work especially when so many parties and get together are happening. Instead of skipping your normal workout time all together, try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule (20 minutes may be all you can get one day). Here is a great HIIT workout for this holiday season that can be done ANYWHERE at any time!
4. Make exercise into a fun family event! (ex. Trip to stone mountain, walk in the park, family bike ride). Also, think of exercise as a form of worship!
5. Keep up the November Holiday Extravaganza challenge – this week is the cardio challenge!!
Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, looking at all the beautiful leaves and spending some time be thankful for all He has blessed you with. It will be the sweetest Thanksgiving yet! You will be left feeling so much better in every area- body, mind and spirit. Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season.
“Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”