5 Tips You Need to Spring Clean Your Week!

Sweet friends, 

We were thinking about all the people who have been inquiring the past few months about wanting to make a change in their life--a new refreshing change toward a healthy lifestyle! Like all of you who were spring cleaning your closets this past week; now is the time to spring clean your lifestyle!! Just making a few small changes can help you feel more organized, refreshed, and focused on your health. We have 5 tips that you can do this week to reset your body, mind, and spirit!


5 tips that help you revive your healthy lifestyle!

Tip 1: Start on Sundays or Mondays

Sit down with your newspaper, see what is in season and fresh and plan your weekly menu. Get the kids involved ask each family member what they would like to eat (within reason) and plan accordingly. We use a dry erase board and write out breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. The children love helping decide what is for dinner and it helps them to learn about food groups and what you need to make a balanced meal. Meal prep is essential! Here is a FREE meal plan! Click HERE

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Tip 2: Pre-cook Protein for the week on the day purchased

Buy chicken, pork, and other meets and try cooking them all the day purchased. Bake or Grill 4-8 chicken breasts with little seasonings then throughout the week you can chop and put in a salad, a tortilla, or make chicken salad. The easy step of pre-cooking protein will help you to eat more at home for meals and not feel so rushed in the evenings.

Tip 3: Wash & Cut veggies and fruit for half of the week and store in grab-n-go containers or plastic bags for easy access.  Make a veggie tray for the week and try to keep in the fridge and bring out for the family as afternoon snack or appetizer before dinner.


Tip 4: Make snack baskets for your children and for you!

The premise of the snack basket is that everyone is not rummaging through the pantry multiple times a day.  Pre-make snacks a the beginning of the week in portion controlled bags and the snacks will be ready for active families! Snack baskets for adults are also ideal as a post-workout snack or afternoon pick-me-up!


Step 5: Make an appointment for exercise

Your doctor, hair, and other appointments are important and your health should be top on your list. Make an appointment with yourself, a friend, or a trainer to exercise 5 times a week. YOU are worth it! Put it on the calendar and stick with that time consistently! Don't forget our new HIIT class is tomorrow and Thursday at 9:30 AM! This is a great way to revive your cardio workout! 


We are so proud of you and your goals to get healthy! You will start to see that when you make these healthy decisions, your family and friends will, too! You are an inspiration. If you would like to meet with our Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Consultants, you can purchase a session on our website HERE or app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. Let us know how we can help you live transformed! 


Team TransFit