High intensity

Power Up with this Plyometrics Workout!


plyo wokout

Happy Monday everyone!

This June Transfit wants to light a fire in you, and this plyometric workout is just the way to begin the flame. Plyometrics used to be called "jump training" when it emerged back in the 1980s. It mimics fun activities kids do, like jumping on the trampoline, playing hopscotch, and skipping, and is a high impact workout that boosts muscle power, strength, power, and agility.  If you aren't already in shape you may want to start slow with this exercise. Plyometrics can help people to train for any activity which involves explosive movement, including basketball, volleyball, running and football. Just in case consistency is an issue for you this summer this plyometrics workout can be done less frequently and still deliver powerful results! Plyometrics are also great for summer months and vacations because it can be done with little to no equipment! All you need is a sturdy bench or step!

Check out pics of Kaitlyn and I demonstrating some explosive moves from this workout while kitten sitting our lovable new kittens!

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Kaitlyn & I holding planks while kitten sitting

TF plyo workout

Think you're up for the challenge? Here is a regimen for the whole workout! For best results the plyometric workout should be done 2 times a week, always add in strength training, and steady cardio on additional days!


Hope this workout is effective for you! With determination and perseverance you'll be sure to see results in no time!

