Performance nutrition

Strong Arms: The Importance of Triceps!

Happy Motivation Monday!!! Let’s keep focused on our goals as we enter a new week. Lots of women are restarting the Transform 30 Challenge. Print one from the link below and join us!

In March, we are focusing on strengthening our bodiespushing ourselves out of our comfort zones with heavier weights and challenging exercises!  Today, we want to talk about triceps how important they are to the arm. All the hype follows the biceps, but the tricep makes up for HALF of your entire arm!!! When strengthening a muscle group is important to engage muscles that counteract each other, so when working out biceps, the triceps should be right there with them in the workout. 

 Email us with any questions regarding nutrition consulting, sessions, Bible studies, 1 on 1’s, or prayer requests! We are here for you and would love to talk with you!

Why Train Triceps?
Triceps are the most important muscle in the arms to train.

The triceps muscle makes up 60% of your upper arm, making it a crucial part of the body to exercise regularly, and one that you really ought to pay attention to if you’re looking to tone, define, and strengthen your upper body.

The triceps muscle lies along the back of your upper arm and is twice the size of your bicep muscles, with more muscle fibers per square inch.

The triceps start at the top of the shoulder blade and the arm bone, running down the back of the arm bone, crossing the elbow and inserting into the back of one of our forearm bones. These muscles help stabilize your shoulder joint, and they act as an extensor of the elbow and shoulder.

As your triceps become stronger, the strength and stability of your shoulders and elbows also increases. This in turn will increase the functionality, flexibility and range of motion of your arm, improving your performance in everyday tasks, as well as sports which require arm movements and upper-body strength like tennis, swimming, and basketball.

Most, if not all upper-body exercises will recruit the triceps in some way.

4 Reasons to Train Triceps More

1. Triceps make up 2/3 of your arm
Triceps are the largest muscle group in your arms, running from the elbow to the shoulder. With a main role to straighten the elbow, triceps are made of three bundles of muscles - which means they have more potential to grow. The most prominent are the lateral and long heads which run from the
 shoulder to the elbow. The last head, known as the brachialis or medial head, is under the lateral and long heads. It is usually only visible when looking at the arms from the side. Therefore training these three bundles of muscles will make your arms appear much larger and toned.

2. To help with complex weight training exercises
The triceps are involved in many complex weight training exercises that target different muscle groups (e.g. Military presses, half presses, bench presses, dips). Despite having a strong chest or back, weak triceps can cause imbalanced muscle growth and risk injury, With stronger triceps, you can perform and progress better.
A simple anatomy of the triceps

3. Shoulder stability and functional movements
The triceps are often overlooked when it comes to shoulder stability. In fact, it is attached to the shoulder blades and is involved in rotation and adduction of the arm. Having strong
triceps can help stabilize the shoulder joint at the top of the humerus (bone of the upper arm).
The triceps also fixate the elbow joint when the forearm and hand are used for fine movements like writing. More specifically, the three bundles of muscles have different functions - the long head for force generation, the lateral for movements requiring high-intensity force and the medial for more precise, low-force movements.

4. Isolation & Convenience
This is much less of a reason but more of a fun fact: Triceps muscles can be worked out individually from any other muscle group on your body. Specifically, the tricep extension targets only the triceps without any assistance from other muscle groups. This can help strengthen the tricep muscles and even out any unbalances between sides. The tricep extension exercise can also be done with different types of resistance and in various positions, making it a convenient exercise to incorporate into your workout routine

Favorite Tricep Exercises:

Diamond Pushups
To execute a Diamond Pushup correctly, begin in the high plank hold position with your hands placed close enough so that your thumbs and index fingers are touching, forming a diamond shape.
Then, lower your body to your hands slowly while keeping your elbows tight to the body and explode up, lifting your body off the ground and returning to the Diamond Pushup position.

 Side Dips
Side Dips are an effective way to isolate the tricep muscles. This exercise requires no equipment and can be performed by athletes of varying fitness levels.
Start by laying down in a straight line on your right side. Place your left hand on the ground in front of you, and push your upper body up off the ground. Your hips and feet should remain touching the ground at all times.

More Tricep Exercises to LOVE:
Tricep extensions
Tricep Dips
Tricep press downs
Skull crushers
Close grip press
Tricep Kickbacks

Avocado Chicken Salad


  • 2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

  • 1 avocado

  • 1/4 cup chopped onion

  • Juice of 1/2 a lime

  • 2 tbsp cilantro

  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook chicken breasts and let cool.

2. Shred chicken.

3. Chop up and cream avocado with a mixer.

4. Combine shredded chicken, avocado, and all other ingredients.

Want to be a part of something amazing? Consider helping with the RISE TOGETHER 5K!
We are so excited to have our annual Rise Together 5K again this year! This is a special 5K benefiting ESP and is a great way to meet a goal and run with family and friends. Sign up today! Email us at with any questions!

Please check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can help you reach your goals and dreams! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

Finishing January Strong + BLOATING Tips!

Last full week of January! We realize that you have had so much going, BUT NOW it feels like 2023 is in full swing! 

How can you finish January strong?

🔹4 words to hold onto this week: 🔹

1. Preparation : Plan to succeed in your workouts, your nutrition, and other specific goal! 

2. Accountability : Find a partner or a group to help you stay focused on your dreams.


3. Intentionality : Colossians 3:2 "Set your mind on things above, not earthly things". Be intensional about how you want to finish January.

4. Dedication : You are dedicated and you are a strong finisher. Will it be easy; no, but transformation occurs outside of your comfort zone! GO for it! 

We want to encourage you to finish January STRONG! 2023 can be THE year and TransFit wants to help you reach your goals. Let's continue to work and stay positive through everything. We RISE together!

As February approaches, we want to tell you about the many opportunities to TRANSFORM with TransFit! We are so excited for these options to grow in our fitness, nutrition, and spiritual journeys.

 Transform 30

 Transform @ Home

How Can You Combatting Bloating?
Let's talk about bloating! Since it is something that happens to everyone, we were so happy when speaking at the Terry Woman's Initiative, the college girls brought this issue to our attention! Bloating is defined as when the belly feels or looks painfully stuffed, swollen, or filled with gas especially following a meal. We are going to give you some tips and foods to help EASE bloating!

Here is a list of foods that work wonders for the body!


These pear-shaped fruits (yep, they’re fruits!) are packed with potassium. Your body needs potassium to manage its sodium levels, which in turn controls the amount of water you hang onto. The better that system works, the less bloat you’ll have.

2. Bananas

Bananas deliver a potassium punch. One study showed that women who ate a banana before each meal bloated less than those who didn’t. Experts think that’s because they deliver certain gut bacteria that help calm gas production in the belly.


Crunch into some celery for a hydration boost to get your digestion moving. As a bonus, celery also provides certain flavonoids (tiny plant molecules) that reduce inflammation in your body -- including in your gut.

4. Turmeric

This spice that gives curry its yellow color contains a good bit of the compound curcumin. Studies show curcumin can tame IBS symptoms, easing discomfort, regulating the digestive system, and reducing bloating.

5. Peppermint

Studies show peppermint capsules can help relax the muscles in your digestive system. This helps push gas through to relieve stomach bloat. Peppermint tea can have the same calming effect.

6. Ginger

Spicy-tasting ginger gets your gut juices flowing. This aids your digestion and helps your stomach empty faster, which prevents bloating.


 Known for making your pee stink, asparagus is a good source of inulin, an insoluble fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut and helps keep you full.


This root veggie and its seeds have a compound that relaxes spasms in your GI tract. With fewer spasms, gas can get through your gut more easily so bloat doesn’t build.

9. Tomatoes

A diet that includes tomatoes will load you up on lycopene, an antioxidant that works as an anti-inflammatory all over your body. Tomatoes are also full of potassium, which lowers levels of bloat-causing sodium in your body.

10. Kefir

Some studies say drinking kefir, a fermented yogurt-like beverage, takes away stomach gas by as much as 70%. Kefir helps break down the sugar in milk that can lead to bloating and pain.

Beat the Bloat:

1. Eat Slowly, consume smaller, more frequent meals

2. Chew your foods well

3. Drink beverages at room temperature

4. Increase physical activity

5. Sit up straight after eating

6. Take a 10 minute walk after eating


If  you feel uncomfortable or bloated after meals, it might be time to look at the types of foods you are eating. Foods that cause bloating include:

1. Broccoli
2. Cabbage
3. Kale
4. Legumes
5. Dairy

6. Salty foods

 7. Onions and garlic

 8. Wheat

 Instead, try these foods above and other that may help alleviate bloating.
Foods that don't cause bloating include:




 Chicken and fish



 Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries

 Yogurt with probiotics

 Kombucha and kefir

 Fennel seeds


 Peppermint and chamomile



Weekly Wellness Program with Lea Wallace
This program gives people accountability in their whole body health + nutrition goals. It is a safe space to learn, grow, and be encouraged! Sign up on the app, Monday’s 9:30am!

NEW Performance Ready Nutrition
We are SO excited to provide the services of Performance Ready Nutrition at Transfit! We will serve as a pickup location for pre-ordered food from Performance Ready Nutrition. They focus on providing easy access to healthy, macro-balanced meals that are just as tasty as they are good for you!! You will order your meals for the week from their website and then it will be delivered to us for you to pick up!

We also offer protein bars and muffins in studio every day! This is a great way to get your proteins in after class!

NEW Tuesday Yoga
TransFit now offers Yoga at 6 PM on Tuesdays. This session will be led by Anita Scarborough. Sign up on Mindbody or the TransFit app to reserve your spot today!

We would love you to serve ESP with us in planning our RISE TOGETHER 5k! Join us Friday for a short meeting! 

Fun Community Event Mark Your Calendar! 
Join us for a delicious lunch  and informative lunch and learn!

Our 1-1 Personal Training Sessions and the Exercise & Nutrition Packages will provide you a healthy inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! These packages will get you on the right track to make 2023 the best year yet, body, mind, and spirit! 

You can purchase packages on our FREE TransFit app AND website!

We are here for YOU! Please Email us at with any questions, prayer requests, suggestions!


Team TransFit