brain fog

5 Evidenced Based Supplements To Reduce Brian Fog

  Good Morning sweet friend,                     

The short week had me all discombobulated. I was forgetful and felt off kilter all week. As I dug into extra research on brain fog, I loved reading and learning more about specific supplements and how they can help us. I hope this information below will help you as you move into your weekend. It’s time to reset, renew, and revive your body and mind!  September here we come! 

 Excited to challenge, inspire and encourage you,

What is Brain Fog?

“Brain fog” is not a medical condition but a group of symptoms like memory trouble, lack of focus, fatigue, and scattered thoughts. Low nutrient levels can be a cause, so taking supplements may be beneficial. Always check with your physician before taking supplements and make sure products are third party approved. 

Many factors, including nutrient deficiencies or inadequacies, may contribute to brain fog symptoms. These are more common in people with medical conditions commonly associated with brain fog . 

The information below  covers 5 evidenced-based supplements that may help with brain fog.

5 Supplements for Brain Fog

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient necessary for immune system function, brain health, and more.

Having low or deficient Vitamin D levels may negatively impact cognitive health and contribute to brain fog symptoms.

People who have depression or depressive symptoms often experience brain fog symptoms such as poor concentration and memory problems. 

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms. Research suggests that vitamin D supplements can help increase vitamin D levels and may help improve depressive symptoms, including brain fog . 

Other studies show that vitamin D supplementation may improve overall mental health — including mood, negative thoughts, and symptoms of anxiety and depression — in certain people . 

Also, a small study in 42 postmenopausal women who were low in vitamin D found that those who supplemented with 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 1 year performed better in learning and memory tests than those who took 600-IU or 4,000-IU doses. 

2. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their impressive health effects. Taking concentrated omega-3 supplements may benefit brain health and improve certain symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with attention and memory. 

Studies show that supplementing with the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may support brain health, including memory, attention, and mood.

A study including 176 adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1.16 grams of DHA per day for 6 months led to improvements in episodic and working memory compared with a placebo.

Omega-3 supplements may also improve depressive symptoms and boost mood, which may help reduce symptoms of brain fog.

What’s more, omega-3 supplements may help improve anxiety symptoms. People who experience anxiety may report symptoms of brain fog because anxiety can negatively affect mood, concentration, and memory. Our hormone health meal plan includes multiple recipes with Omega-3’s.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that’s in beans, seeds, and spinach. It’s necessary for many essential body functions, such as enzymatic reactions, energy production, nerve function, and blood pressure regulation. 

Many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet, which may negatively impact brain health and lead to brain fog symptoms such as difficulty concentrating.

Low magnesium levels are common in those who are stressed and can even increase susceptibility to stress. 

Stress can cause memory impairment, poor concentration, and anxiety symptoms. 

For this reason, maintaining optimal magnesium levels through supplementation may help reduce susceptibility to stress and therefore improve stress-related cognitive impairment and brain fog symptoms.

Some research suggests that magnesium supplements may also help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, which may improve symptoms of brain fog related to these common mental health conditions.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known for its role in immune health, but this nutrient also supports many other important functions in the body, including brain health.

A study that included 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate blood levels of vitamin C performed significantly better in tests assessing memory, attention, reaction time, and focus than those with low vitamin C levels.

Low vitamin C levels may also negatively affect mood, and vitamin C deficiency is linked to depression and cognitive impairment.

5. L-theanine

L-theanine is a compound that’s concentrated in green tea and other plants.

Some studies suggest that taking an L-theanine supplement may help improve mental alertness, reaction time, and memory.

A recent study in 69 adults ages 50–69 found that a single dose of 100.6 mg of L-theanine improved reaction time and working memory on cognitive tests.

L-theanine supplements may also reduce tension and enhance calmness and relaxation.

What’s more, a small study found that 200 mg of L-theanine per day helped reduce stress-related symptoms and improve sleep and certain aspects of cognitive health compared with a placebo.

In Summary

Reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting cognitive health may all help relieve brain fog.


Multiple factors may be contributing to your brain fog, so it’s important to work with a medical professional to get to the bottom of why you’re experiencing these symptoms and create a treatment plan. Whole body health and wellness is at the center of what we do at TransFit. Please let us know how we can serve you. 

Our Hormone Health Recipe Book Has Many Recipes to Help You Feel Your Best

Goal Sheet
Another helpful handout for you is our FREE
goal sheet  and habit tracker on the TransFit website to help keep track of your new healthy habit, whatever it is for!

TransFit Goal Sheet!

TransFit Bible Study Wednesday’s 12pm September 13th

We will start our study through Priscilla Shirer's book,
Gideon, this Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Get the book herePlease sign up on the TransFit App so we can plan accordingly. Open to the community.💙

Join the Bible Study GroupMe!

1-on-1 Sessions To Reach Your Goals
Interested in a 1-on-1 personal training or nutrition session to work on your specific goals? Schedule a time to meet with one of our Certified Personal Trainers 1-on-1 through the TransFit app or through the website! 

Schedule a 1-on-1 Here!

🔷We are excited and READY to inspire you this week.  🔷

At TransFit, we love to serve you in anyway to help you stay committed to your health goals, in
 body, mind, and spirit!

We do have 4:15pm & 4:30pm Strength sessions this week! Check out our
website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Thank you and please let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one. We are excited to serve you! 


Team TransFit

February Lunch and Learn - Happy Hormones, Skin, and Body 2023

Wow! What an AMAZING lunch and learn with YOU, Brookes Vaghn, Kaylan Ashford, Laura Francis Smith, and our TransFit Staff! We learned so much about nutrition, movement, skin care and how hormones play such a crucial role in whole body health. We had delicious salads from The National which topped off a fantastic event! We want to make sure you have all the information you need to TRANSFORMING! We can make the most of every day! 
Here is the recap of what we learned!

KEY TAKEAWAYS from the Lunch & Learn!

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to tissues or organs and work slowly over time to impact mood, metabolism, growth, reproduction, temperature regulation, and more! When hormones get out of whack, there can be far reaching consequences in terms of symptoms and effects. Hormone imbalance is often a red flag that other systems in our body are out of balance. 

Hormone imbalance may look like: 

Infertility and irregular periods

-Weight gain or weight loss that is unexplained and not due to intentional changes in your diet

- Depression and anxiety

- Fatigue

- Insomnia

- Low libido

- Digestive issues

- Hair loss and hair thinning

- Hot flashes and night sweats

- Brain Fog

 How to Balance our Hormones 

o   Eat whole foods, largely plant-based
o   Mediterranean style diet
o   Consider adding organic non-GMO soy products to combat hot flashes
o   Targeted supplementation of Magnesium, Fiber, Vitamin D, DHEA, B12, and Omega 3a depending on diet
o   Balance your HIIT and cardio workouts with low impact strength exercises

Get in touch with Brookes Vaughn Here!

To schedule an appointment with Brookes at the Ashford Center call 706-353-2550.
Also follow her @thewomenshealthcompany on Instagram!

Top Foods for Hormone Health

1. Organic, Non-GMO, Whole Soy Foods

2. Cruciferous Vegetables
Including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and turnips, cruciferous vegetables help process and remove excess estrogen from the body.
3. Fiber
The absolute minimum goal of grams of fiber per day for optimum health in 30g. However, I believe you can and should do better than that! For reference, 1 cup of fiber-rich foods contains about 4 to 5 grams.
4. Protein
Protein is essential for allowing hormones to communicate throughout your body. Protein is also the building block for hormone production in the pituitary gland -- FSH, LH, and TSH. These hormones go on to trigger release of sex hormones, estrogen, testosterones, and progesterone. The recommended value is .8 to 1.2g of protein per body weight.
5. Essential Fatty Acids
The most important EFAs are Omega-6s and Omega-3s. However, the American diet is typically oversaturated with Omega-6s. A healthy addition of Omega-3s are required for circulation, fighting inflammation, and strong brain health. Nuts, seeds, fatty, cold water fish, olives, avocado, and eggs are all great sources of Omega-3s. 

4 Supplements that are PROVEN Effective 

1. Protein 

2. Vitamin D 

3. Creatine 

4. Caffeine  

Skin Health

Kaylan Ashford and Laura Francis Smith discussed the important  of Sunscreen, Retinol, and Vitamin C serum. They arms discussed the difference between all the facial treatments available for creating and  maintaining vibrant skin.   The first step to treating problematic skin is to correctly diagnose the problem. At your initial appointment a comprehensive medical and skin care history will help to direct your  treatment. 

To Conclude:

We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by out Creator, different and beautiful. We all need a different approach to whole body health at different ages and stages in our lives. Reach out to any of the panel speakers to schedule a 1-1 to determine your best full body approach to achieving your specific goals!  We are here to serve. 

💗Celebrate with us tomorrow! Galantines Workouts tomorrow wear your pink or red. 💗. 

Our NEW CLIENT ACCESS 30 Day Package is $120 today, and current clients ALL ACCESS is $150! A great opportunity to transform.

Our Team is praying for you and we want to help you transform. Please reach out to us with prayer requests or how we can serve you best! Please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit