hips and glutes

Weekly Set Up + Strong Glutes: Why Women Need Them + How We Get Them

It's officially client appreciation week at TransFit! Stop by the studio all week for amazing workouts, giveaways, treats, and fun! We are so grateful for our community of encouraging women. Wear pink or red all week long to celebrate with us! You can sign up for all your sessions on our brand-new TransFit App. If you have any questions, please email us here.

Did you know strength training plays a massive role in increasing glute strength? Did you know strength training plays a massive role in increasing glute strength? The gluteal complex is the powerhouse of your body. It also happens to be the biggest and strongest muscle in the body-- at least, it should be. All women need strong glutes. Because, whether you realize it or not, your glutes do so much for you every single day. Need to extend or laterally rotate your hip? What about tilting your pelvis or sitting on the toilet? With every step you take, your glutes are working to stabilize your hips and lower back.

5 Reasons Why Glute Strength Should Be at the Forefront of Your Training Program:

1. Prevent Injuries

If you're trying to get in shape or stay in shape, you likely know that one of the easiest ways to delay your progress is to get injured. You can avoid and recover from injury in your lower back, hips, knees, and ankles by creating proper alignment and stability by having strong, functional gluteal and hip muscles. People with weaker glutes might have "dynamic valgus" at the knee, when the knee caves towards your other leg as you go down into a squat, particularly in single-leg movement patterns (including walking and running). Dynamic valgus is an excellent indicator of whether someone is at risk of injury. The pelvis drops at the hip towards the opposite side when the knee caves in. The femur (thigh bone) rotates inward, a typical dysfunctional pattern that can lead to injuries from your lower back to your feet and ankles. The good news is that you can improve and prevent valgus by strengthening your glutes and surrounding hip muscles and reducing your chance of injury.

2. Improve Athletic Performance

Have you ever seen a powerful athlete with a flat butt? No. When you think of the fundamental movement patterns in sports, you likely think of running, jumping, locomotion, swinging, driving through the legs and hips, twisting through the hips, and/or quick changes in direction. What do all of these patterns have in common? There is a need for power and stability in the glutes and hips! Studies show that athletes who focus on developing strength and power in their glutes, hips, and posterior chains perform better.

3. Improve Your Posture

When your glutes, hips, and core are strong and stable, you can avoid common dysfunctional movement patterns that cause pain, like dynamic valgus and lower cross syndrome.  When your lower body and pelvis align, this will also help keep your shoulders, neck, and back aligned (AKA, good posture). Let's take knee valgus, for example. When your hips shift, your spine and shoulders will also shift. Misalignment can cause many issues, including painful, tight, or achy muscles and joints extending even into your upper back and neck. When you are out of alignment, it's often because some muscles have become shortened and some have become weak. For example, modern-day desk jobs have contributed to postural imbalances. Sitting at a desk all day can lead to weak or "sleepy" glutes, shortened hip flexors, and weak upper back muscles. Low back pain can mean your glutes are not properly engaging.

4. Balance and Support

Improved glute strength means improved balance and improved quality of life as we age. It is so important as we get older to ensure we have strength in our lower body. We don't want to say, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

5. Aesthetically Pleasing

This one is a given and is the primary reason people decide to start working on their glutes (but definitely not the most important one.) In any case, it's a valid goal, and if chasing a good-looking backside gets you to work on your glute strength, we encourage you to go for it!

Common Mistakes With Glute Training

Maybe you already know about most of these factors in strong glutes, and you actively train your glutes a few times a week. You can’t seem to “turn your glutes” on during training sessions. Maybe you feel all the glute dominant exercises in your quad and lower back. 

Keep your core engaged, chin down, and pelvis tucked to prevent this. While you may not be able to extend your hips as high, this should help you feel the exercises in your glutes. The root of this issue could also be a weak core. Without the ability to keep your core engaged, stability in the trunk will be compromised, and you will likely have difficulty activating your glutes.

The Three Muscles Are:

  • Gluteus Maximus (largest)

  • Gluteus Medius

  • Gluteus Minimus (smallest)

What Is the Functions of the Glutes?

We've established that the glutes are the largest muscle in the body, but what does all that muscle do? 

  • Extends and rotates the hip

  • It provides stability around the hip

  • Aids in standing up, climbing stairs, and maintaining an upright posture

How to Train for Strong Glutes:

The truth is that you need to train every function of your gluteal complex. You must train in hip extension, abduction, external rotation, and single-leg balance and stability. Because your glutes contain fast and slow twitch fibers, you should train them in high and low rep ranges, slow and fast tempos, and isometric holds. Here are 7 of the best glute exercises to strengthen your glutes that should be part of any glute training program if strength, power, stability, and size are your goals!

  • Glute Bridges

  • Goblet Squat

  • Suitcase

  • Split Squat

  • Deadlift

  • Reverse Lunges

  • Elevated Heel Squats

Set your week for success today, plan and prep your nutrition, and book your sessions. Thank you for all that you do by being such an inspiring woman in this community! We are truly stronger together. Check out our website for blogs, recipes, workouts, and more! Let us know how we can serve you. Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one. 


Team TransFit

💥Exciting October News to Help You Transform! 💥

Sweet friends,

This month, we challenge you to be active and stretch every single day as we focus on Optimism in October! A great way to get your daily stretching in is to do yoga! Yoga is a great way to exercise and renew your mind, and has essential health benefits like increasing flexibility, building muscle strength, preventing cartilage and joint breakdown, and increases your blood flow! It will help you transform your mind, body and spirit!


Congratulations to our September calendar challenge winner, Jennifer Leahy! Jennifer committed to her strength and being active every day in September! You are such an inspiration!

Don’t forget to pick up your October calendar at the studio for a chance to be our October calendar challenge winner and win a month of free sessions!


Join us for a NEW yoga session on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in the studio! The session will be lead by our new yoga instructor, Emily Dietz! Yoga is a great opportunity to reach this month’s goal of stretching every day!

Emily’s practice centers around vinyasa flow, and she loves the idea that all movement is linked with breath, both on and off the mat. Yoga helps center the mind and body and provides calm and connection to spirit. Come join her for her first class on Monday!


Are you a walker or jogger ready to begin running and want to feel your best? Or are you an advanced runner who wants to better your running form, build cardiovascular fitness, run more efficiently, or add speed to your step? Join TransFit Running Coach and Personal Trainer Lisa Patton on Wednesdays at 8:20 for a TransFit Outdoor Runners Workout!
TransFit Outdoor Runners Workout is a 55-minute session that includes essential dynamic warmup sequences, running form drills, strength exercises for runners, a heart-pumping outdoor workout, and an inspirational cool down and post-run stretches.

For October’s Lunch and Learn, we will be welcoming Kisa Raye to the studio on October 23 from 12-1! Kisa Raye, MEd, FST is an exercise physiologist, fascial stretch therapist and owner of KR stretch and inspi-Her Wellness LLC.

“Let’s take stretching beyond the muscle. Learn how to reach more and achieve more through better stretching techniques that will not only improve your physical health, but bring peace and balance to your mind.”

The cost of attendance is $12 and includes lunch from Maepole!

Sign up for the Lunch and Learn under “Special Events” on the TransFit app HERE!

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We are now offering a FALL MEAL PLAN on SALE for $9.99! This meal plan, which was created by our registered dietician, Kaeti Shurling and Consultant Katie Woodall, includes four-weeks of meals, grocery lists and healthy fall recipes! Let’s transform our nutrition this month together! You can download the meal plan on our website at the link below or on our app HERE!

Here are some tips for stretching this month! You can also visit our YouTube channel HERE for more stretching and workout videos.

Hips and Glutes Focused Yoga Sequence

We are so excited for all of the new and exciting things happening in October at TransFit! We can’t wait to see you in the studio soon. If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com.


Team TransFit