
Tips to Make The Second Half of 2018 Your Best!

Clean slate, yes, it's Sunday! Let today be a fresh start for YOU! You can make the 2nd half of 2018 your best! Today, shift your thoughts... focus on being thankful for the body that you have and set a new goal (or two) to ensure you are treating your body with care and respect! Write this goal down, put the goal as a reminder in your phone, and tell a friend- that is how you make your goals become reality! 

One new goal could be to increase the amount of high-quality protein that you include in your daily nutrition plan!  Protein is an essential food for repairing muscle tissue,  building and toning muscles, and for keeping you feeling full for longer. High protein snacks should be consumed after 30-45 minutes after workouts for maximum muscle building and repair benefits and should be consumed as a snacks during the day to fight cravings and help manage weight.

Here are some of our Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling's,  favorites:

  • 1 hard-boiled egg- 8g

  • 1/2 cup chickpeas- 18g

  • 1/2 cup cashews- 16g

  • 3 oz of tuna- 25g

Try out these great high protein snacks and start your healthy lifestyle with a delicious, higher protein nutrition plan!

Here is a high protein healthy popsicle to try this week! 

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  • 1 1/2 cup – strawberries

  • 1 1/4 cup – coconut water

  • 1 teaspoon – honey

  • 4 teaspoon – chia seeds

  • 1 1/2 cup pieces – mango

Puree strawberries (fresh or frozen) with half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Set aside. Puree mango (fresh or frozen) with the other half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in the remaining 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Alternately pour each fruit mixture (for a marbled look) into popsicle molds and freeze until set. Makes 10 (3 ounces) popsicles. If you have an Ice Pop Maker let it freeze for 45 minutes and then add wooden sticks so they stay in place better and the lid will come off easier.


Additionally, here is one of our favorite workouts you can try today! Add this workout to your week and then enjoy a high protein popsicle after! Let's do it, ladies! 

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We hope that this second half of 2018 is your best! We believe in YOU! Let us know what your goals are for the second half of the year. We want to encourage you, as you prepare for a great rest of 2018! If you would like to schedule a 1-1 appointment for nutrition or personal training, you can purchase a package on our FREE app or website, or you can email us at 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Revive Your Breakfast for Spring! 🍳🌸

If I took a poll of our readers, friends, and family what percent of them do you think would call themselves “morning people?” It’s becoming a rarity these days to find those who wake up easily in the mornings, love to arise with the sun and get moving in preparation for the day ahead!  One word: BREAKFASTEveryone may know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that, unfortunately, does not mean that everyone takes the time to sit down to a solid meal before jetting off to work or school. According to the NPD Group, approximately 31 MILLION Americans skip breakfast. The same survey also found that many males ages 18-34 as well as teenagers (as opposed to younger children) do not eat breakfast. Women ages 55 and older were the most likely to eat a morning meal. What were the common reasons for skipping? People weren’t hungry, they didn’t feel like eating, or they were too busy or running late. 

Despite whether you are hungry or not, busy or not, you NEED to make time for eating breakfast. Breakfast consumption can increase the feeling of fullness, and high-protein breakfasts can help regulate appetite throughout the day. Breakfast is also good for your overall mood, metabolism, and overall health.

Kick-start your day with some new Spring recipes below! These are simple to prepare the day of, or, if you still think you will be rushed in the morning, these can easily be prepared the night or weekend before! You are worth a few extra minutes to have breakfast! 

Don’t stop, however, at simply eating breakfast. The morning meal is the perfect opportunity to insert some family time and inspiration into your day. A wonderful tradition to start with your kids is to do a simple devotional or bible verse first thing in the morning. It not only gets your kids’ minds jump-started, but it also has them (and YOU) putting your mind and focus on important things first thing in the morning. You can even stick those bible verses or quotes into your little ones’ or loved one's lunchboxes!

Here are some of our favorite breakfast recipes you can add to your mornings! 

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Spring Greens Shake 


  • 1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 1 serving Vanilla Protein Powder

  • 1 small frozen banana

  • 1 tbsp Ground Flax Seed

  • 5 fresh mint leaves

  • 2 cups spinach 

  • 1 cup crushed ice

Blend, serve, and top with fresh mint leaves and cacao nibs! Enjoy! 

Chia Coconut Oatmeal


  • 1/2 cup steel cut oats of old-fashioned oats

  • 1-ounce dry chia seeds

  • 1 cups unsweetened coconut milk

  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

  • 4-5 drops stevia extract

  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes

  • 1 tsp. 100% pure maple syrup (optional)

Soak oats and chia seeds in coconut milk overnight (I place in a large mason jar and shake a few times). Before eating warm oatmeal on stovetop or microwave until desired consistency. Stir in stevia and/or maple syrup and more coconut milk to reach desired consistency and top with coconut flakes. 


Mini Egg Frittata


  • 10 large eggs

  • 1 cup chopped bell peppers

  • 1/2 cup chopped onion

  • 1 cup cooked crumbled chicken sausage or turkey bacon 

  • 1 cup chopped spinach

  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a non-stick or silicone muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.

Heat olive oil into a a non-stick frying pan over medium high heat. Add the bell pepper and onion and saute for 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the meat and spinach and cook an additional 2 minutes. Place 1 heaping Tablespoon into each muffin cup.

Next whisk the eggs into a medium size bowl. Stir in the salt and pepper. Then pour over the meat mixture in the muffin tin, leaving 1/4″ from the top.

Cook for 23 to 30 minutes, or until the egg has puffed and comes clean with a toothpick.

Run a knife around the edges to pop the egg frittatas out. Enjoy while hot.

Store in the an air tight container in the refrigerator. Eat within 5 days.

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Join us tonight for our Night of Hope! We will kick off the night at 6 PM! Join us for the FREE bodyweight workout, for women of all ages and abilities! There will be great food and fellowship! We would love to see you tonight! You can sign up on the app under SPECIAL EVENTS! If you have any questions, please email us at 


We hope you enjoy these new, healthy breakfast recipes! Let us know what you think! You can find more recipes our website if you want more meal ideas!

If you would like to meet with one of our nutrition consultants or registered dietitian to jumpstart your Spring, you can email us at or book an appointment on our app! Don't forget about our three March Recharge Nutrition packages! We want to help you live transformed in body, mind, and spirit. 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

Are you getting enough protein?

Happy Thursday sweet friends! It has been an awesome week in the TransFit studio!  Each of you are working so hard to reach your goals and finish August as strong! Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the month and push yourself toward progress each toward your goals! We had a great vision and goal setting workshop with lululemon Tuesday, if you would like a copy of the handout please let us know! 

Nutrition was a goal for many of you this month! Food journaling, decreasing, sugar, processed foods, and increasing water intake were a few of the many goals. We want to encourage you today to be mindful of how much protein you are eating and below we have a few tips and recipes to help you get in your recommended daily intake! 

Importance of Protein- 

  • Nutritionists advise eating 1.1 g of protein daily for every 2.2 pounds of body weight.  (Take your body weight and divide by 2- is a great estimate of grams of protein per day)
  • Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 20% - 35% of their day's calories from higher protein foods
  • Ways to add protein into your diet-
    • A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein. 
    • One 8-ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein.
    • One cup of milk has 8 grams of protein.
    • One cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein.
    • One egg contains 6 grams of protein.

Eggs are great way to add protein to your diet. Eggs are one of the least expensive, purest form of protein. Sweet friend, Sarah Bennett, owner of Five Arrow Farms, offers fresh eggs to each of you here at the TransFit studio. 

Here is Sarah's favorite way to steam eggs

With over 100 pastured laying hens eggs are certainly a staple in our home! Farm fresh eggs are delicious, but can be difficult to peel once hard-boiled. I found myself avoiding hard-boiled eggs for this very reason until a friend introduced me to the art of steaming my eggs.  It has made all the difference!  They are just as delicious and take seconds to peel.  Now we are back to making Jain's favorite "doubled" eggs and keeping steamed eggs in the fridge at all times for extra protein on salads or as a side for lunches or dinner! Follow the simple steps below for perfect steamed eggs!

  • Fill saucepan with an inch or so of water
  • Please eggs in a single layer in steamer basket
  •  Place basket in saucepan one water is boiling
  •  Cover and steam 10-12 minutes
  •  Remove eggs with a slotted spoon directly into cold water, or run cold water directly into pan to cover eggs
  •  Once cooled, peel and enjoy!

*Cooking time can vary based on egg size, altitude and the number of eggs cooked at once, so I always recommend testing one before peeling them all

Jain Making her famous "doubled" eggs! 

Jain Making her famous "doubled" eggs! 

 Healthy Deviled Eggs Recipe:

  • 12 eggs
  • 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Combine hard boiled eggs yolks with all of the above top with smoked paprika

Continue adding in more protein to your daily diet. If you would like to meet with our nutrition consultant, Katie Woodall, please email as at for more information. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you achieve your August goals! 


Team TransFit