
What Should You Eat For a Healthy Snack Today?


Part of living transformed is taking your healthy lifestyle with you on the road. Packing healthy snacks for mini vacations or business trips don't have to be complicated! Our TransFit Team encourages you to plan and prepare weekly so you're organized at home with your meals. Similarly, taking just a few minutes to prepare a bag with healthy snacks, you're one step ahead while traveling with nutritious options to munch on during your trip! 


Our Team wants to share with you some of our favorites! 


Pack a large water bottle or several smaller ones. This way you avoid dehydration and your skin keeps its natural glow!


Don't leave fresh fruit behind while you're away! Grab what's left in your fruit bowls, like clementines, apples or bananas.

Remember, protein helps you feel fuller longer. So you'll want good protein sources. We like Rx bars, grass-fed beef sticks, and raw nuts. And it only takes a minute to measure out 1/4 cup portions of your nuts or trail mix and store in individual snack bags. Yay for portion control!


We appreciate good coffee creamer! : ) Especially, if you're dairy-free these are both great options for traveling. See picture above! 

Some other favorites:

  • Dry Roasted Edamame

  • Macadamia nuts

  • RX bars

  • Pistachios

  • Vega Protein Shakes

  • Nutpods

  • Organic Fit High Protein Weight Loss Bar

  • Koia 


Once your snack bag is ready, don't forget to pack your running shoes and workout clothes! We want you to plan exercise into your trip! You'll feel energized during your trip, but also when you return home! If you're traveling with family, this is an opportunity for you to spend extra time with them. Whether it's a sweat session in the gym, a round of tennis or golf, a walk on the beach or jog around a new city, we want to encourage you to keep moving!

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

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How to have a healthy, joy-filled Easter!

As a child, I always loved Easter. I loved the egg hunts and the Easter baskets, but most of all I loved being able to do these things with my family. As I grew up, I noticed that in stores Easter started seeming less about our risen Savior and more about gifts, prizes, and candy. I could walk down the grocery aisles and see shelf after shelf of sweet tarts and chocolate bunnies. These bunnies always seem so promising on the outside but are hollow inside, much like Easter is becoming to many families. This Easter I challenge you to step away from the candy and overconsumption, and instead focus on the real reason for the holiday Jesus' resurrection, and the blessings He has given you! Praise!

"It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory" Proverbs 25:27

There are so many ways to make Easter a healthy, fun day for your family!

  1. Having an Easter egg hunt? Fill the eggs with small toys like army men or bouncy balls, sea shells, stickers, temporary tattoos, secret notes, or any coins you may have lying around the house.
  2. Can't decide what to put in an Easter basket? Make a fun theme for each of your kids and fill the basket with items accordingly. If your child's spring break is after Easter, try a beach basket filled with toys for the sand and a towel. If your child loves making art, like my Lyla does, fill their basket with coloring books, markers, stickers, etc. If your child likes getting their hands dirty, include some flower pots and seeds in their basket. If you've got a sports fan on your hands, toss in a football and then get some practice in the backyard later.
  3. Need some cute snack ideas? Try the following recipes!

    Photo by: The Today Show

    Add baby carrots to a small flowerpot full of hummus for a fresh snack. Serve with additional veggies or crackers.

    Add sesame seed and carrot faces to hard boiled eggs for a cute, protein filled snack.

    Add sesame seed eyes and a carrot nose to hard-boiled eggs for a protein filled snack.

    Slice sweet potatoes length wise, then use a bunny cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Bake for 15 minutes in a 415 degree oven.

Slice sweet potatoes length wise, then use a bunny cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Toss in olive oil, sea salt, and freshly ground pepper. Bake for 15 minutes in a 415 degree oven.

Healthy & Fun Easter Basket

Above all remember to give thanks to God for a wonderful day spent with family, friends, food, and love.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" Corinthians 10:31

