transform your arms

Toned Arms For the Summer?! Your NEW Favorite Arm Workout! 💪🏼


Sweet friends,

Summertime is a perfect opportunity to show off those strong arms you've put such hard work into all year. If you're not quite there yet, don't despair because this amazing 20 minute TransForm Your Arms workout will whip your arms in shape in no time! Try doing these exercises two-three times a week in addition to your normal exercise routine and see the difference it makes in not only the appearance of your arms and shoulders but your total upper body strength. Remeber to get in at least 3 sets of the below exercises! 

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Add this Transform Your Arms workout to the push-up challenge! You will be stronger in your upper body strength and it will help to increase the number of push-ups that you are able to do! Remember that anyone who completes our July Push-Up challenge will be entered into a drawing for a MONTH of FREE sessions! Let's do this ladies!

  We would love to hear your favorite arm exercise! For more arm workouts or any workouts, and yoga sequences go to our TRANSFORM section of the website! You can also download our FREE app for workouts, inspiration, and recipes! Keep pushing yourself, as you complete the push-up challenge! 

Mark your calendar for our Middle School Girls Sessions starting August 8! The session will meet on Wednesday's from 4:30-5:30! You can sign up on the FREE TransFit app! You can purchase the 4 pack of sessions or the individual sessions! We hope to see you or your friends/daughter(s) on August 8th! 

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you reach those goals for July! May you rest in His love for you, today, beautiful friend! Through His love and grace, you can find FREEDOM!  We have loved DIVING into the book of John with you this month. Be on the lookout as our TransFit Bible Study will start in September! 


Team TransFit