TransFit Middle School Girls!

Hi sweet friend! We hope you are off to a strong start this August and are focusing on your goals you have set for this month. Goals are so important and can be used in all areas of life, including faith, friends, family, and fitness. We are excited to give you the opportunity to help middle school girls set goals and gain strength in body, mind, and spirit at TransFit Athens!  The 55 MINUTE training session for girls will help them to love their bodies and to empower them to feel confident, beautiful, and strong! 

Our first middle school session will begin August 15- September 23. The six week session will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. We will teach the girls about whole body health through mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on learning how to correctly perform exercises, the importance of nutrition, and how to feel your best on the inside and outside!  The sessions will allow the girls to work hard, laugh, sweat and finish with a time of stretching and inspiration in the 55 minute full body session.

Here is a brief outline of the topics to be discussed during the workouts each week! 

  Week 1:

Theme: Your life is a gift!

Discussion: How can you honor your body?

Through exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Set goals

Week 2:

Theme: Power of Positive Thinking/ Encouragement

Verse: Philippians 4:8

Discussion: What you think is how you act. How can you encourage others?

Try a 1 day no negative words challenge!

Importance of breathing & relaxation

Week 3:

Theme: You are strong. Have confidence!

Female Speaker from UGA College Sports Team

Verse: Ephesians 6:10 Be strong in the Lord….

Discussion: How can you be strong?

Best strength exercises for specific sports.

Week 4:

Theme: Commitment/Nutrition

Don’t compare your self to others

Discussion: You are what you eat. Healthy snacks.

Set specific nutrition goals for week ahead

Week 5:

Theme: Perseverance/Discipline/Trials

Verse: James 2:4 Consider it pure joy when you face trials…

Discussion:  We have to know that everything happens for a reason in His perfect timing. When have you had a trial or something bad happen? What would you do differently next time?

Week 6:

Theme: Endurance

Verse: Hebrew 12:1 Run the race with endurance….

Discussion: Never give up on your goals. Review goals and discuss never giving up on your goals- set new ones for future! How can you live transformed each day?

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

If you or someone you know is interested, please have them sign up at or on our our new TransFit app! You can purchase the full package, allowing her to come twice a week for the session or you can purchase the half package, allowing her to come once a week for the session! 

We are extremely excited about this opportunity to extend our TransFit community to all generations of women and look forward teaching them about whole body health! If you have any questions, please email us at


Team TransFit