Also, consider packing a shaker bottle and a few servings of protein powder. You can portion out individual servings in snack-sized Ziplock bags. Or Blender Bottle has a shaker bottle that comes with separate containers for storing protein powder.
2. Research ahead of time!
Get online and see what’s close to your hotel or condo. Is there a grocery store nearby? What healthy, local restaurants are close? There are app delivery services that will deliver groceries to your condo where-ever you are!
Also, if you’re staying in a hotel, find out if there’s a kitchenette or mini-fridge available in your room. Ask for a mini fridge! Does the facility have a fitness center available?
3. Hydrate!
So many of us neglect to hydrate our bodies while traveling even though dehydration is very common during trips. Pack extra water bottles (in a cooler if there’s space) or take your favorite water bottle to refill along the way. Drink water as soon as you get up in the morning, and when you sit down at each meal, drink a large glass of water first! You can still get in your 80oz daily on vacation!
4. Make smart choices when dining out!
Most importantly, choose restaurants that offer healthy options that support your lifestyle! So many restaurants post their menus online now so you can look it up before you dine. Then you’re prepared to order when you arrive and aren’t tempted with less healthy options. You can also check the entree on MY FITNESS PAL! The food journaling app!
Don’t be afraid to ask for a healthier option or to customize your meal. Most restaurants are used to this now and don’t mind accommodating your needs!
Choose seafood, chicken or another lean meat option and order them steamed, broiled, grilled or roasted. If fried is your only option on the menu, remember don’t be afraid to ask for another option!
Order your potato baked, boiled or roasted instead of fried! And ask to leave off the butter and sour cream! Consider ordering a sweet potato instead of white potato!
To avoid over-eating, eat small meals throughout the day so you’re not starving at dinner. Take your time eating your meal, enjoy every bite as well as your company at the table!
Of course, it’s vacation, so relax and enjoy a cocktail! Just don’t overdo it! And make sure that you’ve hydrated throughout the day.
5. Sweat!
You know the feeling you have after you’ve worked out, so why sacrifice a good sweat session when you’re on the road? That’s why you packed your workout gear — so use it!
Lace up your tennis shoes and hit the pavement (or sand!) This is a great way to explore the city you’re in, too. And since you researched ahead of time, you already know the parks or running trails nearby! We promise that you will not regret a workout! Don't forget about our FREE workouts and workout videos on our website and YOUTUBE channel!
If you want a good strength workout during your trip, here are a couple options you can do anywhere without any weights: