
🍴How to Stay On Track During Thanksgiving Festivities🍴

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Happy Black Friday! 

We hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving day and were able to spend time with friends and family! We each have so much to be thankful for!  

Today, we are excited to offer YOU a TransFit Black Friday DEAL! We are offering 20% off ANY package, session, or item on our website & the TransFit app. This means that you can purchase ANY item, whether it is personal training, transformer sessions, or a nutrition consultation, for 20% off! You can purchase these packages on our TransFit app or our website and use the code BLACKFRIDAY to receive the discount! Each package will have an expiration of 3 months!

You can also use our BLACK FRIDAY deal on our merchandise on ETSY! Click HERE to go to our Etsy store! 

Enjoy this time with family, but remember to continue to exercise and focus on nutrition. Continue to make everyday count so you can be the biggest loser for Holiday Extravaganza! Check out our appwebsite, and YouTube channel for recipes and workouts! We can't wait to see you in the studio next week! 


Team TransFit