holiday extravganza

💪🏼Power Duo: Strength Training AND HIIT🔥

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Sweet Friends,

February is off to a great start! Let's work to reach the goals that we have set for this month—step outside of your comfort zone. Try incorporating Strength Training and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts 3-5x per week to reach your maximum potential.

TransFit is so unique because it provides a combination of both strength training and HIIT workouts. These are two workouts that will allow you to transform—body, mind, and spirit.

You may be thinking, “doesn’t lifting weights make me ‘bulky’” or, “I thought I should only be doing hours of cardio to reach my goals.” Thank goodness those aren’t true. We want to clear up these misconceptions!

Below are some key details and benefits to help you understand why we as women should and need to build strength training AND HIIT into our fitness plans.

Basics of Strength Training

Suddenly, dumbbells sound like a smart idea! Strength training involves resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, and even your own body weight in order to boost your metabolism and lean out your body to create a sculpted look. Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age.

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Basics of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, was named one of the top fitness trends in the world for 2020, based on an annual survey by the American College of Sports Medicine. These are the best workouts for developing a healthy heart because HIIT is comprised of short, hard bouts of cardio exercise—anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes in length—broken up by brief recovery periods. Workouts may involve jumping, lateral movements, sprints, plyometrics, and quick bodyweight segments. This workout is designed for women of all ages and ability levels at TransFit

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Key Benefits of Strength Training

  • Improved body composition & increase lean body mass

  • Increased metabolic efficiency (burn fat!)

  • Increased bone density

  • Decreased psychological stress 

  • Increased energy levels and mood

  • Increase balance

  • Increase flexibility

3 Ways HIIT Can Help You Live Transformed:

  1. Lose abdominal fat: In a study of sedentary women, 20 minutes of HIIT were compared with 40 minutes of steady-state exercise, and the HIIT subjects were the only ones who lost fat— primarily excess abdominal fat!

2. Protect your heart: Research shows, depending on how fit you are when you begin, HIIT can boost your VO2 max (how much oxygen you can use) up to 46 percent in 24 weeks. It can also increase your stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out per beat) by 10 percent after eight weeks of training and significantly lower your resting heart rate.

3. Recharge your cells and boost your hormones: HIIT is proven to make more proteins for your energy-producing mitochondria, which helps slow down aging and boost youth hormones! It fires up the production of your body’s growth hormones that help you maintain muscle and burn fat for hours after you’re done, and it lowers insulin resistance for better blood sugar control.


Need to Reboot Your Nutrition?

It’s a new month which means you have another chance to reach your nutrition goals. Not only do we have great FREE recipes and a FREE MEAL PLAN for you on our website, but our Registered Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling, would love to help you with your nutrition goals for 2020. Learn more about our nutrition counseling options HERE!

College-Girl Client Spotlight: Sarah Kate Jones

Sarah Kate’s Favorite Things about TransFit: 

  1. I love that when I walk into TransFit, I feel known by the trainers. They are constantly pushing and encouraging me not only through workouts but through their words and accountability to reach my goals.

  2. I love that Transfit encourages a healthy lifestyle where being ‘skinny’ isn’t the primary goal. Instead, I find myself seeking a whole transformation—body, mind, and spirit

Goals for February: 

  1. Limit my sugar intake

  2. Drink more water

  3. Take time to rest

We want you to help you live transformed this February! Check out our February calendar challenge. Fill this out each day of the month, with the movement you did daily, send it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a FREE MONTH of sessions! Let's commit to doing everything with our WHOLE heart! We believe in YOU!

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We can’t wait to see you in the studio. TransFormer sessions are strength training based and offered multiple times a day. HIIT sessions are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30am and Friday mornings at 5:30am! If you have any questions, please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit


The Winner of the Holiday Extravaganza…..

After a wonderful holiday season, the Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 100 people participated and over half of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that’s hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who participated! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 

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1- Julie Bayne

2- Catherine Warner

3- Wendy Weiglein

4- Laura Moore

5- Joy Cooper

6- Rebecca Stone

7- Hope Cook

8- Ashley Smith

9- Virginia McKenna

10- Deanna Cozart

11- Lauren Harrell

12. Mary Anna Terrell

13. Pam Matthews

14. Molly Efland

15. Charlotte Lewis

16. Kelli Dean

17. Allison Abernathy

18. Paige Colquit

19. Lacy Sinkwich

20. Fran Hahn

WAY TO GO LADIES! All of your hard work paid off and we are so proud of you.

Shoutout to our amazing sponsors!

  • Fleet Feet

  • Georgia Skin and Aesthetic Dermatology

  • Fox Hill Honey Company

First Place - Julie Bayne


Julie has lost 8.445% body fat and has gained such confidence! This transformation journey has no been a quick fix, but yes, making healthy habits and small changes daily do lead to HUGE results, like Julie’s! Changing your mind (Romans 12:2) to believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, is what living transformed is all about!

We are so proud of you and are excited to help you reach your next set of goals for 2020! 


Julie’s Journey:

One of the best things I did when we moved to Athens 2 ½ years ago was to walk in the doors at TransFit. The community I found here has been such a huge support as I transitioned to a new town and adjusted to my new life as a retired teacher and grandma!  I knew it was important for me to focus on my health and fitness so I could stay strong for all that God has planned for me in this next phase of life. Although I haven’t always been as consistent as I should be in getting my workouts in, Caroline has always checked on me, and kept on encouraging me. I have made so many new friends, and have also really loved the recipes and meal plans, as well as the Bible studies that TransFit offers.”

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“At the beginning of 2019, I had a real desire to be more committed and consistent with my workouts and healthy eating. Early in the year, I heard a message that really spoke to me. Jeff Henderson talked about the consistency effect, where small things consistently over time lead to big things.  He said one thing that really stuck with me, “Commitment will get you to the starting line, but consistency will get you to the finish line.”   We were challenged to pray each day, “Lord, I need you.  Please give me your strength for today.”  Instead of jumping on the latest diet like I often did in the past, I began the new year committing to consistently eat healthfully and mindfully the majority of the time, and move in some way every day.

I searched the Bible to find what God’s word had to say about being consistent, and the word “steadfast” jumped out at me, so I chose this as my word last year.  The Bible is full of things to say about being steadfast. I began to think about how to be steadfast in the area of my health: drink more water (that 100 0z is a challenge!} , move every day, eat clean, and get enough rest. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs through the past year, for sure, but staying close to this principle of being consistent/steadfast has helped me get back on track when I’ve let myself get derailed. I’ve become a lot better at focusing on the process and being grateful for progress, even if it is slow!”

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How She Won Holiday Extravaganza…

I got up every morning a little earlier to spend time in God’s word. That really helped me to keep my focus in the right place, on Him instead of food. Each night, I wrote down my food for the next day and committed to only eating that the next day. This really helped me to not be constantly thinking about food and making choices at the last moment. I ate three meals a day and tried to cut out snacking because I was doing too much of that. I weighed and measured my food at each meal to be sure I was eating the right portions. I eliminated sugar and flour, because I knew they were triggers for me, especially during the holiday season! They both make me feel pretty yucky! I made sure to get protein at each meal and ate lots of vegetables and fruits.

I tried to move in some way every day for at least 30 minutes – I love coming to TransFit yoga, small group or Transformer classes 3-4 times each week, but when I couldn’t, I walked every day or did yoga or a weight work out at home or the YMCA. Also, I found a great new wellness planner on Amazon called Life & Apples that I used during this time.  It has a place to record gratitudes, positive thoughts/scriptures, my activity, meals, etc. all in one place and has been so key in helping me to stay on track! When I stopped focusing on my weight and just focused on being consistent with all these pieces of the puzzle each day, my weight did begin to come off.”

WOW. You inspire each of us, Julie! We can’t wait to continue to pursue the Heavenly Father and glorify him in all that you do! If you see Julie in the studio, make sure to congratulate her!


Bible Study THIS Thursday (1/16) @ 12pm.

Caroline and Lisa will be leading us through Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. The 5 week study will meet in the studio from 12-1 pm on Thursdays starting January 16th. The cost of the book and the 5-week study is $30. Please sign up on the app for this transforming study teaching us to find peace and purpose in our life.

Rhythms of Renewal is a message of relief. And hope. And peace. this study is going to be a life-line for those of us whose are out of balance, stressed, and over-scheduled, those of us who aren’t take care of ourselves and our emotional, physical and spiritual health.”

Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 

NEW 6:00pm TransFormer Sessions

We are super excited to be able to add 3 new TransFormer sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings at 6:00pm. This is your chance to get a workout in after work and before dinner if you aren’t able to make the morning sessions.

Join the TransFit Running Club!

Tuesday morning runs take place at the UGA Track @ 5:30am. This is your chance to get in a great run alongside other TransFit members. You have the freedom to choose your distance, time, and run with the accountability of other women. Meet at the track for a quick group warmup!

Saturday Group Runs at 6:30am! Who doesn’t love exploring Athens with your TransFit sisters? This is designed for you to get in a great run before the busy weekend starts.

Email or text us to be added to the runner GroupMe!

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Are you looking to be apart of something that will change your life AND others!?

We are looking for wonderful people, like YOU, to join our committee for the Extra Special People’s (ESP) Fit for a Miracle 5k in May. TransFit is hosting and supporting the fun-run and we need all the help we can get with planning, networking, organizing, and volunteering. Our goal is to raise over $30,000!

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, at 11:30 in the TransFit studio

If you are at all interested in giving back and helping put on this incredible event, click the link below!

We would love to see you at these exciting new events and sessions! We also want you to be diligently praying about your dreams and goals for 2020. We are here to serve you! If you would like to meet one-on-one with any other our trainers please let us know!

You can sign up for all events and sessions on our FREE TransFit app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

🏆 Holiday Extravaganza Winners!

Sweet friends,

After an incredible and blessed holiday season, the 2018 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to an end! Hearing your stories and sharing your excitement with you has been so inspirational. Way to stay strong throughout the holidays and live transformed!

Congratulations to everyone who entered the challenge! We are so proud of you for staying accountable. We are so excited to announce this year’s holiday extravaganza winners! Here are the final results:

  1. Paige Colquitt

  2. Catherine Warner

  3. Krista McLean

  4. Katie Dillard

  5. Allison Abernathy

  6. Fran Hann

  7. Lisa Shirreffs

  8. Eliz Johnson

  9. Kathy Cousart

  10. Pam Matthews

Check out our first place spotlight below for inspiration to help you stay motivated to live transformed in body, mind and spirit. We are so blessed by Paige’s words and motivated by her transformation. Our prayer is that this ignites a spark in you to live transformed and accomplish your goals in 2019!


First Place Winner - Paige Colquitt

“I love competition… not so much competing against others, but competing against myself. I love trying to beat my own score or trying to do better with my goals from one week to the next. So when Caroline mentioned the Holiday Extravaganza, I was all in! I knew losing some pounds would be great, but I was actually more concerned with just feeling better. Some days I ate pretty well, but on the days I didn’t, I felt downright yucky. I felt bloated, was experiencing some digestive issues, and felt some joint pain. I knew certain foods I was putting in my body were causing this. Cleaning up my act with food choices became my priority during the holidays. I knew if I could improve my nutrition during the hardest eating time of the year, I could set myself up for success when 2019 rolled around. 

     My name is Paige Colquitt and I’m a retired kindergarten teacher. I love to read, hike, bike, paddle board, garden, volunteer, and I especially love to cook. With the cooking, I’ve tended in the past to focus on creating lots of ‘southern dishes,’ because those are the recipes I grew up eating. I knew I needed to change that. Since coming to TransFit over a year and a half ago, I do feel as if I have gotten better with creating and eating healthier meals and snacks. Being consistent, however, has been an obstacle. I would eat salads during the week, but I would scarf down pizza or fried pork chops on the weekend. Or I would do great with my water intake for four days straight, then hardly pick up the water bottle the next four days. It’s like I had all the pieces of the puzzle (knowing what I needed to do) but the pieces weren’t fitting together to complete the entire puzzle. 

    This past fall during our Bible Study, Pam Adams recommended a book to me entitled Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. The premise of the book is to crave God, not food, and therefore, allow God to have control over this area of your life. After reading the book (I highly recommend it!), I realized that is what I needed to do because it certainly wasn’t working with me being in charge. Reading this book has changed my perspective on food. Now before I eat something, I ask, “God, is this something you want me to put in my mouth?” I’m not perfect by any means, but putting God above food has been a huge paradigm shift for me.”


“Caroline mentions a word often that I’ve actually adopted as my word for 2019 … INTENTIONALITY. I’ve intentionally started looking on Pinterest for clean-eating recipes. I’ve intentionally planned my meals ahead for the week by writing them down, making sure my fridge is stocked with the ingredients, and making it a point to stick to my meal plans each day, unless some emergency of some sort comes up. My breakfasts have consisted of smoothies (cinnamon almond is my favorite), Greek yogurt with berries and walnuts, and egg muffins. Salads with lots of fresh veggies and a protein are a must now for lunch. And dinner is usually a slice of lean meat with lots of vegetables (broccoli and brussels sprouts are my favorites). I’ve loved trying out new recipes on Pinterest like Italian Beef Soup or One Pan Turkey Meatballs with veggies. Sweet potatoes have become one of my favorites now … for breakfast, in my salad, or as a snack! I’ve limited my simple carbs to just fruits and even introduced ghee and almond butter into my diet. Saying goodbye to peanut butter has been hard! I intentionally make it a point to carry my water bottle with me everywhere now, getting in at least 80 ounces of water each day. My body feels so much better now, and I’m sleeping more soundly too!

        My husband and I visited New Orleans during the holidays so I knew that would be the true test of my eating. You can’t think of New Orleans without thinking of all that good food! I just gave it to God and took it one day at a time. I brought my own snacks (Lara Bars and almonds) and enjoyed the food, just making sure I ate small portions. I think all the walking in the city helped too! Again, just trying to be intentional with my choices helped a lot.

    Something else that was very beneficial was the weight check-in with Caroline each Monday morning after class. She was (and is) such a great encourager whether I met my goal each week or not. She continued to remind me that it’s not just about the weight, it’s about seeing myself the way God sees me. She also reminded me that transformation is a process that occurs over time. That has stuck with me a lot because it is so true. It does not happen overnight. 

     I love the Transformer classes! I’m an early bird so I normally attend the 5:30 a.m. class. It gets my day off to a fantastic start. On the other days, I get in my cardio swimming laps at Ramsey. Swimming is such a wonderful all-over workout! Caroline’s exercises in the back of her Bible Study book are awesome too. Those came in handy when I was in New Orleans. 

     It has not been a perfect last couple of weeks but I have tried to put more consistency and intentionality in what I do when it comes to food. Allowing God to be in the driver’s seat has been a game changer as well. I look forward to continuing this journey of good health, exercise, and nutrition! And I’m so thankful for TransFit and the change it has instilled in my life!” -Paige

WOW, Paige! We are so inspired by your journey! Living transformed is an ongoing process and Paige shows us exactly how capable we all are of meeting our goals this year one day at a time!

For more inspiration, check out our YouTube channel and app for free recipes and workouts!


Another Winner - Krista McLean

“The Holiday Extravaganza came at just the right time! I felt yucky and my clothes were just not fitting the way they should anymore! So, I decided to enter the challenge and really go for it! First step was to cut out the Dr. Pepper! Once I did that the rest of the sugar was easy to avoid.  I cut out almost all sugar, pasta, bread (except for the occasional splurge) and began training for a half marathon. All of that, especially the changes in my diet are what worked for me!  I feel so much better and my pants fit again!” -Krista


While we take in these words of encouragement and inspiration, remember it’s not too late to purchase our January Jump Start packages! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year. This can be purchased on our FREE APP or on the website by clicking the button below!


We encourage you to fill out our 2019 goals sheet to help you stay accountable this year! Fill this sheet out and hang it somewhere as a daily reminder that you can do it! You can download and print the sheet HERE or ask us to give you one when you come into the studio!


Don’t forget about our awesome events going on in January!

Bible Study starts Thursday January 24th! It will be on held on Thursdays from 12 - 1 pm. The cost of the book is $20 and you can sign up on our app!

Middle School Girls Sessions will begin this Wednesday, January 16th from 4:15 - 5:15 pm! These sessions are for 4th - 7th grade girls. You can sign your girls up for sessions on our app!

Keep praying over your dreams and goals for 2019 and remember we are here to serve you! If you have any questions or want to schedule a on-on-one counseling session, please email us at 


Team TransFit

🎉 Exciting January News at TransFit for YOU!



We are off to a great start January 2019! We have loved seeing your smiling faces back sparkling in the studio! We are excited to share some important dates and events that are happening here at TransFit! Our entire TransFit Team wants to encourage you to reach your whole body health goals and dreams in 2019!


Holiday Extravaganza Weigh-In's: Weigh Ins are going on now and will end Friday, January 11th. If you participated in our Holiday Extravaganza challenge, come weigh-in so that you can get your $20 BACK! Thank you for working so hard over the holiday season! We are proud of you!


January Jump Start Packages: It's not too late to purchase your January Jump Start packages. Kickstart the new year and commit to your health for 2019! You can purchase packages on our website HERE and our our app HERE


Middle School Girls: Sessions begin Wednesday, January 9th at 4:30 PM. We would love for your daughter or friend to come join us for our middle school girls sessions! These girls learn about the importance of living transformed in body, mind, and spirit while working out with friends! You can sign up on our FREE app HERE


Friday TransFit Yoga Sessions: Come stretch your body and review your mind Monday’s 5:30 pm and Friday’s 9:30 am. The transforming yoga flow is for beginners and advanced yogi’s alike. Come out of your comfort zone and increase your flexibility this year. Click here to sign up!

Do you have a goal to run a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon or marathon in 2019? Anything is possible! Dream it, believe it, achieve it! Please email our TransFit Running Director and Personal Trainer Lisa Patton ( to schedule a session to discuss your action plan in reaching your goals. You can also visit Lisa’a running page on our website HERE!

Friday sessions in the studio will focus extra on glute, hamstring, hip, and core strengthening and stability to better assist you in become a stronger more efficient runner or walker. We would love for you to come join our TransFit Running Community.


Need a reboot with your nutrition? We have great FREE recipes on our website and a FREE MEAL PLAN for you! Our Registered Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling, is back after maternity leave and would love to help you with your nutrition goals for 2019. Learn more about our nutrition counseling options HERE!

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Bible Study: Our Director of Spiritual Development & Community Outreach, Pam Adams will be leading us though the Book of Ester. The 6 week study will meet in the studio from 12-1 pm on Thursdays starting January 24th. The cost of the 6 week study is $20 which pays for the cost of the book study. Please sign up on the app for this transforming study though one of the most amazing women in the word.

We would love to see you at these exciting new events and sessions! We also want you to be diligently praying about your dreams and goals for 2019. We are here to serve you! If you would like to meet one-on-one with any other our trainers please let us know!

You can sign up for all events and sessions on our FREE TransFit app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit


Join us for the Most Transformational Challenge to Finish 2018 Strong!

Sweet friends,

It’s that time of year again! The holiday season is upon us, and that means lots of temptations for unhealthy splurges! Don’t worry, we’re here to encourage you! We are stronger together- in body, mind, and spirit!

Accountability is the key to your transformation and we are ready to finish 2018 feeling energized, confident, and strong! Monday starts a big week in the studio for Client Appreciation Week and as we begin weigh-ins for our Holiday Extravaganza Challenge! Join us in the studio as we transform together to finish 2018 stronger than ever!

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Holiday Extravaganza is the best holiday challenge to keep you accountable to your goals over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years! You can come into the studio to weigh-in or you can send us an email at if you want to schedule a time to weigh in. Feel free to invite friends & family to play as well! All ladies in the community are welcome (special instructions for those who have had a baby in past 4 months)!


Starts the week of November 12th - Finish week of January 10th

How It Works:

Challenge begins the week of November 12th. In order to play, any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket. You will weigh in (confidentially) and do your best over the holidays to eat right, exercise, drink water, and do our weekly challenges. On the week of January 8th, we will weigh in again. 

If your weight stays the same, you get your $20 BACK! If you gain weight, your money stays in the bucket and you contribute to the biggest loser prize! 

If you are the biggest loser (based on body-weight percentages), you get to keep all the money in the bucket! Our top five winners will also receive a special gift! The Holiday Extravaganza is the best way to keep you accountable over the holiday season!

The winner last year won over $1,500 CASH!!! This is the BEST challenge to keep you accountable over the holidays!


Want to stay accountable over the holiday but don’t live close to TransFit or in Georgia? We still want to help you transform! Check out our ONLINE TRAINING OPTIONS to help you reach your goals where ever you are!!

Congratulations to our October Calendar Challenge winner, Beverly Sparks! Beverly was such an inspiration to all of us in the month of October. Read her story below about how she is transforming her mind, body and spirit. What an inspiration this beautiful soul is to all of us! Don’t forget to fill out your November calendar to be entered to win a MONTH of free sessions!

“In July of 2014, I retired from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service after 32 years of combined service at UGA and Texas A&M University.  My position at UGA required long hours, lots of airline travel, many hours behind the wheel, and too many on the go or banquet meals and rushed eating at business meetings. I tried very hard to make healthy food choices but the many years of airline food, eating on the go and high stress began to take a toll on my weight, health and spirit.  My first goal after retirement was to improve my health and I made a commitment to join a gym, lose weight and address poor eating habits. Several attempts to get into a regular workout routine failed. I found it very difficult to stay motivated.

In January of 2018, a great friend (Lynn Robinson) invited me to workout with her. That day changed my attitude toward working out forever. The atmosphere at TransFit is positive, non-competitive and inspiring. In the classes I attend, the exercises are adjusted to your personal level of ability, yet the instructors are always adjusting your routine to keep you challenged. The women working out with you, both young and closer to my age, are welcoming, supportive of each other and very encouraging.

I am now in my eleventh month of workouts at TransFit.  New habits have formed and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to exercise this body every time I attend a class.  My strength and balance have improved. My weight is healthy and stabilized and my clothes fit much better. I sleep better and find it easier to concentrate and focus on the positive things going on in my life. I no longer “have to go workout”... I want to go work out! Keeping a calendar of activity is one form of accountability and reminds to stay active even on the days I don’t go to a TransFit class.

What an honor it is to be selected as the October recipient of Calendar Challenge at TransFit! The TransFit Team has been a real blessing and instrumental in helping me transform my body, mind and spirit in the past year. Thank you Caroline and your awesome TransFit Team!”

We love you Beverly and we are so proud of your attitude and your commitment to transforming! Just take the first step ladies, start where you are and we can help you with your goals and dreams!


The TransFit team is excited to welcome a new staff member to our family! Corinn Gurak will be joining us as a Personal Trainer, and she will be teaching a TransFormer evening class! We are so excited to welcome Corinn to our Team TransFit.


“In high school, I was a runner in cross country and played soccer, which made running and weight lifting a part of my daily routine. My junior and senior years, I became fascinated eating healthy and working out. This fascination eventually spiraled outside of my control, and I spent much time my freshman year of college learning healthy living, which always needs balance!

I knew after this that I wanted to share the joy and balance of healthy living with the women around me! I became a fitness instructor at Crunch Fitness. I love encouraging my clients (who always become friends) to reach their goals. These passions lead me to TransFit, where I fell in love with the mission of TransFit and I adore Caroline and the other instructors here. I am excited to begin leading and training an upbeat and exhilarating Transformer class in the evenings!”

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We are excited to inspire you in the studio this week for CLIENT APPRECIATION WEEK! Please let us know how we can encourage you. If you would like to schedule a nutrition session or one-on-one personal training session, please email us at


Team TransFit

Monday Motivation! 💥

Happy Monday! 

We hope you are ready for another great week- ready to REVIVE your body, mind, and spirit!! We would love to encourage you in the studio this week for sessions and for our Lunch and Learn this Friday at 12:30! Today, we want to inspire you with one of our Holiday Extravaganza top 5 winners- Mary McKillip! Mary is a stunning women inside and outside and we are so proud of her health journey. Read below to hear about Mary's transformation story! 


I never thought Trans Fit would be the right place for me.  I have known Caroline for years but was always reluctant to reach out to her for help.  But after years of trying my own exercise plans and failing with various quick fix diets resulting in the inevitable creep of weight gain, I called Caroline and, well long story short, she changed my life.

Oh it has not been easy.  All of us have our own struggles to overcome in the journey to better health and I am no exception.  For starters, I had to deal with a vicious case of panic attacks that would occur in structured social settings and I quickly learned that the Transfit workout sessions were a huge trigger.  During a particularly crowded Transformer class, I had an awful panic attack that left me feeling dizzy and seriously afraid I was going to collapse on the floor.  I walked out of the class and swore I would never return. 


After making many excuses about not coming back, I opened up to Caroline about the panic attacks and said I just could not be there anymore.  I assumed she would express sympathy and tell me that she understood my decision.  But I will never forget what she said- “I am not giving up on you.  Come back to TransFit and we will get you through it.”  Over the next several months, she took it slow and kept a close eye on me. She made sure I booked the small group classes with only a few people.  She adjusted my workouts so I was not feeling pressured.  She reminded the class to “breathe and smile” but I knew that was mainly directed at me.  A gentle reminder to stay calm and know she was on my side.

Gradually, my anxiety subsided and Caroline started pushing me out of my comfort zone.  We started boxing together which I am surprised to say that I really enjoy! And after much coaxing, she even got me to jump rope!  Now I feel comfortable at TransFit because I know I am supported. It is a place where I can be myself— with all my flaws and insecurities-- I know I am among friends who want to help me become better physically, mentally and spiritually.


Getting through the anxiety now means that I can focus on the whole reason to be here—get healthier! Next up Caroline had to help me get through a mean sugar addiction that manifested itself in a total addiction to Peter Pan peanut butter! With Caroline’s help, I gradually went from peanut butter graham crackers to peanut butter in yogurt to peanut butter on bananas then apples and finally no peanut butter.  It has been 3 months since I have had any!

With the combination of workouts 2-3 times a week and a focus on better nutrition, Transfit has allowed me to reach many of my goals.  I still have work to do, but I am more confident that I can do it.  If I can get through all these hurdles, then I know anyone can make it through their own struggles and reach their goals!  

Mary, we are so proud of you! You have encouraged and inspired us all!  Keep motivated- keep striving to reach your goals each hour, giving your best! 

We would love for you to join us THIS FRIDAY for our Lunch and Learn! We will be focusing on goals and dreams. Please sign up for the Lunch and Learn by Thursday at 1 PM. You can sign up on our FREE app under the SPECIAL EVENTS tab! We hope to see you this Friday! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFIt

Congrats to Our Holiday Extravaganza Winners!


After a wonderful holiday season, the 2017 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 100 people played and over 3/4 of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 

1. Brionne Antwine- 15.36%

2. Angie Sanders- 8.07%

3. Kelly Strickland-6.79%

4. Mary McKillip

5. Kathy Cousart

6. Catherine Warner

7. Kasey Dillard

8. Jennifer Rickard

9. Megan Melton

10. Melynda McCutcheon

We will do a spotlight on our top five winners throughout the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year! Way to go ladies! 


First Place Winner- Brionne Antwine

My name is Brionne, I am married to Jamie, and we have 4 kids, ages 5-12. While trying to balance kids at three different schools who are all playing sports, working part time as a nurse at Piedmont Athens Regional, and keeping up with my husband’s busy work schedule, nutrition and exercise was not the priority it should have been. It was all too easy to pick up a pizza or go though the drive thru between practices. When I stepped on the scale at the beginning of the Holiday Extravaganza, I knew something needed to change! The first step was to end my relationship with Dr. Pepper  The break up wasn’t as hard as I anticipated, and the more water I drank, the more I craved...water! I made it a priority to get in 96oz a day. I started keeping a food journal, and at first submitting daily to Caroline. Talk about accountability! I found ways to incorporate more vegetables in my diet, and spinach has found a permanent place in our fridge. I aimed for a salad a day, and added spinach and fruit smoothies into my morning routine. I found myself sautéing zucchini for lunch, which was a far cry from my ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of Chex Mix! 

The hardest week for me was attempting the “No Added Sugar” challenge. I almost quit before I even started! But I learned so much that week! Turns out that my “healthy” yogurt, wasn’t so healthy after all! It was loaded with sugar! I switched to the Dannon Oikos Triple Zero yogurt, which allows for a flavored yogurt with no added sugar. And I learned that most salad dressings have sugar (I honestly had no clue), but that a little olive oil and red wine vinegar still tastes delicious on my spinach, feta cheese, strawberry, and walnut salads!

I had fallen way out of routine with exercise, so Caroline encouraged me to aim for at least 30 minutes a day. Some days I would walk, some days I would jog, and some days I’d dust off an old workout DVD. Most importantly, I didn’t get discouraged when I missed a day. I planned exercise into my schedule, and my husband was very supportive to give me that “me time.” 

Now, I am looking forward to attending weekly Transformer classes. I love the accountability, and just because the challenge is over, I don't want this journey to end! Seeing results gives me the encouragement to continue! 


Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

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Release, Reset, Renew in 2018!


Happy Thursday! 

We are off to an amazing start this January and we are excited to see all that this year will hold for YOU! With a new year, it is so important to focus on our goals for the month and upcoming year! We want to challenge each of you to take the time to think about your goals. We all have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish and our TransFit team wants to help you see each goal achieved! It is not too late to purchase a January Jump Start Package to help kick start your January! You can purchase it on the app HERE or on our website HERE

 A new year gives you time to start fresh with your goals. Let's not look back at the past at what we should have done or missed out on, but rather look to the present moment and get ready to focus on what we are going to accomplish! Setting goals will allow you to focus on what you want to accomplish- your dreams and your passions. Setting goals and completing action steps will help you to make what seems impossible become possible! In addition to goals, we must focus on accountability. When someone is on your side, keeping you on track with all of your goals, you can transform and achieve! This person should be someone who checks in with you, at least weekly, and is encouraging and motivating you to be your best! 

Please print and fill out this goals sheet below and send us a picture or bring it to the TransFit studio so we can help hold you accountable!

Congrats to all of our Holiday Extravaganza participants! We are so proud of each of you who participated in our challenge. We will be doing final weigh- in's today and will announce the winners this weekend! We hope that you feel inspired and ready to start this new year! We want to say thank you to each of these businesses who donated-


Celebrate each small victory and realize that your health and nutrition is not a diet or a means to an end. This is your new healthy lifestyle!

 If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

What's Happening This Month at TransFit?!



We are off to a great start for this January! We have loved seeing your smiling faces back in the studio! We wanted to share some important dates and events that are happening this month here at TransFit! 

Holiday Extravaganza Weigh-In's: Weigh Ins are going on now and will end Thursday, January 11. If you participated in our Holiday Extravaganza challenge, come weigh in so that you can get your $20 BACK! There will be prizes for the top 10 winners, so keep working hard this weekend!


January Jump Start Packages: It's not too late to purchase your January Jump Start packages. Kickstart the new year and commit to your health for 2018! You can purchase packages on our website HERE and our our app HERE


Middle School Girls: Sessions begin Wednesday, January 10 at 4:30 PM. We would love for your daughter or friend to come join us for our middle school session! These girls learn about the importance of living transformed in body, mind, and spirit while working out with friends! You can sign up on our FREE app HERE


Friday TransFit Yoga Sessions: Starting Friday, January 12 and moving forward, the yoga session will be meeting at 9:30 AM on Friday mornings! We hope that you can join us! Click here to sign up!

January Lunch and Learn: Our Lunch and Learn will be January 26! We are excited to team up with Kristy Smith from Lululemon, our dietitian Kaeti Shurling, and your TransFit trainers for a life transforming goal workshop in the studio. We will learn how to create that life vision and achieve your goals and dreams so you can thrive and live your best life!  You can register on our app HERE! We have been inspired to take risks and step out in faith toward new directions and to strive for new life goals


Bible Study: Our Live Transformed Bible Study will begin on January 25. Our prayer for you in this study is for you to learn what God wants for your life, for Him to reveal to you your strengths, and His plan for your amazing body, mind, and spirit.

We would love to see you at these different events and hope to see you in sessions, too! You can sign up for all events and sessions on our FREE app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Who Needs Some Tips on How to Navigate Holiday Parties?! 🙋🏼

Hello sweet friend! 

As we continue into this wonderful season, one of the most challenging things in our health journey can be staying on track when we go to holiday parties. We all know  parties are to enjoy friends, family but also there can be endless amounts of food. People gather and all bring dishes that are so tempting and we often go through a cycle of overeating and then feeling guilt after the party. Friend, let's not so this to yourself this holiday season!  Bring a healthy dish to share and choose wisely! 


Here are a few tips on how to have your best and healthiest holiday season yet.

  1. Focus on fellowship with family and friends! You are not there for the food. Yes, there will be a lot of food that only comes once a year but at the end of the day it is exactly that- food. Food was meant to nourish our bodies for service, not tempt us into over-indulgence and lead us to guilt. Go into your party knowing that this party is about fellowship and spending time with the ones you love. 
  2. Drink a large glass of water and eat a high-protein snack before the party.Now, you will be satisfied from a healthy snack going into the party and much less likely to reach for empty calories and mindless snacks. I know often people will not eat all day to "save their calories" for the big party or meal, however this leads to over-consumption of foods that are not going to satisfy or fuel you in the long run! Prepare before hand so you can enter and exit this party feeling healthy and nourished. Having victory! 
  3. Bring a healthy snack or treat that everyone can enjoy and so you will know you have a healthy option available. Some ideas are: lean meat and cheese trays, fruit and vegetable trays, homemade trail mix or glazed nuts. Below is an easy recipe that you can take that is sure to be a crowd favorite and leave everyone feeling great and not weighed down and guilty! 
  4. Keep moving! Stay on track with your fitness goals by continuing to schedule your workouts as usual. Block of these times in your schedule, so you don't skip a workout. When family is town, take walks together! Park further away from stores to get in extra steps! 
  5. Begin with the end in mind! Make everyday count! January is only a couple weeks away! Need some extra accountability? We're here for YOU and believe in YOU! The TransFit team wants to see you reach your goals! We want to see you get your $20 back in January at the end of our Holiday Extravaganza! Remember: consistency is key! Remind yourself daily to focus on Jesus the reason for the season. You can't control all of your circumstances, but you can control where you keep your focus-- on Him! 

Here are some great healthy recipes to take to your next holiday party!


Strawberry Edamame Salad

  • 2 cups organic baby spinach
  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
  • 1/3 cup edamame
  • Tbsp. goat cheese (or feta or whatever your favorite is!)
  • 1/4 cup toasted, chopped pecans

Combine all ingredients together. Drizzle a tablespoon (or two) of your favorite dressing on top. I like a tablespoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar! Don’t forget to make an extra salad or two for lunches this week!


Fruit Kabobs

Perfect kid friendly healthy snack! Add one marshmallow, strawberry, banana, and grape for the perfect Santa kabob! 

Holiday Grain Bowl 

  • 1 cup cooked wild rice
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • 6 radishes
  • 1/2 cup roasted chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup reduced sugar craisins 
  • 2 cups salad greens of choice
  • 1 shallot sliced
  • Fresh basil
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp green goddess dressing

First, make sure your rice and quinoa are cooked according to package directions. Slice your radishes and shallots. Arrange all ingredients into two bowls. Garnish with basil and pepper. Drizzle with green goddess dressing. 

Take this opportunity to practice your will power, and then notice how great your body and spirit feel after the party because you have experienced all of the great fellowship without overindulging. Parties should be filled with laughter, fun and time spent with the ones that you love. 

Now you may be wondering what to do if you do get off track and have one too many pieces or Christmas candy or dessert. Let it go- it is in the past. Clean the slate! Realize that this health journey you are on is not a diet. No friends, this is a lifestyle and sometimes you will face challenges! We encourage you in these times to remember why you started this lifestyle. Think for a second on all of the positive changes you made this holiday season in compared to your last. Think of how far you have come and all the progress you have made. Now with a renewed mind and spirit prepare to have your best and healthiest day tomorrow and drink plenty of water and green tea to help purify your body so you can feel your best! 

You can do this sweet friend! We are praying for you and can't wait to hear all the success that you all have and how God blesses your holiday season! 


Team TransFit

Join us for a 5 Day No Sugar CHALLENGE! Start December STRONG!

Happy Sunday sweet friend!

You are ready to finish 2017 strong! To kick off December and the holidays feeling our BEST, we are going to start another round of the TransFive No Sugar Challenge this Monday!! Woo!!! Yes, Monday, December 4th ladies we can do 5 days of no candy, cakes, cookies, or added sugars! We are stronger together ladies. Let's do this challenge and feel VICTORY as we go into this holiday season!

 We would love to have you join us for the first time OR for another round! You are AMAZING AND WE WANT YOU TO REACH YOUR END OF THE YEAR GOALS ! Let's do the challenge together, ladies!  

The TransFive  eBook is given to you, sweet friend, FREE this week, you just have click the link to get the eBook with a sample meal plan, recipes, and 5 day devotion! Commit to being ALL IN with the 5 day Challenge! Yes, you can! 

Here is a sample recipe from TransFive! 

Hummus-Crusted Chicken

  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup hummus
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 lemons

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Prepare one large baking dish or two smaller baking dishes with cooking spray.

Pat the chicken dry. Season the chicken breasts with generous pinches of salt and pepper. In a large bowl, toss the zucchini, squash and onion with olive oil until evenly coated. Season with salt and pepper. If using one baking dish, place all of the vegetables on the bottom of the dish in an even layer. Lay the four chicken breasts evenly on top, then cover each chicken breast with the hummus so that the entire breast is covered. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the chicken and vegetables. Then sprinkle the pan with smoked paprika. Thinly slice the remaining lemon, and place the slices in between the chicken and vegetables.

**If using two pans, use one for the chicken and one for the vegetables.**Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Serve immediately.


Have a fabulous weekend friends, and congratulations on another amazing week of living transformed and striving to become to healthiest version of yourself. Remember that with EVERY small step you take you are making lasting changes and becoming better than you yesterday.  Small changes equals BIG results! Take time this weekend to celebrate all of the healthy changes you have made this year and how your new healthy lifestyle makes you feel.

You are beautiful and strong, friend!! We so value and treasure you at TransFit and we are incrediblly proud of you. Keep motivated to achieve your whole body health goals! 


Team TransFit

BELIEVE You Can Finish 2017 Feeling Your Best!

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Happy December sweet friends! 

Our theme the month of December is BELIEVE. We want you to believe in yourself and finish 2017 strong and feeling your best! Make everyday count!

These next few weeks, remember your goals and go after them! You are stronger than you think you are, we believe in you! In addition to your nutrition and exercise goal this month-- set one new goal this December: keep your focus on on Jesus.  Amidst crazy holiday parties and overwhelming schedules you can stay focused! Breathe in the goodness of His love and grace for you.  You can't control all of your circumstances but you can believe in the God who loves you unconditionally, and you can keep your focus on Him this season! #newgoal

Here is your new December Holiday Extravaganza Calendar! When you finish a weekly challenge let us know and you will be entered in for a weekly prize!  Write our your exercise plan for the week on your exercise calander below so you can stay accountable this December!

This holiday season, we have an amazing December Holiday Salad that has everything you need to stop sugar cravings! Whether you use it as a side or with your favorite protein as a main meal, it is delicious! We love fueling our bodies with healthy foods that also taste great. Beautiful pomegranates are a good source of vitamin-C and provide about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement!

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December Holiday Salad

  • 4 cups spinach or mixed greens
  • 1 oz goat cheese
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • 1 Bartlett pear, ripe
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (use a splash of pomegranate juice in the dressing)
  • ⅓ c olive oil
  • ⅓ c white wine vinegar
  • ½ tsp minced garlic
  • Pepper

Instructions: In a jar with an airtight lid, shake last 4 ingredients. Toss with greens, top with cheese, walnuts, ripe pear, pomegranate. Add in grilled chicken or other protein for complete meal! Toasting walnuts (400* 6-8 minutes) brings out such a rich flavor. Enjoy!

Friends, let's make the most of the holiday season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus! Happy December sweet friends!! Check out our Live Transformed Bible Study to recharge and refresh for this December! 


Team TransFit

🍴How to Stay On Track During Thanksgiving Festivities🍴

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Happy Black Friday! 

We hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving day and were able to spend time with friends and family! We each have so much to be thankful for!  

Today, we are excited to offer YOU a TransFit Black Friday DEAL! We are offering 20% off ANY package, session, or item on our website & the TransFit app. This means that you can purchase ANY item, whether it is personal training, transformer sessions, or a nutrition consultation, for 20% off! You can purchase these packages on our TransFit app or our website and use the code BLACKFRIDAY to receive the discount! Each package will have an expiration of 3 months!

You can also use our BLACK FRIDAY deal on our merchandise on ETSY! Click HERE to go to our Etsy store! 

Enjoy this time with family, but remember to continue to exercise and focus on nutrition. Continue to make everyday count so you can be the biggest loser for Holiday Extravaganza! Check out our appwebsite, and YouTube channel for recipes and workouts! We can't wait to see you in the studio next week! 


Team TransFit 

Are you ALL IN this Holiday Season?!


Happy Sunday, friends! 

Hope you are finding some rest and recovery and time to recharge today. Last week, the TransFit studio was buzzing with excitement and we loved seeing your hard work and dedication to your health! We had the privilege of recently hearing from our new TransFit Registered Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling at our Lunch and Learn. We wanted to share these two key takeaways with you to help you be ALL IN this Holiday Season-

  1. Drink 80 oz of water daily and add frozen fruit to make it more flavorful! 
  2. Try to eat at least 2-3 servings of fish a week!                                                                        - Fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that have a number of health benefits.   Eating a diet with omega -3 fatty acids can reduce memory loss, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and can lower blood pressure! 

These are two tips that you can add to your weekly meal plan today, so that you can live transformed mind, body, and spirit. Kaeti has shared this incredible Grain Bowl recipe with us. Set aside time today to meal prep (download a FREE MEAL PLAN HERE) and plan out your workouts for the week will help you stay focused on your goals and help you stay committed to being ALL IN this Holiday Season! Holiday Extravaganza weigh-in's start this week so bring your $20 and join the transforming holiday challenge! 

Perfect Portions: Grain Bowl 

(500 kcal/portion)

Ingredients (4 Portions):

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  • 1.5 Onion
  • 10 oz Frozen shelled Edamame, thawed
  • 1.25 c Uncooked Quinoa
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 tsp Minced Garlic
  • 2 Zucchini, diced
  • 2 cup Chicken Stock
  • 2 oz, Walnuts
  • 4 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Pepper to Taste


1. In a medium pot, cook quinoa according to quinoa package instructions, using chicken stock instead of water.  

2. Finely dice onion. Zest, then halve lemon.

3. On a baking sheet, toss shelled edamame, diced zucchini, and a drizzle of olive oil. Season generously with pepper. Roast in oven until nicely browned, 15-20 minutes, tossing halfway through.

4. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and onion is soft and translucent. 

We can tell that you are ready for Holiday Extravaganza! If you missed our last blog, check it out HERE. But, get's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! Grab your $20 and come join us! Weigh ins start TOMORROW! We hope that you are ready to compete for a chance to win the BIG prize! If you, someone in your family, or a friend own a business and would like to join us in the Holiday Extravaganza giveaway baskets and gifts, please email us at We would love any and all donations for prizes weekly and for the top 10 biggest losers!

We are so thankful for each of you! Let's get ready for an amazing Holiday Extravaganza! If you have any questions, please email us at Don't forget to use our app for inspiration, workouts, and recipes! Also shop all our inspirational products on our new TransFit Fashion Etsy Shop! Excited to see you in the studio this week!


Team TransFit

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Holiday Extravaganza 2nd Place Winner- Jennifer Rickard

Happy Saturday! 

Wow, it has been an incredible week in the studio! We were so excited to announce our Holiday Extravaganza winners and we are still so proud of each of you for giving your best in the studio these past two weeks! Today, we want to share Jennifer's story with you! Jennifer Rickard won second place in our Holiday Extravaganza challenge and is truly living transformed! 

Jennifer Rickard 

I'm a home school mom of four and have a degree in Health Education & Promotion from the University of Georgia. I'm passionate about health... particularly gut health.  The bacteria in our guts play a critical role in digestion, metabolic health, immune system, mental health and weight management.  I'm also an independent ambassador with Plexus Worldwide:  a company that offers a holistic approach to health & wellness. 

That's also one of the many reasons I love TransFit.  I love its mission to combine body, mind and spirit into our overall wellness. It's unlike any fitness program I've ever known. My regret is not starting sooner. My beautiful cousin, Lisa, tried to tell me how much I would love TransFit, but I shrugged it off.  I was already a member of a local gym and group fitness was all the same, right?  Wrong! I finally agreed to try a free community workout session supporting Mercy Clinic.  So, on November 3rd I walked thru the TransFit doors for the very 1st time and was completely blown away!  I knew that this was exactly what I needed.  I had been going to gyms for my entire adult life, but I had never experienced such over-all "balance" (for lack of a better word).  I love the positivity and encouragement.  I love the change in mindset and goal setting.  I love the meal planning and the informative blogs.  But most importantly, I love the heart of TransFit.  Worshiping the Lord through exercise and meditating on His Word and His promises while working out... it's truly an amazing experience. 

Fast-forward a couple of weeks... When I learned about the Holiday Extravaganza challenge, I was all over it!  I had a very specific goal for myself and I knew that this challenge was going to help get me there. So, I weighed in, measured and took some embarrassing belly pictures. I downloaded the "My Fitness Pal" app on my phone and began food journaling.   I started meal planning and trying to more fruits and vegetables and high protein meals.  I got creative in the kitchen and learned how to substitute healthy options for some of my favorite guilty pleasures.  I committed to at least two strength-training classes each week at TransFit and 3-4 weekly cardio workouts.  I started drinking half my body weight in ounces of water and got laser-focused with taking my Plexus products. I think that the key to being successful is writing down your goals, being consistent and surrounding yourself with positive people who will encourage and inspire you to be the best version of you.  And even though the Holiday Extravaganza challenge is over, I know this is only the beginning for me!  Live Transformed! 

Jennifer, we are so proud of you! Ladies, we can do this! Let's make this our best year yet! Come join us this week sessions! Make sure to sign up for sessions in advance, so that we can prepare the workout for you and to ensure your spot in the session! You can still sign up your sweet girl (4th- 9th grade) in one of our TransFit Girl sessions on the TransFit App. Don't forget to purchase your January Jump Start package, it's not too late! 

Also, join us for fellowship, and food, and tips for your best year at The Root (under the Pine) this Wednesday 6 pm.

If you have any questions, please email us at


Team TransFit 

The Winners Holiday Extravaganza!

After a wonderful holiday season, the 2016 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 80 people played and over half of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 


1- Catherine Warner

2- Jennifer Richard

3- Brionne Antwine

4- Adrianna Creech

5- Amanda Farmer

6- Alison Abernathy

7- Pam Adams

8- Katherine Byrne

9- Cynthia Shepherd

10- Ellen Sabitine

We will do a spotlight on our winners though out the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year!

 Way to go ladies! 

Also a shoutout to our amazing sponsors! Here are some that were included in the top 10 prize giveaways:

  • Smoothie King

  • Rodan and Fields

  • The Pine

  • The Hub

  • Lululemon

  • Fire and Flavor

  • Andree's

First Place- Catherine Warner

Catherine has lost over 10% of her body weight, has lost 10% body fat and has gained such confidence! When we see Catherine now in the studio she has a radiant glow of living transformed. The transformation journey is not a quick fix, but yes, making healthy habits and small changes daily do lead to HUGE results!  Changing your mind (Romans 12:2) to believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to- is what living transformed is all about! Congrats Cat! We are so proud of you and are excited to help you reach your next set of goals for 2017! 

As a wife and mother of 3 boys, I have continually put my needs and schedule secondary to my family's, but that all changed 10 months ago. My journey with TransFit began in February 2016 when I was inspired by my friend Amy O'Neill's amazing transformation. At the time I was recovering from my 4th major surgery in 3 years and physical therapy was my only form of exercise. Highly motivated, I joined Transfit and had a 1 on 1 with Shelley Tanner. I began with Transformer classes 2 times a week during the month of March.  By May, I joined unlimited and began going 4-5 times per week. Today, I continue to workout 4-5 times per week at TransFit participating in Small Groups, Transformer Classes and Yoga. 

During my 10 Months at TransFit, I have been encouraged and inspired by Caroline, Katie, Shelley, Melynda and Lisa as well as all the amazing women I workout with everyday!  The cool down is my favorite part of the workout because it helps me remain focused on my goals taking them one hour, one day at a time. I have been consistent with classes from the beginning, but have struggled with my cardio and nutrition goals. This past fall, I joined the TransFit Bible Study and found the support, encouragement and tools I need to help me reach those goals as well. With the added excitement of "Holiday Extravaganza," I was motivated to eat clean and lean and lost more than I thought possible (It's amazing what happens when you drink the water and eat TransFit-approved!). I still have a long way to go, but know with the support and encouragement of my TransFit family, I can reach the goals I have set for 2017. Thank you to all of my friends for your support and encouragement. We are all on a journey together and we are not alone! Blessings for an amazing 2017 to you all!!!

Family : Corky, Tommy (16), Will (13), and Ben (8)

Favorite Dinner:  Wilted spinach and salmon or other wild caught fish

Favorite Lunch: "Romaine Lettuce boats" with grilled chicken and veggies with Balsamic glaze

Favorite snack:  Turkey rolls or Almond Butter

Tip:  I buy Justin's individual packets of almond butter to control my portions! 

Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

Holiday Hustle workout you can do at home!

Sweet Friends! 

We are off to a great start this week in the studio and we hope you can make it in today or tomorrow before we close for the Christmas season! But... we will be with you in spirit this season! Try this fun, energizing holiday workout with your family! Please share it if you do- we would love to see you sparkling over the holidays! Use our hashtag #TFholidayhustle

I have heard so many awesome stories of success during the Holiday Extravaganza! The pot of cash is HUGE this year and the prizes for the top 10 winners are really great! Keep up the great work! We are  so proud of all of you! You can do it! 

Also, we want to provide TransFit clients all over the United States the most effective whole body experience! We would love if you could take a few minutes to fill out this survey, so that we can better serve you in 2017! Completing this survey will give you $5 OFF your next purchase! Use the code SURVEY!

Start this week off strong! Remember to take part in the week's challenge of 1 mile a day and keep up the GREAT work! Focus this week on being diligent in your meal planning, workouts, and rest as we prepare for Christmas! Let's also take time this week to focus on the true reason for the season! As we go to parties, events, and gatherings let's remember the reason we celebrate- Jesus's birth! 

 Come join us today or tomorrow for your last studio workout of 2016! Please register in advance, so we can prepare each session for you! 


Team TransFit

Try These Holiday Tips to Feel Your Best This Christmas!

Happy Tuesday, ladies!

As we continue into this wonderful season, one of the most challenging things in our health journey can be staying on track when we go to holiday parties. We all know that these parties come with friends and family, but also endless amounts of food. People gather and all bring dishes that are so tempting and we often go through a cycle of overeating and then feeling guilt and shame after the party. Friends, let's not do this to ourselves this holiday season! Here are a few tips on how to have your best and healthiest holiday season yet! 

1. Focus on fellowship with family and friends!

Of course, when we think about holiday parties, we think about food. Enjoy yourself, but remember, it’s not all about the food!

2. Keep moving!

Stay on track with your fitness goals by continuing to schedule your workouts as usual. Block off these times in your schedule so you don’t skip a workout. When family is in town, take walks together! And park further away from stores to get in extra steps!

3. Bring a healthy dish!

Unsure about what you’ll eat at a party? One way to be prepared is to bring a healthy dish (or two!) Fix a large salad and serve it in a festive Christmas bowl. Arrange fresh fruit or vegetables in the shape of a Christmas tree!

4. Eat smart!

Make sure you’ve eaten normally throughout the day so when you arrive at a party, you’re not starving! Remember TransFit’s favorite saying, “Everything in moderation!” Save those splurges for your favorite holiday treats instead of wasting calories on those store-bought holiday cookies or candy! Stay hydrated throughout the day as well (minimum 64 ounces!) When fixing your plate, choose a lean protein and select green vegetables when available. Pack healthy snacks, like 100-calorie packs of nuts or Kind bars, when shopping or traveling so you’re less tempted to pull through a drive-thru.

5. Begin with the end in mind!

January is only a couple weeks away! Need some extra accountability? We’re here for YOU and believe in YOU! The TransFit team wants to see you reach your goals! We want to see you get your $20 back in January at the end of our Holiday Extravaganza! Remember: consistency is key! Remind yourself daily to focus on portion control and exercise!!


Here is a great salad to take to Holiday parties! 

Spinach, Pear & Feta Salad with Pecans & Pomegranate

·      10oz Fresh Spinach

·      2 Pears, sliced

·      1/2 cup Pecans, toasted, chopped

·      1/2 cup Feta, crumbled

·      1/4 cup Pomegranate Airls


The Pine Pecan Vinaigrette

·      1/2 cup Pecans, toasted, chopped

·      1 pint Cider Vinegar

·      1/2 pint Sherry Vinegar

·      1 tsp Whole Grain Mustard

·      1/2 tsp Brown Sugar

·      1 1/2 pint EVOO

·      Salt & Pepper pinch

·      Chili Flake pinch

·      2 tbsp Fresh Chopped Parsley

 In a large mixing bowl whisk all ingredients or in a large dressing jar with a lid, mix all ingredients and shake. Keep in refrigerator.

Friends, it is time that we break free from the cycle of holiday over eating. Parties should be filled with laughter, fun, and time spent with the ones that you love. Take this opportunity to practice your will power, and then notice how great your body and spirit feel after the party because you have experience all of the great fellowship without any guilt or shame in overindulging. 

Now you may be wondering what to do if you get off track and have one too many pieces of Christmas candy or dessert. Friends, do not let any sort of guilt enter your mind! Let it go- it is in the past! Clean the slate! Realize that this journey you are on it not a diet. No friends, this is a lifestyle and sometimes you will face challenges! I encourage you in these times to remember why you started this lifestyle. Think for a second on all of the positive changes you made this holiday season in compared to your last. Think of how far you have come and all the progress you have made. Now with a renewed mind and spirit prepare to have your best healthiest day tomorrow and drink plenty of water and tea to help purify your body so you can feel your best! 

TransFit Holiday Schedule: open this week (December 12-17), open Monday-Wednesday next week (December 19-21), and will open back up Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Don't forget to get your friends and family gift cards! You can pick them up in the studio or purchase them HERE!

You can do this friends! We are praying for you and can't wait to hear all the success that you have and how God blesses your holiday season! 


Team TransFit

BELIEVE You Can Finish 2016 Feeling Your Best!

Happy December sweet friends!

Our theme this month is BELIEVE. We want you to believe in yourself as you finish this year stronger and feeling your best! These next few weeks, remember your goals and go after them. You are stronger than you think you are, so never stop!

This holiday season, we have an amazing December Holiday Salad that has everything you need to stop sugar cravings! Whether you use it as a side or with your favorite protein as a main meal, it will be delicious! We love fueling our bodies with healthy foods that also taste great. Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin-C and provide about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement! This helps boost your immunity keeping a resistance against infectious agents!


December Holiday Salad

Serves: 2

Prep time:  5 minutes

 • 4 cups spinach or mixed greens

• 1 oz goat cheese

• ¼ cup walnuts

• 1 Bartlett pear, ripe

• ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (use a splash of pomegranate juice in the dressing)

c olive oil

c white wine vinegar

• ½ tsp minced garlic

• Pepper

Instructions: In a jar with an airtight lid, shake last 4 ingredients. Toss with greens, top with cheese, walnuts, ripe pear, pomegranate. Add in grilled chicken or other protein for complete meal! Toasting walnuts (400* 6-8 minutes) brings out such a rich flavor.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!! Join us December 8th for our Lunch and Learn event! 


Team TransFit

3 Tips for Your Healthiest Thanksgiving!

Hi friends! 

Wow, can you believe Thanksgiving is almost here?! This week has already been full of family and friends and it has been on my mind how thankful I am for my amazing clients, friends, and family. As Thursday approaches, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for- especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. Let's remember we can stay on track, even in the holiday season! Our Challenge this week for Holiday Extravaganza is to do cardio for 30 minutes each day! You can do it! 

Picture from Fire and Flavor

Picture from Fire and Flavor

During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, but focus on being mindful with your portions. Moderation is the key! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, instead choose a sweet potato with honey and turkey, vegetables, and cranberry sauce, and then have a smaller piece or just a few bites of pumpkin pie. Toast some pecans for a healthier treat! Below are 3 Thanksgiving Tips to help you have a healthier and happier Thanksgiving Holiday! 

3 Holiday Tips:

  1. Make a list of why you started your fitness journey  and read it before going to your party or meal over the holidays! Keep your goals you set at the beginning of the month in mind! 
  2. It is okay to say "NO" to all the food pushers. You don't have to try everyone's famous recipe or try each of the foods that are sitting out. A healthier way to prepare your turkey is to brine it! Check out this video below from Fire & Flavor to see how to brine the turkey! 

3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible, your usually workout time may not work, so try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule. Join us at the Give Thanks 8K Thursday morning! 

Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, admiring the beauty outside and spending some time to be thankful for all He has blessed you with. Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season. Our Transfit Staff is grateful for you! 

Make sure to check back Friday morning for our Black Friday DEAL! 


Team TransFit