iron sharpens iron

Exciting News! TransFit's Personal Training App is LIVE

Happy February Friends!

A month of Valentines, Black History, Groundhogs, and you guessed it… TRANSFORMATION! We love watching your progress and hearing all of your wins through Transform30, Build and Burn, and weekly sessions in the studio.

We are so excited to announce that after months of hard work and prayer, the launch of our new Transformational Fitness App is here! This innovative platform is designed to take your fitness and faith journey to the next level anytime, anywhere.

What you can expect from the app:

  • Book your TransFit Sessions.

  • Personalized workout plans tailored to YOUR goals.

  • On-demand and live training sessions.

  • Nutrition guidance and meal tracking.

  • Keeps you motivated in your goals through progress tracking.

  • Community support and direct access to our expert trainers.

Our clients have exclusive, VIP access to our brand new Transformational Fitness App. We are so excited to see how this app transforms your fitness and faith journey. Stay tuned for more updates and be ready to train starters, move better, and reach your goals. Below are some instructions to help you access your brand new TransFit App:

  1. Go to your App Store and search for TransFit Personal Training. The new app is Blue.

  2. Check your email for a welcome email from TransFit. This will queue you to login to the new app with the same email address used in our previous app (MindBody). The email will give you a temporary password. All of your passes and packages will be transferred and ready to use in the new app.

  3. You will use the temporary password that was included in the email from TransFit to login to the app. From there, you will go to your profile and change it to a password of your choosing. After that, update your profile to include a profile picture and get to booking! Peek around all tabs on the app footer and sidebar. There are so many great features for you to explore!

  4. Celebrate the release with us! We are praying this serves you even better on your health journey.

We know this week there will be some transition time. MINDBODY app will continue to be open until February 8th but beginning this week we would like all classes to be booked through the new TransFit App. If you are experiencing any difficulty transitioning to the new app or have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call. We are here to serve YOU!

As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.
— Proverbs 27:17

This year is just getting started though. During the month of February, TransFit will be doing the Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge. We want to embody Proverbs 27:17 and lift each other up in our accomplishments. Let's help each other up along the way to our goals! Print out this challenge, fill the lines at the bottom with your personal goals and action steps, and go for it! Progress over perfection!

This February at TransFit:

  • 10:30am Small Group Sessions/Bone Strength Daily

    Strengthen your bones, increase balance and mobility in our small group and bone strength sessions.

  • NEW 7am and 4:30pm Strength Sessions

    More sessions for you to transform! Check our updated schedule on the app to book your session.

  • Bible Study

    Wednesday at 12pm we are reading through Galatians. These sessions are a knowledge and truth filled hour. Please join us as we learn how to incorporate God in every aspect of our lives every day.

  • TransFit Girls

    We have fun and get strong in our TransFit Girls Strength sessions every Wednesday at 5:30pm.

  • Galentines Event

    Join Kelli Dean and our TransFit Staff for a fun dance cardio session February 13th at 6:30pm. Details to come soon.

We are so proud of y’all for staying strong throughout January and we can’t wait to see you all live transformed in February!


Team TransFit

February Client Spotlight - Shelley Stearns 2023

Happy MindRight Monday! We hope everyone had a restful, fulfilling weekend and is ready to be INSPIRED by our February client spotlight to get into the studio, drink you water, and try a new healthy habit.

Our client spotlight embodies our February theme of Iron Sharpens Iron. Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, so one personal sharpens another.”

Incredible Client Spotlight

Shelley Stearns

We are so excited to spotlight our first TransFit Oconee client—Shelley Stearns! “For years, I  have passed Shelley countless times walking these country roads on my way home.  Even on freezing cold winter mornings, Shelley would be bundled up walking! She  would inspire me then to bundle up and soak in the sunshine and get my own steps in! 

I didn’t know Shelley well then, but I knew one thing — she is consistent! She is also  motivated! She strives to be healthy, to serve her family with love, and she honors her  body through movement. I was thrilled when she came to try out the new Oconee studio. She is always up to try new exercises, to step out of her comfort zone, to go the  few extra reps and try a slight heavier weight! I am so proud of her progress! Week after  week, she prioritizes her workouts — even if that means getting in a strength workout at  5:30 am!

Shelley, what an inspiration you are to your family and to so many women in our  community, including me. I am grateful for her commitment to whole-body health, and it  has brought me so much joy watching her get stronger each workout at TransFit  Oconee! 

You will see in her pictures that Shelley and her husband Dave have a beautiful family!  Not only do I get the honor of training her, but also a few of her daughters as well! Just  another example of how we are all stronger together!! 
Katie Woodall, TransFit Oconee

Words from Shelley

“I began working out at TransFit Oconee in October. I have always exercised; my mom  modeled exercise as being important when I was growing up. I had just gotten out of the  habit of strength training when Covid-19 hit. As I was getting older, I wanted to be strong  for my family...especially as more grandchildren were entering our world. I also realized  that as I was approaching my mid 50s, it was easier to gain 5 pounds and harder to take  it off. So, besides gaining strength, I wanted to lose a few pounds. 

I have always enjoyed the camaraderie of exercise. Meeting new women, developing  friendships with them, and encouraging each other has been something I've enjoyed  over the years. When I first started TransFit, pushups were impossible! My goal was to  be able to do just one. I'm thankful to have reached that goal and more! Katie has been such an  encouragement to me and very patient with me when I can't remember from one set to  another how to do the exercise. Adding TransFit to my weekly routine has been  relatively easy for me because by nature I am a fairly consistent person who thrives on  routine. I regularly go to TransFit 3 times a week. Besides TransFit, I have enjoyed  walking with friends over the years as a form of exercise. 

After my first baby was born (when I gained over 60 pounds and she was only 6  pounds, 5 ounces), a friend put me on a walking weight loss plan. I knew if I didn't lose my weight quickly, I probably never would. So within 3 months of giving birth, I was back  to my pre-pregnancy weight. 

My husband and I have six biological children and one adopted son. In 2011, we moved  to Zambia, Africa for a year to serve Christ on the mission field. We were able to do this  because at the time we were homeschooling all of our children and my husband was  self-employed and able to leave the business for 13 months. While there we met,  fostered, and adopted our son, Samson. My greatest blessing has been the privilege of  raising these 7 children alongside my husband, Dave, to be warriors for Christ. Through  the ups and the downs, we believe that our responsibility is to show our children what  an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ looks like and to pray that they would love  Jesus and want to serve Him with their life. 

Being healthy is important to both Dave and me. We try and eat healthy (mostly at  home) and exercise. I love, cleaning, sewing,  having supper around the dinner table was a normal occurrence for our children.”

Shelley, You are an inspiration and encouragement to us in so many ways! We are so proud of your dedication to whole body health and wellness for God’s glory! You sharpen us all! We celebrate you! 

Recipes from Shelley:

Peach Smoothie! (Some say it's better than Chick-fil-A'a)

1 cup ice 

1 cup favorite milk 

1 serving vanilla protein powder 

1 cup frozen peaches 

Quick and easy!

Easy Banana Bread!

It's 7 ingredients and they are all “1”....except for the bananas, so you can memorize it  easily: 

1 cup Flour 

1 cup Sugar 

1 stick of melted butter 

1 egg 

1tsp baking soda 

1 tsp salt 

3 ripe bananas 

Mix all together in a mixer. Pour into a loaf pan that you have sprayed and dusted with  flour. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, free recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

February News and the MIND Diet

Happy February!! A month of Valentine's, black history, Groundhog Day, and you guessed it.... TRANSFORMATION! We loved watching your progress whether through Transform 30, Transform at Home, and weekly Wellness sessions with Lea.
The year is just getting started though! This month at TransFit we are excited to begin our Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge. The  challenge is based on the verse Proverbs 2, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." We want to embody this verse and lift each other up in our accomplishments and help each other along the way to our goals!

We will have notecards that can be filled out after any class! If you would like a partner, we can also help you find an accountability friend!!

Important Nutrition Information 
The MIND Diet for Alzheimer's Prevention
The Mind diet focuses on improving brain health and preventing the onset of Alzheimer's by cutting out foods that are linked to slower cognitive activity in the brain. Alzheimer's is a progressive and devasting neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss and confusion. 
MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay and is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets! It is a plant-based diet that limits the intake of animal products high in saturated fats. A big tendancy in this diet is a high consumption level of berries and leavy green veggies. Health benefits from foods in this diet include: lower stress levels, lower inflammation, AND slower aging.
When our bodies lack antioxidants we need, oxidative stress occurs and the body can no longer fight toxic molecules in the body. This ultimately causes cell damage in the brain and throughout the body!! Several diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's are closely liinked to this!
SO... here are some of the BEST and WORST foods for the MIND Diet:

- green leafy vegetables
- Nuts
- Berries
- Beans
- Fish
- Poultry
- Olive Oil
- Wine (no more than 1 glass a day)

Foods to Limit:
- Red Meat
- Butter and margarine
- Cheese
- Sweets (brownies, ice cream, etc. No more than 5 servings a week)
- Fried or fast food (Try to only have one serving a week)

A tip to sticking to any diet is to remember it's all a balance! If you starve yourself from the things you love the most, you will eventually crave too much and break and binge! Just try and incorporate some of these habits into your day to day life and remember, we eat to feel good and fuel our bodies with HEALTHY nutrients!!

Tuesday Night Yoga

We now offer yoga Tuesday's at 6pm! Join us in studio for an awesome spiritual and physical growth and stretch!
Click here to see the full TV interview on Fox 5 News of Caroline and the DAWGS yoga!! Yoga is vitally important for all of us! 

Bible Study

Wednesdays at 12pm we are reading through Encountering God by Kelly Minter! These sessions are a knowledge packed hour. Please join us as we learn how to incorporate God in every aspect of our lives every day!

TransFit Girls

We are still having our TransFit Girls sessions every Wednesday from 4:00 - 4:30 taught by Chloe Friedle. You can sign your girls up on our app!

Rise Together 5K Meeting 

Join us to be apart of our 5k supporting ESP. Our 1st meeting will be Friday 10:45am. Come serve with us and make the Rise Together 5k the best yet! 

TransFit Oconee 

New Session Times and sessions, check out the app for schedule updates and email Katie Woodall for details! 

We are so proud of you all for staying strong throughout January and we can’t wait to see you all live transformed in February!💗 As always, you can sign up for classes on our FREE app!

We are here to serve you! If you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one session, please email us at


Team TransFit