
❤️New Valentine's Day Recipes You Will LOVE😍

Happy #MindRightMonday, beautiful friends! 

It’s Valentine’s Week which means we have the perfect excuse to show extra love to others and be an example of Jesus’ love; be intentional about spreading love, encouragement, and blessings as much as you can. Let's also take time to love our bodies, a beautiful gift, in honor of Valentine's Day!

The verse below is what the Lord thinks about YOU. He has created you exactly as you are, for a purpose. You are so beautiful and perfectly made in His sight!

Take just a moment to reflect and dwell on this truth:



Now we know many of you will be spending Valentine's Day with your families so we wanted to share a few of our favorite, healthy Valentine's Day recipes! We guarantee these will satisfy your sweet tooth, without compromising your nutrition goals! Remember, everything in moderation!

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Walnut-Crusted Pork Tenderloin


  • 1 whole pork tenderloin

  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika

  • 1 tbsp garlic powder

  • 1 tbsp onion powder

  • 1 1/2 mustard powder

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts


30 minutes before cooking, remove the (defrosted) pork tenderloin from the fridge and pat it dry with a paper towel. Preheat the over to 375F. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Evenly rub the dry spices/flavoring onto the meat, making sure it is fully covered. Place pork tenderloin on a lined baking sheet and roast for 25 minutes. Once the internal temperature reaches 145F, take it out and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Berry Lovely Salad


  • 1 (454g) container of mixed greens

  • 1/3 cup of slivered almonds

  • 1 cup of halved strawberries

  • 1 cups of raspberries

  • 1/3 cup of goat cheese

Dressing Ingredients:

  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • 1/2 cup of mashed/pureed raspberries

  • 1/2 tbsp of honey

  • Salt and pepper to taste


Throw greens into a large bowl. Evenly spread each ingredient over salad.

Combine dressing ingredients into a mason jar and shake for 15 seconds. Pour desired amount over salad. Toss.

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Strawberries Dipped in Chocolate Love


  • 8oz of washed strawberries

  • 3oz of 70%+ dark chocolate — look for HU Kitchen, Taza, Pure 7, or Pascha Organic bars!

  • 1 tsp avocado oil


Wash the chilled strawberries and pat dry with a paper towel. Break the chocolate bar into small chunks, place in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave in 30-second increments, stirring after each microwave session. Add the avocado oil into the chocolate. Dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate. Lift and twist around to get rid of any excess chocolate. Place chocolate-covered strawberries on a lined tray or plate. Chill the strawberries in the fridge for 4 minutes before serving.

Heart-Healthy Foods

  1. Hemp Hearts are the "heart" of a shelled hemp seed. They are rich in protein and have the almost highest balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and enzymes. They have been shown to decrease blood pressure, as well as lower the risks of colon and prostate cancer. Sprinkle hemp hearts on your salad, yogurt, or smoothie. 

  2. Berries are a source of micronutrients and fiber. They support your heart through decreased activity of carbohydrate digestive enzymes and inhibit inflammatory gene expression and foam cell formation. Raspberries are the highest in fiber, lowest in sugar fruit! Enjoy! 

  3. Leafy Greens contain nitrate content. This nitrate content allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently and allows for overall better blood flow. 

  4. Avocado is full of healthy fats and contains many vital nutrients and fibers that your body and heart need. Avocado offers nutrients so that you can have a healthy heart! 

  5. Beets are full of healthy nutrients, like calcium, iron, potassium, and protein. Beets contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which have shown to reduce the risk of some cancers. Drinking beet juice has also shown to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and increases overall efficiency so this will help you get through your workouts! 

  6. Tomatoes have nutrients that are found to help prevent cardiovascular disease. Additionally, tomatoes have nutrients that can protect and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. 

Financial Fitness

You will LOVE this month’s Lunch n’ Learn. Our very own client, Laurel Alberty, CFP, will be sharing ways we can financially transform. Thanks to Newk’s Eatery, lunch will be provided. This is a FREE event to serve you. Make sure to sign up on the TransFit app under Special Events so we can save lunch for you.


We can’t wait to see you in the studio. If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!

You can find recipes, workouts, and videos on our website! Use these as a resource for your meal planning and workouts outside of the studio!

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Confession of a Perfectionist Trying to Let Go…

Sweet Friends,

Does anyone else start to feel the pressure as we head into the holiday season? Why do I do this to myself every year?  Do you feel the pressure to have the perfectly decorated house, the most delicious Thanksgiving meal, and of course, the perfect party dress? Anybody else reading my mail? 

As we enter into the holiday season this year, I crave for things to be different. I am passionate about the saying “I AM ENOUGH.” I want to believe this statement and trust Him in the process.

Sweet sisters, today let’s all replace these lies we perfectionist’s face with what is true. Let’s say these words loud and clear together:

“I am cherished”

“I am beloved”

“I am good enough”

Because of what our incredible Christ has already done for us; yes, YOU are adored by a faithful God.  What amazing news that is and what a relief when we can actually believe in our hearts what is true about who we really are!

That is why my life mission at this stage in life is to inspire women to transform not only their physical bodies, but their entire lives. Our goal is to help women overcome the lies that we all battle everyday of “the perfect life” and to embrace the gifts they have been given to be able to walk in confidence in who they were meant to be

Our annual contest Holiday Extravaganza helps us to maintain our weight over the holidays. Why do we do it?  Because we are called to give our best with what we have been given or should I say gifted. We are called to glorify Him and love others well. We can do this when our physical bodies are at their best. 

You are right, physical transformation is the before and after photos of women losing 50 pounds. We know that good nutrition and proper exercise can lead to weight loss; however, losing weight is not what life is all about. Losing weight or getting to a “number” on the scale doesn’t lead to true happiness. It’s a fleeting jolt of bliss but will never lead to real joy. 

Real transformation has little to do with our body shape and has everything to do with the truths we are putting deep in our hearts and minds.  When His word permeates through our veins daily we can have a genuine life change, and enjoy the process of transformation daily. It’s this transformative journey where we experience deep relationship and the true joy with our God and our community. 

How the truths seep into your veins is not by some physical activity that you do, or by some kind act you performed. The process of transformation is something He does in you over time. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  He grants us grace when He formed us specifically in the palm of His mighty hand. He is the one who will transform you from the inside out. He can replace the lies that we have to be perfect with the truth that we are cherished and adored. Enough.

I started this business 8 years ago because my mind was leading me in all the wrong directions, and I was in a pit of depression and despair. I had fallen prey to the “not perfect life” so it’s “not worth it life.” However, what was “perfect" in the world was not real. God transformed my life by instilling real truths about my body, my “perfect life”, and what really should be filling my soul.  

He still is transforming me daily, and can transform you. WHY?  Because He loves us and He choose us.  He does this not because we are “a number on a scale” or because we have done all the right things. He made us enough just the way are— today. Right now, this hour, this minute. So remind yourself of that truth. YOU ARE ENOUGH. A scale or a pair of jeans doesn’t need to control you and ruin your day.  You were put on this earth to love, not feel guilt or to beat yourself up over a size or number. Jesus reminds us over and over in His word to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” 

Why is it hard for us to accept this and live this out? And how do we do this, really? 

We start by seeking self-respect, security, and significance in Christ. We start to know Him, spend time with Him, and love Him to be able to truly love ourselves. 

So stop right now telling yourself: “I’m too fat, I’m too old, I’m too tired, or I’m too flawed”

Silence that inner critic who says you can’t, you won’t or you aren’t…because YES you are imperfect; we all are, but YOU ARE ENOUGH. Because of Him, you are worthy, you are loved, you are strong enough to get through whatever comes in your life journey.

So my challenge to you is this: start treating yourself with love, self-respect, and significance.  

You were fearfully and wonderfully made and specifically designed for an amazing life purpose. You are loved and you are enough.

Today is the day to take action on your goals, your life, your health, and your body. Treat the temple you have been given with utmost care and respect. Love and honor yourself by taking care of yourself. Remind yourself daily, no, hourly who you really are:

You are enough, and you are adored by a mighty and powerful King.

How can we help you, care for you, pray for you? Our staff wants to know you, connect with you and encourage you. Please reach out to us at We would love to schedule one-on-one time for coffee, or a walk or healthy lunch!

Love and Blessings,


Inspiring Generations of Women- Spotlight on Amazing Middle School Girls!

Hello Sweet Friends!

Today, we have the joy of hearing from one of our amazing Personal Trainers, Katie Lord, who supports our amazing middle school girls! She adores these middle school girls and comes alongside them to provide encouragement, support, care, and hope as they learn about whole body health! We are so thankful for Katie and our middle school girls who are learning what it means to live transformed! 


Think back to your years in middle school. What thoughts come to mind? Are all of your memories positive, or like me, do you also remember a lot of awkwardness and feeling uncomfortable with your body! I wish someone had come alongside me during middle school to offer encouragement and guidance in how to take care of my body and be confident in how God made me! 


At TransFit, we aspire to do just that for this generation of middle school girls through the TransFit Girls sessions! We teach the girls about whole body health and help them to love their bodies! We hope to empower each girl to be confident in who they are and know that they are beautiful, strong, and unique! 


In the 55 - minute TransFit girls session, we focus on making exercise enjoyable, learning how to correctly perform exercises, and the importance of nutrition and faith. Each week, the girls engage in an energizing and fun workout along with a cooldown time with stretching and inspiration. Some weeks the girls also complete simple crafts or hear a guest speaker that relates to the weekly theme. We help the girls set attainable goals each month and encourage them to stay committed to reaching those goals! We want the girls to give their best not just in the workout, but in everything they do! 


It is such a blessing to spend time with the middle school girls each week and teach them about living transformed! The girls have a blast during the workout! They work hard, all while smiling, laughing, and making new friends. God is changing the hearts of this generation of middle school girls! He is helping them to be confident, strong young women who are lights of kindness, love, and hope to the other girls in their community! Middle school is such an important stage in a young girl's life, and we pray that each of the girls finds inspiration to live transformed - body, mind, and soul. 


It is an honor and joy for us to welcome these sweet middle school girls into the studio. We are so thankful for the joy, sparkle, laughter, and energy each of these girls brings each Wednesday afternoon! If you know someone who would like to join us for our middle school girls session, they can sign up on our FREE app. The middle school girls sessions meet on Wednesday's from 4:30-5:30. We would love for your daughter or friend to join us! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

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Hey Valentine! 3 Tips to LOVE Your Body MORE this month!


Good Morning beautiful friends! 

Wow, it's been a great week with such positive energy in the studio! To all our ladies doing the TransFIVE No Sugar Challenge, we are SO proud of you! You're almost done! Remember to take it one hour, one day at a time! Stay focused! YOU CAN FINISH STRONG! And... if you haven't done as well as you would have liked this week- SHAKE it OFF! Today is the DAY! You can always begin again. The time is NOW! 

Can you believe it's February?! January was like a "trial" month so let's say your 2018 starts TODAY! February is a month that can be focused on candy and sugary sweets for Valentine's Day! But, Valentine's Day is the perfect holiday to take extra time to show  others how you love them and a time to take a moment to LOVE the body you have been given!  Let's take some extra time to love our bodies, these beautiful gifts, in honor of Valentine's Day!

Take just a moment to dwell on this truth:

"You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

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The truth above is the Lord's thoughts about you! He has created you exactly as you are for a purpose. You are so beautiful and perfectly made in His sight! Take a few minutes today to write down things you love about the way God made you. Now, go share this verse with a friend or family member! Encourage your sweet friends today in their own beauty, inside and out.

Valentines Day is the day of love! Let's be intentional about spreading love, encouragement, and blessings as much as we can.

Now we know many of you will be spending Valentine's Day with your families so we wanted to share a few of our favorite healthier Valentine's Day recipes with you all! We guarantee these will satisfy your sweet tooth just as well as that box of Russell Stover- but without compromising your nutrition goals! These are treats (in moderation) you can feel good about because they will not only make your taste buds happy but make your body happy as well. 

First, here are our Top 3 Ways to Love the Body you have been gifted this Valentines Day! 

1. Rest- Take the time to rest. Our bodies need rest! Take the time to sit and be still. Add in your quiet time to your day. Allow your mind time to rest, renew, and be refreshed. Lack of sleep can throw these processes off balance, and can to overeating. Getting enough sleep,  seven to eight hours per night for adults is important for replenishing the body’s energy stores.  So please relax, refresh, and renew! Rest is critical for living transformed!

2. Exercise- Add in exercise to your week! Your body and mind will feel renewed and alive when you honor it through a workout! View your time exercising as a form of worship! 

3. Nutrition- Take the time to meal plan and prepare for your nutrition!  Sit down and make a basic plan, so that you can hold yourself accountable and have an organized nutrition plan! If you are craving chocolate, here is a great recipe from our TransFIVE Meal Plan that will help fix that craving without added sugar! Try these healthy deserts after TransFIVE!

Chocolate Heaven Smoothie

Makes one serving

  • ½ cup crushed ice
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk
  • 1 small frozen ripe banana
  • 1 serving Chocolate protein powder (Vega)
  • ¼ of an avocado
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa (I like Hershey’s Special Dark- 100% cacao)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • **1 teaspoon honey or a few drops of stevia (optional)
  • **can add in 1 tsp vanilla extract 

Pulse ice cubes in blender to crush. Add almond milk, banana, cocoa, and other ingredients and blend until frothy. Serve immediately and enjoy some liquid energy!

The Chia seed helps keep the smoothie dense and satisfying, all while helping to increase your energy and endurance; promote your hydration and electrolyte balance; lower your blood pressure; regulate your blood sugar levels; and support your weight loss by keeping you feeling full longer.


Strawberry LOVE Shortcakes

  • Get small mason jars
  • Cut strawberries & raspberries, 
  • Small pieces of angel food cake 
  • Topped with tru Whip & more fruit 
  • Could sprinkle with a few mini chocolate chips on top with love 

Ladies, we hope that you take the time to love your body! Your body is a gift and a temple! You are made in His image. Let's finish this week strong and feel accomplished after completing TransFIVE! If you didn't join us for our no sugar challenge this week, it's not too late to join! You can purchase the eBook on our website HERE! Don't forget about our February calendar challenge either! Commit to doing everything with your WHOLE HEART and getting active every day this month! You can do it! 

You can find recipes, workouts, and videos on our website! Use these as a resource for your meal planning and workouts outside of the studio! You can find them under the HEALTHY LIVING TAB

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

💗 Hey Valentine... 5 Ways to Love your Body!

Good Morning Beautiful friends!

 As we all know, Valentine's Day is approaching and typically that means - lots of candy and sweets everywhere we look! Valentine's Day is the perfect holiday to take extra time to show others how you love them!  Let's also take some extra time to love our bodies Valentine's Day? Take just a moment to dwell on this verse-

"You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

These are the Lord's thoughts about you! He has created you exactly as you are for a purpose. You are so beautiful and perfectly made in His sight! Take a few minutes today to write down things you love about the way God made you. Now, go share this verse with a friend! Encourage your sweet friends today in their own beauty, inside and out. Valentines Day is the day of love! Let's be intentional about spreading love, encouragement  and blessings as much as we can.

Now we know many of you will be spending Valentine's Day with your families so we wanted to share a few of our favorite healthier Valentine's Day recipes with you all! We guarantee these will satisfy your sweet tooth just as well as that box of Russell Stover- but without compromising your nutrition goals! These are treats (in moderation) you can feel good about, because they will not only make your taste buds happy but make your body happy as well. 

First, here are our Top 5 Ways to Love the Body you have been gifted this Valentines Day! 

1. Make a Valentine's celebration breakfast! Make some fun Strawberry Love Parfaits to start your day with a sweet, healthy breakfast that tastes like a treat! Take some time to say 5 reasons why you love each other as you eat your breakfast. 

2. Celebrate with non-food items! If you're sending your kids to school with Valentines, try sending cards along with temporary tattoos, stickers, pencils or other fun little toys instead of candy. Be sure to emphasize that these are things they can enjoy over and over and not just once! Get crafty and make fun, homemade cards with markers, watercolors, etc.

3. Spread out the sweets! Naturally, we're all going to eat some sweet treats on Valentine's Day. However, all of these treats don't have to be eaten on this one day! Pick 1-2 of your top choices for today, and then put the rest away to enjoy in moderation for days to come. The longer you spread it out, the more times you get to enjoy the treats! 

4. Try a new, healthy recipe! Below you will find several of our most favorite healthy and easy sweet treats! Try making these for you and your family, friends or significant other! 

5. Celebrate with red foods! See how many delicious and nutritious red foods you can put into your diet that day! Maybe try strawberries on a spinach salad for lunch, Tomato Tulips as an appetizer (just cut a plus sign on the top of a cherry tomato, fill with cottage cheese, then use chives as the stems) or Share the Love rice krispie treats (recipe below)

Dark Chocolate Granola Bark

  • 2 cups dark chocolate chips
  • 1 cup Kroger Ancient Grain granola (or granola of your choice)
  • 2 tsp. orange zest
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup dried tart cherries
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt

Line baking sheet with wax paper. Melt chocolate. Stir in granola, zest and cinnamon. Spread out onto baking sheet and top with cherries and salt. Chill for 30 mins or until firm. Enjoy!

Strawberry LOVE Yogurt Parfait

  • 1 large container of greek yogurt
  • 1 container strawberries
  • Granola cereal (lower sugar)
  • Stevia drops or honey to taste

Take 1 cup of strawberries and blend in blender until smooth. Hullrest of the strawberries and cut them into slices. Mix the yogurt with the blended berries. Begin layering the Mini Trifles. Start with a layer of greek yogurt. Add a layer of strawberries. Next sprinkle granola on top of the strawberry layer. Repeat layers until the mini trifles are full. Garnish with strawberries and/or granola.

Share the Love Healthier Rice Krispy Treats


  • 1 tablespoons butter
  • 3 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 6 cups Whole Grain Brown Rice Krispie Cereal (I actually found this at Target Kids had no clue!)
  • 1 Cup Fresh sliced strawberries (blend or chop finely)


In a large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add in marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Add Brown Rice Krispie Cereal and stir until fully coated. Flatten the mixture on wax paper and use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out hearts or use your hands to shape the mixture into hearts. Top the hearts with fresh sliced strawberries and gently press down to seal them. (You could also mix the strawberries in with the marshmallows). Cool before serving.

We hope you enjoy these recipes with your family and friends! Take a picture of your healthier Valentine's day! We would love to see what you and your family and friends did! We look forward to seeing you in the studio! Come join us this morning at 8:00 AM! 


Team TransFit


Heart Healthy Valentine's Day

My family loves celebrating Valentine's Day.  To us this day isn't about candy or roses or Hallmark gift cards; it's much simpler than that. It's about sharing our love for each other, for our friends, and most of all for God.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,  and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Be healthy in body and soul with the ideas below, and use them to spread the love this weekend to all you encounter!  Try something different this Valentine's Day!

Photo by Bridget Davis

Instead of flowers, try Tomato Tulips. These "flowers" are so easy to make- just cut a plus sign on the top of a cherry tomato, fill with cottage cheese, then use chives as the stems. The protein from the cottage cheese and the antioxidants from the cherry tomatoes make these an excellent snack. This would be a fun appetizer for a Valentines dinner!

Photo by Lilly Childers

Instead of candy, try Apple Heart Sandwiches! Cut an apple into thin slices, then use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to remove the cores. Spread some peanut butter on one side and top with anything else you'd like in your sandwich (granola, chocolate chips, etc.), then place another apple slice on top. Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and the fiber from the apple will help keep you feeling full all afternoon.

Instead of buying a card from a store, make your own! This is the perfect opportunity for your children to get creative with construction paper, glitter, pom poms, etc. to share their love.

