holiday extravaganza

🎉 Jump Start Your 2019 with Our New TransFit Packages!

Sweet friends,

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family! To those of you who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza, finish strong and remember your goals as we approach the last challenge day- NEW YEARS! Remember the goal of this challenge is not to restrict you, but to help you treat your body consistently as the amazing gift it is!

Let’s all stay motivated and active this holiday! Don’t overindulge in leftover holiday treats. You can find workouts and recipes to stay on track even while traveling on our website or on our TransFit app HERE.

During this time of rest and relaxation, we encourage you to take time to focus on your goals for 2019— through health and all other areas of your life.

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As we transition into the New Year, we are so excited to announce our TransFit January Jump Start Packages! Are you ready to jump start your body, mind and spirit for a successful year in 2019? These packages will provide you with a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you meet your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to live transformed and make 2019 the best year for body, mind and spirit!

January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind and spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)

  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize

  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration

  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan

  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success

  • 2019 TransFit Goal Work Sheet

  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart

  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated

  • Weekly inspiration and email support

    ***Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via PDF on January 1st! This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below.

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January Jump Start Package Elite - $85

This package includes all of the above benefits, plus a 25 minute personal consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with any of our Certified Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers. This will completely assess your body and create an individualized plan to help you reach your goals for 2019. This can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below!

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January Jump Start Package Platinum (*most savings*) - $195

This package includes all of the above benefits, plus 8 transformer sessions to be used in January 2019! You will have all our meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and consultation to help you develop your transformation plan and add additional strength, cardio and flexibility sessions in the studio. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking on the button below so you can receive and book your 8 transformer sessions as well!


January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE - $395

This package includes all of the above plus an additional weekly 30 minute session with one of our Personal Trainers or Nutritionist to customize your transformation and help keep you accountable for your goals! With this package, you are guaranteed to reach your goals and rest your body, mind, and spirit. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below!


If you have questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! January Jump Start packages will be emailed to you on January 1st. We can’t wait to see you in the studio in 2019 ready to start your transformation!

TransFormer Power Lunch


TransFormer Power Lunch


  • 3 cups chopped baby spinach or kale

  • 1 medium pear, chopped

  • 1/8 c dried cranberries

  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts or cashews

  • 1/4 cup edamame or chickpeas

  • 1/2 cup any roasted vegetable leftover (roasted butternut squash or sweet potatoes are best)

  • 1/4 avocado

  • 1/4 cup quinoa

  • 1 oz. (1 tbsp) goat cheese, crumbled


  • In a large bowl, combine the greens, pears, cranberries, nuts, quinoa, roasted vegetable beans and cheese.

  • Drizzle with vinaigrette.

  • Toss for 1 minute, coating every leaf.

  • Add avocado on top and top with fresh ground pepper. Enjoy!

Here is one of our favorite workouts of 2018! Try this out at home over the next few days to feel recharged and strong headed into the new year! You can also check out workouts on our app HERE or on our YouTube channel HERE.


Last, we want to thank you all so much for another amazing year! God has truly blessed us, and we have loved watching Him use TransFit as a ministry to inspire and encourage us all to transform body, mind and spirit. We could not be more grateful for you all! If you have any questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one or nutrition counseling session, please email us at


Team TransFit

Confession of a Perfectionist Trying to Let Go…

Sweet Friends,

Does anyone else start to feel the pressure as we head into the holiday season? Why do I do this to myself every year?  Do you feel the pressure to have the perfectly decorated house, the most delicious Thanksgiving meal, and of course, the perfect party dress? Anybody else reading my mail? 

As we enter into the holiday season this year, I crave for things to be different. I am passionate about the saying “I AM ENOUGH.” I want to believe this statement and trust Him in the process.

Sweet sisters, today let’s all replace these lies we perfectionist’s face with what is true. Let’s say these words loud and clear together:

“I am cherished”

“I am beloved”

“I am good enough”

Because of what our incredible Christ has already done for us; yes, YOU are adored by a faithful God.  What amazing news that is and what a relief when we can actually believe in our hearts what is true about who we really are!

That is why my life mission at this stage in life is to inspire women to transform not only their physical bodies, but their entire lives. Our goal is to help women overcome the lies that we all battle everyday of “the perfect life” and to embrace the gifts they have been given to be able to walk in confidence in who they were meant to be

Our annual contest Holiday Extravaganza helps us to maintain our weight over the holidays. Why do we do it?  Because we are called to give our best with what we have been given or should I say gifted. We are called to glorify Him and love others well. We can do this when our physical bodies are at their best. 

You are right, physical transformation is the before and after photos of women losing 50 pounds. We know that good nutrition and proper exercise can lead to weight loss; however, losing weight is not what life is all about. Losing weight or getting to a “number” on the scale doesn’t lead to true happiness. It’s a fleeting jolt of bliss but will never lead to real joy. 

Real transformation has little to do with our body shape and has everything to do with the truths we are putting deep in our hearts and minds.  When His word permeates through our veins daily we can have a genuine life change, and enjoy the process of transformation daily. It’s this transformative journey where we experience deep relationship and the true joy with our God and our community. 

How the truths seep into your veins is not by some physical activity that you do, or by some kind act you performed. The process of transformation is something He does in you over time. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  He grants us grace when He formed us specifically in the palm of His mighty hand. He is the one who will transform you from the inside out. He can replace the lies that we have to be perfect with the truth that we are cherished and adored. Enough.

I started this business 8 years ago because my mind was leading me in all the wrong directions, and I was in a pit of depression and despair. I had fallen prey to the “not perfect life” so it’s “not worth it life.” However, what was “perfect" in the world was not real. God transformed my life by instilling real truths about my body, my “perfect life”, and what really should be filling my soul.  

He still is transforming me daily, and can transform you. WHY?  Because He loves us and He choose us.  He does this not because we are “a number on a scale” or because we have done all the right things. He made us enough just the way are— today. Right now, this hour, this minute. So remind yourself of that truth. YOU ARE ENOUGH. A scale or a pair of jeans doesn’t need to control you and ruin your day.  You were put on this earth to love, not feel guilt or to beat yourself up over a size or number. Jesus reminds us over and over in His word to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” 

Why is it hard for us to accept this and live this out? And how do we do this, really? 

We start by seeking self-respect, security, and significance in Christ. We start to know Him, spend time with Him, and love Him to be able to truly love ourselves. 

So stop right now telling yourself: “I’m too fat, I’m too old, I’m too tired, or I’m too flawed”

Silence that inner critic who says you can’t, you won’t or you aren’t…because YES you are imperfect; we all are, but YOU ARE ENOUGH. Because of Him, you are worthy, you are loved, you are strong enough to get through whatever comes in your life journey.

So my challenge to you is this: start treating yourself with love, self-respect, and significance.  

You were fearfully and wonderfully made and specifically designed for an amazing life purpose. You are loved and you are enough.

Today is the day to take action on your goals, your life, your health, and your body. Treat the temple you have been given with utmost care and respect. Love and honor yourself by taking care of yourself. Remind yourself daily, no, hourly who you really are:

You are enough, and you are adored by a mighty and powerful King.

How can we help you, care for you, pray for you? Our staff wants to know you, connect with you and encourage you. Please reach out to us at We would love to schedule one-on-one time for coffee, or a walk or healthy lunch!

Love and Blessings,


How can you reach your goals in 2017?

Happy Friday! 

We are off to an amazing start this January and we are excited to see all that this year will hold for YOU! With a new year, it is so important to focus on our goals for the month and upcoming year! We want to challenge each of you to take the time to think about your goals. We all have goals that we want to accomplish and our TransFit team wants to help you see each goal achieved! It is not too late to purchase a January Jump Start Package to help kick start your January! You can purchase it on the app HERE or on our website HERE

 A new year gives you time to start fresh with your goals. Let's not look back at the past at what we should have done or missed out on, but rather look to the present moment and the  future and get ready to focus on what we are going to accomplish! Setting goals will allow you to focus on what you want to accomplish- your dreams and your passions. Setting goals and completing action steps will help you to make what seems impossible become possible! In addition to goals, we must focus on accountability. When someone is on your side, keeping you on track with all of your goals, you can transform and achieve! This person should be someone who checks in with you, at least weekly, and is encouraging and motivating you to be your best! 

Please print and fill out this goals sheet below and send us a picture or bring it to the TransFit studio so we can hold you accountable!

We want to encourage you to focus on your goals for body, mind, and spirit. One important  part of whole body health is nutrition. Below is week 2 of our January Jump Start meal plan! While focusing on nutrition, we want to challenge you to hydrate! Focus on drinking 80+ ounces of water daily to make that healthy habit. 

Celebrate each small victory and realize that your health and nutrition is not a diet or a means to an end. This is your new healthy lifestyle! 

 4th grade girls, Middle School girls, & 9th grade girls are starting so please email us if you would like more details about these exercise programs! 

If you participated in our Holiday Extravaganza and want to weigh in, come by the studio today or tomorrow! We will announce our winners next week! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit
