transformational fitness

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Need Strength Training🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Hey sweet friend, 

June 2022 is almost over, but not quite! Let's work to reach the goals that we have set for this month—step outside of your comfort zone. Try incorporating Strength Training 3x per week to reach your maximum strength potential and boost your metabolism. 

TransFit is unique because it provides Strength Training Workouts in an uplifting environment specifically designed for women to help you achieve the results you want to achieve. 

These workouts will transform you—body, mind, and spirit.

You may be thinking, “doesn’t lifting weights make me ‘bulky’”? Thank goodness that isn’t true. Today, we clear up the misconceptions! 

Below are some key facts and benefits to help you understand why we, as strong, healthy women, need to build strength training into our weekly fitness plan.

Strength Training 101:

Strength training involves resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, kettlebells and even your own body weight in order to boost your metabolism and lean out your muscles to create a sculpted, toned, strong body.

More importantly, Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, and increase bone density and build muscular strength that women normally lose with with age.

Top 5 Reasons Women Need Strength Training:


1. Improves body composition & increases lean body mass (builds and maintains muscles mass) If you would like to meet with a Personal Trainer to assess your body composition (body fat %) please email us here or ask!! 

2. Increases metabolic efficiency (burns fat and aids in weight management)

3. Increases joint strength and stability

4. Improves your cardiovascular health

5. Increases bone density

MORE Important Reasons WHY Strength Training:

  • Decreases psychological stress 

  • Increases energy levels and mood, and aids in mental health

  • Icreases balance

Never too late to join:

The Summer Transformation Challenge has strength training workouts for you! 

Keep TRANSFORMING over the summer with our Summer Transformation Plan! Includes recipes, workouts, and encouragement to keep you going strong!

Interested in TRANSFORMING with the whole family? Check out our Kids-Couch-to-5K running plan on our websight!

High Protein Recipe for Strength:

The Simple Summer Salmon recipe is high in protein and great for building strength! Try it out and let us know how you like it! 

We can’t wait to see you in the studio or virtually!

TransFormer sessions are strength training based metabolic conditioning sessions are offered multiple times a day.  HIIT sessions are cardio endurance focused. Our new Bone Strength Session is 9:30am on Thursday. TransFit Yoga is now offered 2x week. Friday sessions are a combination of strength + HIIT.

We are grateful to serve you.

If you have any questions, please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers or Nutrition Consultant please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit

🎉 Jump Start Your 2019 with Our New TransFit Packages!

Sweet friends,

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family! To those of you who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza, finish strong and remember your goals as we approach the last challenge day- NEW YEARS! Remember the goal of this challenge is not to restrict you, but to help you treat your body consistently as the amazing gift it is!

Let’s all stay motivated and active this holiday! Don’t overindulge in leftover holiday treats. You can find workouts and recipes to stay on track even while traveling on our website or on our TransFit app HERE.

During this time of rest and relaxation, we encourage you to take time to focus on your goals for 2019— through health and all other areas of your life.

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As we transition into the New Year, we are so excited to announce our TransFit January Jump Start Packages! Are you ready to jump start your body, mind and spirit for a successful year in 2019? These packages will provide you with a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you meet your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to live transformed and make 2019 the best year for body, mind and spirit!

January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind and spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)

  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize

  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration

  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan

  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success

  • 2019 TransFit Goal Work Sheet

  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart

  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated

  • Weekly inspiration and email support

    ***Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via PDF on January 1st! This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below.

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January Jump Start Package Elite - $85

This package includes all of the above benefits, plus a 25 minute personal consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with any of our Certified Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers. This will completely assess your body and create an individualized plan to help you reach your goals for 2019. This can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below!

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January Jump Start Package Platinum (*most savings*) - $195

This package includes all of the above benefits, plus 8 transformer sessions to be used in January 2019! You will have all our meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and consultation to help you develop your transformation plan and add additional strength, cardio and flexibility sessions in the studio. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking on the button below so you can receive and book your 8 transformer sessions as well!


January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE - $395

This package includes all of the above plus an additional weekly 30 minute session with one of our Personal Trainers or Nutritionist to customize your transformation and help keep you accountable for your goals! With this package, you are guaranteed to reach your goals and rest your body, mind, and spirit. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below!


If you have questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! January Jump Start packages will be emailed to you on January 1st. We can’t wait to see you in the studio in 2019 ready to start your transformation!

TransFormer Power Lunch


TransFormer Power Lunch


  • 3 cups chopped baby spinach or kale

  • 1 medium pear, chopped

  • 1/8 c dried cranberries

  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts or cashews

  • 1/4 cup edamame or chickpeas

  • 1/2 cup any roasted vegetable leftover (roasted butternut squash or sweet potatoes are best)

  • 1/4 avocado

  • 1/4 cup quinoa

  • 1 oz. (1 tbsp) goat cheese, crumbled


  • In a large bowl, combine the greens, pears, cranberries, nuts, quinoa, roasted vegetable beans and cheese.

  • Drizzle with vinaigrette.

  • Toss for 1 minute, coating every leaf.

  • Add avocado on top and top with fresh ground pepper. Enjoy!

Here is one of our favorite workouts of 2018! Try this out at home over the next few days to feel recharged and strong headed into the new year! You can also check out workouts on our app HERE or on our YouTube channel HERE.


Last, we want to thank you all so much for another amazing year! God has truly blessed us, and we have loved watching Him use TransFit as a ministry to inspire and encourage us all to transform body, mind and spirit. We could not be more grateful for you all! If you have any questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one or nutrition counseling session, please email us at


Team TransFit

How to Live Transformed on Vacation

Friends, it’s sweet summertime! The kids are out of school and that much anticipated summer vacation has finally arrived! Each of you have worked so hard in the studio toward your summer fitness goals. Thank you for giving your best! 

Just because you’re traveling and away from your normal daily routine, doesn’t mean you must compromise good nutrition and exercise! You’ve put in too many hours of strength training and cardio sessions to throw it all away! Right?!

You want to feel your best before, during and after your vacation! We want to help you enjoy your vacation and come home feeling relaxed and refreshed — instead of feeling guilty or like you’ve blown your transformation goals!

Just like with everyday life, preparation is key! Planning ahead can help you avoid any slip-ups with your goals and your whole body transformation! So let us help you with 5 simple strategies for Living Transformed when you’re on vacation!

1. Pack smart!

First things first, grab your workout gear! Throw your tennis shoes and exercise clothes into your suitcase. Take your tennis racket if courts will be available.

Pack your favorite healthy snacks. Lots of fruit, nuts and protein bars. Apples and oranges are easy to throw into your carry-on luggage or purse. Pick up a box of the 100-calorie packs of raw nuts. On-the-go packs of roasted edamame can also be found at your local grocery store. And protein bars are an easy snack to pack — just remember to check the nutrition labels and pick bars with 5 grams or less of sugar!

Also, consider packing a shaker bottle and a few servings of protein powder. You can portion out individual servings in snack-sized Ziplock bags. Or Blender Bottle has a shaker bottle that comes with separate containers for storing protein powder.

2. Research ahead of time!

Get online and see what’s close to your hotel or rental. Is there a grocery store nearby? What healthy, local restaurants are close?

Also, if you’re staying in a hotel, find out if there’s a kitchenette or mini-fridge available in your room. Does the facility have a fitness center available?

3. Hydrate!

So many of us neglect hydrating our bodies while traveling even though dehydration is very common during trips. Pack extra water bottles (in a cooler if there’s space) or take your favorite water bottle to refill along the way. Drink water as soon as you get up in the morning, and when you sit down at each meal, drink a large glass of water first!

4. Make smart choices when dining out!

Most importantly, choose restaurants that offer healthy options that support your lifestyle! So many restaurants post their menus online now so you can look it up before you dine. Then you’re prepared to order when you arrive and aren’t tempted with less healthy options.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a healthier option or to customize your meal. Most restaurants are used to this now and don’t mind accommodating your needs!

Choose seafood, chicken or another lean meat option and order them steamed, broiled, grilled or roasted. If fried is your only option on the menu, remember don’t be afraid to ask for another option!

Order your potato baked, boiled or roasted instead of fried! And ask to leave off the butter and sour cream! Consider ordering a sweet potato instead of white potato!

To avoid over-eating, eat small meals throughout the day so you’re not starving at dinner. Take your time eating your meal, enjoy every bite as well as your company at the table!

Of course it’s vacation, so relax and enjoy a cocktail! Just don’t overdo it! And make sure that you’ve hydrated throughout the day.

5. Sweat!

You know the feeling you have after you’ve worked out, so why sacrifice a good sweat session when you’re on the road? That’s why you packed your workout gear — so use it!

Lace up your tennis shoes and hit the pavement (or sand!) This is a great way to explore the city you’re in, too. And since you researched ahead of time, you already know the parks or running trails nearby! We promise that you will not regret a workout!

If you want a good strength workout during your trip, here are a couple options you can do anywhere without any weights:

Five, very simple things you can do to take your transformed lifestyle with you on the road! We are so proud of you and all your hard work you put in through the winter and spring months! You look amazing and deserve a vacation! Enjoy this quality time with your family!

If you would like to meet with our Nutrition Consultant, Katie Woodall, to discuss nutrition and assist you in meal planning, please contact her at Additionally, you can purchase our eBook- Healthy Families Handbook. This eBook has a full week of meal plans, "family tested" recipes, family devotions, a kids couch to 5K program, and workouts for the whole family!  

Awesome new classes are being added in June — check them out on MindBody! TransFit is offering Kickboxing, Kettlebell, Flexibility and running sessions. Sign up for something new this month! If you have any questions about MindBody or our summer schedule, please email us at We look forward to seeing you in the studio and hearing about your summer travels and your new summer goals!

How can you give your BEST this LAST WEEK in October?

Can you believe it's the last week of October already? It seems like just yesterday we were headed into this month- focusing on being optimistic and striving to reach goals we never thought possible. What have you been focused on this month? What goals have you accomplished? Congratulations to so many amazing women who completed the 4 Day Challenge! So proud of you!   Comment below on a goal you reached this month, we would love to hear from you! 

As we head into this last week, I want to encourage each of you to try something new. Whether that be walking or running a distance you never have, trying a new workout, yoga, or making a new, healthy recipe for your family- let's all go a little out of our comfort zones this week and push ourselves to further our healthy lifestyles. One thing you could try this week is a new smoothie recipe! Here is  one of my all time fall favorites below- let me know how you like it! 

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

 Each new month can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach our new  goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. However as we all know, the month goes on and the craziness of life begins to set in and we often will struggle to remain as driven and focused as we were at first. Is this natural? Completely! So, today I want to offer you a solution to this problem of falling off track and becoming disappointed and frustrated. One of the keys I have found for many clients in reaching their goals for lasting transformation!  

That solution is to find an accountability partner!  This could someone who is seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as well, and someone who can encourage you in all areas of life- body, mind and spirit.

This is your "go-to" person when you are feeling stressed over meal planning, don't think you have time to fit in a workout, have struggled to have a quality quiet time all week or are facing any of life's many obstacles. As we see in Proverbs 27:17, we weren't meant to do this life alone. God has intended for us to live this life together, and by doing so we "sharpen" one another and make each other better.  No weights, not enough time ....below is an awesome TRANSFORM BODY WEIGHT WORKOUT you can do with your partner or by yourself! Have an amazing weekend! 

14 days to recharge your body, mind, and spirit!

14 days to recharge your body, mind, and spirit!

With September right around the corner and things falling back into a steady routine, NOW is the time to refocus your health priorities. September is the perfect month to make and achieve a new goal. Let’s take these last few days of August to really prepare our minds and hearts and get ready to reach all new goals in September. A 14 day recharge be what you need to get focused to reach your goals.