
Exciting December News & Client Spotlight to Inspire You to Transform!

It’s December! Can you believe it?! The Christmas season is here, and we are so excited! Our theme this month is Believe. Everything is possible for the one who believes. You can accomplish your goals, give your best one minute at a time, and live transformed to finish 2018 strong!


Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for… Our December Challenge Calendar! The goal this month is to complete A MILE A DAY! You can accomplish this by walking, running, riding a bike or coming to a session in the studio. Tag #OneMileADay on Instagram to be entered in for a free session. We just want you to get moving every day. Each week also has an additional challenge to help you transform. This week, we challenge you to drink 80 ounces of water per day. Download the calendar below or pick one up in the studio!

Join us for December’s Lunch and Learn because we are doing a luncheon of our and your FAVORITE THINGS! Think of something that you LOVE (valued around $15). Bring ONE of your favorite items and everyone will go home with a new favorite thing. Jami Washington from Downtown Academy will also be stopping by to talk about our service project. Come join us on Thursday, December 13th from 12-1 at the studio.

The cost of attendance is $12 to cover lunch from the Pine. Register on our TransFit app under “Special Events” or click the link below!

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Come join us this month for an amazing afternoon TransFormer session:

  • Lisa will lead you in a transformational workout on Mondays at 4:15

  • Come workout with our new trainer Corinn during our Tuesday and Thursday Transformer Sessions at 4:15

These two ladies can encourage you and help you finish the year living transformed! Sign up on our app or on our website HERE.


Follow our spiritual director, Pam Adams, on Instagram this month as she is doing a daily advent devotion in preparation of the Christmas season. She will be studying the book of Philippians and will be posting and guiding us through these truths during the advent season. You can follow her on Instagram at @pamablam or at the link HERE.

We still have a few ornaments left on our Giving Tree! Help us support Downtown Academy by giving them fitness equipment that they can use during recess, PE and after school activities. All you have to do is pick an ornament from our giving tree in the studio, purchase the gift and return it wrapped to the studio by December 14th. You can drop off gifts at the student and put under the tree or give gifts to any TransFit staff!

We have an incredible client spotlight will inspire you! She is an example of believing and never giving up. This beautiful friend, Lisa Irvin, is an example of consistency and accountability, which is key in transformation. Lisa is in the TransFit studio at least two times per week and has food journaled in MyFitnessPal for the last FIVE MONTHS to keep herself accountable. We are so proud of her! I hope you get to spend time with this amazing woman. Thank you, Lisa, for living transformed and being an inspiration to us all!


Lisa’s Transformation Story

“I have had an exercise routine of some sort for the past 10 years, but how I exercise has changed over time. I have always loved running, but injuries forced me to stop. Even though I miss running, I knew it was time to find other forms of exercise that better fit my body. Now, my weekly exercise routine usually consists of a weight class twice a week at TransFit and a brisk 4-mile walk 4-6 days a week. I love the feeling of accomplishment after a workout or a walk. I know I’ve done something good for myself. I enjoy walking with a friend for the added encouragement, so it is sometimes hard to make myself go alone, but I know I’ll be glad I went when I’m finished.

This past summer, I began using MyFitnessPal to keep track of my daily nutrition, exercise, and water intake. It has made a huge difference in my health and makes me consciously aware of what I eat and do for my body daily. I am working to continue food journaling in MyFitnessPal and keeping up with my exercise routine to reach my goals. My current goals are to continue to stay active and to make healthy choices every day.

My proudest accomplishment is my family! My husband Greg has been part of a running/walking group for many years, and they are faithful! Rain, shine, snow...whatever they meet at 6:30 every morning. He inspires me to stay active too! My three children (Jake, Miller, and Gracie) are my joy. I am so proud to be their mom! Being healthy and active is so important for my overall happiness. I couldn’t imagine not doing something active regularly. It’s my “therapy”!”


Lisa, we are so grateful for your story and incredibly proud of your transformation. We are thankful to join alongside you! We hope you feel so encouraged after reading her story.

Here is one of Lisa’s favorite recipes! It’s a Kale and Quinoa Soup. Curl up with a warm blanket and try it with your family this week!


Kale and Quinoa Soup


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 shallot, minced

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 8 baby carrots, chopped

  • 1/2 cup quinoa (cooked)

  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

  • 1/8 teaspoon coriander

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper

  • 2 cups low sodium chicken broth

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 cups kale, chopped


  1. Heat olive oil over medium-high heat in a soup pot or sauce pan. 

  2. Toss in shallots, garlic and carrots to sauté until tender.

  3. Add quinoa, cayenne, coriander, salt and pepper. Stir over heat for about 3–5 minutes.

  4. Pour in broth and water and bring to a boil.

  5. Lower heat, cover with lid, and let simmer 15 minutes.

  6. Add kale and stir in, re-cover, and let simmer another 5 minutes.

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We are excited to encourage you to finish 2018 strong and reach your goals! We want to encourage you in your journey to live transformed. Please reach out to us to schedule a nutrition counseling session or a one-on-one session at We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!


Team TransFit

Happy New Year! Commit To Your Health in 2018!


Happy New Year! We are looking forward to an amazing 2018 with you! Let's make the most of every single day we are given, and make the most of every opportunity we have to be healthier in each area of our life! Don't wait another second, realize that you CAN change any aspect of your life that you want to!  How can you commit to your health and reach your goals this year? Accountability is the key to unlocking your success in 2018! Our TransFit Team wants to know you and help you reach your goals!  We want to take this journey with you and we know you can achieve your goals! 


Thinking about the New Year- Are you going to be looking to jump start your body, mind, and spirit for a successful 2018? The TransFit January Jump Start package will provide you a healthy inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2018 the best year yet, body, mind, and spirit! Our January Jump Start package and all other packages  will be offered to you today for 10% OFF! Use the code TFNEWYEAR when you checkout! You can purchase packages on our app AND website!

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We want to say that you so much for another incredible year. God has continued to bless TransFit and we have loved watching Him use TransFit as an amazing ministry. You all inspire us each day, and we could not be more grateful to do what we love and serve you! For all of our Holiday Extravaganza participants, weigh-ins will begin on January 2nd and end on January 12! Email us at if you have any questions!


Team TransFit

How can you Jump Start Your January & make 2018 the best year yet?

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Hello friends! 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family! Amazing ladies who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza- let's finish strong and remember why you started this challenge! Remember the challenge is not a diet meant to restrict, but Holiday Extravaganza is meant to encourage you to treat your body as a temple and reward you for doing so over the holiday weeks! 

So many prizes for the top winners of the contest so give each day your best: drink your water, eat your greens, and get moving! 

We all have a clean slate going into this new year.....and we are excited to announce the new  TransFit January Jump Start Packages! These packages will provide you a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2018 the best year yet, body mind, and spirit! 


January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind & spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

  • 4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)

  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize

  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration

  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan

  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success

  • 2018 TransFit Goal Work Sheet

  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart

  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated

  • Weekly inspiration and email support **** Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via pdf on January 1st! This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below.


January Jump Start Package Elite- $85

January Jump Start Package Elite (all of the above) plus add in a 25 minute personal  consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with any of our Certified Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers  to completely assess your body, help you set specific goals,  and come up with a specific plan to help you transform and reach your goals for 2018. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below. 


January Jump Start Package Platinum (*awesome savings*)- $195

January Jump Start Package Platinum (all of the above) plus 10 TransFormer sessions to be used in January 2018!  You will have all the meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and consultation to develop your transformation plan and add in extra awesome strength, cardio, and flexibility sessions in the TransFit studio! This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below, so you can receive and book your 10 TransFormer sessions, too!


January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE $395

January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE (all of the above) plus an additional weekly 30 minute session with Caroline Ward to customize your transformation and hold you accountable! You will reach your goals and reset your body, mind, and spirit. This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below. You will find it under the 1-1 Personal Training tab on the app. 


If you have any questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! To purchase any of these packages, go to our app HERE! January Jump Start packages purchased on the app will be emailed out to you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio in the new year! We are so thankful for each of you and the blessing you are to our business! 


Team TransFit

Who Needs Some Tips on How to Navigate Holiday Parties?! 🙋🏼

Hello sweet friend! 

As we continue into this wonderful season, one of the most challenging things in our health journey can be staying on track when we go to holiday parties. We all know  parties are to enjoy friends, family but also there can be endless amounts of food. People gather and all bring dishes that are so tempting and we often go through a cycle of overeating and then feeling guilt after the party. Friend, let's not so this to yourself this holiday season!  Bring a healthy dish to share and choose wisely! 


Here are a few tips on how to have your best and healthiest holiday season yet.

  1. Focus on fellowship with family and friends! You are not there for the food. Yes, there will be a lot of food that only comes once a year but at the end of the day it is exactly that- food. Food was meant to nourish our bodies for service, not tempt us into over-indulgence and lead us to guilt. Go into your party knowing that this party is about fellowship and spending time with the ones you love. 
  2. Drink a large glass of water and eat a high-protein snack before the party.Now, you will be satisfied from a healthy snack going into the party and much less likely to reach for empty calories and mindless snacks. I know often people will not eat all day to "save their calories" for the big party or meal, however this leads to over-consumption of foods that are not going to satisfy or fuel you in the long run! Prepare before hand so you can enter and exit this party feeling healthy and nourished. Having victory! 
  3. Bring a healthy snack or treat that everyone can enjoy and so you will know you have a healthy option available. Some ideas are: lean meat and cheese trays, fruit and vegetable trays, homemade trail mix or glazed nuts. Below is an easy recipe that you can take that is sure to be a crowd favorite and leave everyone feeling great and not weighed down and guilty! 
  4. Keep moving! Stay on track with your fitness goals by continuing to schedule your workouts as usual. Block of these times in your schedule, so you don't skip a workout. When family is town, take walks together! Park further away from stores to get in extra steps! 
  5. Begin with the end in mind! Make everyday count! January is only a couple weeks away! Need some extra accountability? We're here for YOU and believe in YOU! The TransFit team wants to see you reach your goals! We want to see you get your $20 back in January at the end of our Holiday Extravaganza! Remember: consistency is key! Remind yourself daily to focus on Jesus the reason for the season. You can't control all of your circumstances, but you can control where you keep your focus-- on Him! 

Here are some great healthy recipes to take to your next holiday party!


Strawberry Edamame Salad

  • 2 cups organic baby spinach
  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
  • 1/3 cup edamame
  • Tbsp. goat cheese (or feta or whatever your favorite is!)
  • 1/4 cup toasted, chopped pecans

Combine all ingredients together. Drizzle a tablespoon (or two) of your favorite dressing on top. I like a tablespoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar! Don’t forget to make an extra salad or two for lunches this week!


Fruit Kabobs

Perfect kid friendly healthy snack! Add one marshmallow, strawberry, banana, and grape for the perfect Santa kabob! 

Holiday Grain Bowl 

  • 1 cup cooked wild rice
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • 6 radishes
  • 1/2 cup roasted chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup reduced sugar craisins 
  • 2 cups salad greens of choice
  • 1 shallot sliced
  • Fresh basil
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp green goddess dressing

First, make sure your rice and quinoa are cooked according to package directions. Slice your radishes and shallots. Arrange all ingredients into two bowls. Garnish with basil and pepper. Drizzle with green goddess dressing. 

Take this opportunity to practice your will power, and then notice how great your body and spirit feel after the party because you have experienced all of the great fellowship without overindulging. Parties should be filled with laughter, fun and time spent with the ones that you love. 

Now you may be wondering what to do if you do get off track and have one too many pieces or Christmas candy or dessert. Let it go- it is in the past. Clean the slate! Realize that this health journey you are on is not a diet. No friends, this is a lifestyle and sometimes you will face challenges! We encourage you in these times to remember why you started this lifestyle. Think for a second on all of the positive changes you made this holiday season in compared to your last. Think of how far you have come and all the progress you have made. Now with a renewed mind and spirit prepare to have your best and healthiest day tomorrow and drink plenty of water and green tea to help purify your body so you can feel your best! 

You can do this sweet friend! We are praying for you and can't wait to hear all the success that you all have and how God blesses your holiday season! 


Team TransFit

Let's Finish This Year Strong! Check out our December Client Spotlight- Fran Hahn

Happy Friday, sweet friend! 

It has been such an awesome week in the studio as we start this month! This week we challenged each of you to try the TransFIVE sugar challenge. If you didn't get to try the challenge this week, challenge yourself to complete it next week! It's never too late to start! 

Today we want to introduce you to one of our clients, Fran Hahn who has taken on our challenges and seen transformation, as a result! Fran inspires each one of us at TransFit when she walks into the studio with her bright smile! She makes the best smoothies and always encourages US by sharing her favorite healthy snacks and recipes! Another quality we love about our friend, Fran, is her commitment to whole body health, not just exercise! 


The week after Christmas in 1983, I got lost from my group of Auburn friends at a conference with about 20,000 other college students, and sat next to this hot, redheaded guy. One of the first things I said to him was: “If we got married, we would have all redheaded kids!” We did and we do! I have four redheaded kids, three daughters and a son, two sons-in-law (not redheaded), and a sweet granddaughter (not a redhead either).


Paul and I have moved twelve times in our thirty-one years of marriage. We are so happy to have landed in Athens in the summer of 2016. Although I am a Tiger in a Dawg world, this is for sure one of my favorite places we have called home.

My good friend, Laura Wilfong, brought me to TransFit about a year ago, and I have loved coming ever since. Working out here is consistently one of my weekly highlights.

Believe it or not, I was the 1981 Alabama state high school champion in the two-mile run. And since then, I have tried it all when it comes to fitness: from Jane Fonda’s aerobics tapes in the 80’s, to long distance running and swimming in the 90’s, to track workouts with the family in the 00’s, to CrossFit and hot yoga this decade. I have pretty much tried it all! As I grew a bit older, I fell into an ugly spin cycle of working out hard, getting injured, resting a little, then diving back in, only to get injured again. And I have tried every wacky diet plan known to mankind.


So, coming here to TransFit has brought some much-needed consistency, balance and challenge in my approaches to food and exercise. TransFit incorporates exercises which don’t kill my body, but strengthen it. And, I am encouraged to stay on course with my diet.  

My big challenge at this point in my journey is in being consumed with how I look. I want a 25-year-old body at 55. And that just isn’t going to happen, no matter how hard I work or obsess. I am learning how to lean into Jesus and be thankful that I have the privilege to exercise, and to enjoy him as I do. And though it may sound silly, drinking my daily water allotment is always a struggle for me!

Aside from running a few races and just staying in the game at my age, I don’t have any huge fitness achievements. But, Jesus has been good to me; he meets in sweet ways as I work out, and in all parts of my life. I am truly grateful.     


Fran, we are so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story with us! You are such an inspiration! Ladies, let's finish the TransFIVE challenge STRONG and make this our best and healthiest holiday season, yet! We believe in you and know that you can do it. If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Join us for a 5 Day No Sugar CHALLENGE! Start December STRONG!

Happy Sunday sweet friend!

You are ready to finish 2017 strong! To kick off December and the holidays feeling our BEST, we are going to start another round of the TransFive No Sugar Challenge this Monday!! Woo!!! Yes, Monday, December 4th ladies we can do 5 days of no candy, cakes, cookies, or added sugars! We are stronger together ladies. Let's do this challenge and feel VICTORY as we go into this holiday season!

 We would love to have you join us for the first time OR for another round! You are AMAZING AND WE WANT YOU TO REACH YOUR END OF THE YEAR GOALS ! Let's do the challenge together, ladies!  

The TransFive  eBook is given to you, sweet friend, FREE this week, you just have click the link to get the eBook with a sample meal plan, recipes, and 5 day devotion! Commit to being ALL IN with the 5 day Challenge! Yes, you can! 

Here is a sample recipe from TransFive! 

Hummus-Crusted Chicken

  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup hummus
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 lemons

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Prepare one large baking dish or two smaller baking dishes with cooking spray.

Pat the chicken dry. Season the chicken breasts with generous pinches of salt and pepper. In a large bowl, toss the zucchini, squash and onion with olive oil until evenly coated. Season with salt and pepper. If using one baking dish, place all of the vegetables on the bottom of the dish in an even layer. Lay the four chicken breasts evenly on top, then cover each chicken breast with the hummus so that the entire breast is covered. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the chicken and vegetables. Then sprinkle the pan with smoked paprika. Thinly slice the remaining lemon, and place the slices in between the chicken and vegetables.

**If using two pans, use one for the chicken and one for the vegetables.**Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Serve immediately.


Have a fabulous weekend friends, and congratulations on another amazing week of living transformed and striving to become to healthiest version of yourself. Remember that with EVERY small step you take you are making lasting changes and becoming better than you yesterday.  Small changes equals BIG results! Take time this weekend to celebrate all of the healthy changes you have made this year and how your new healthy lifestyle makes you feel.

You are beautiful and strong, friend!! We so value and treasure you at TransFit and we are incrediblly proud of you. Keep motivated to achieve your whole body health goals! 


Team TransFit

BELIEVE You Can Finish 2017 Feeling Your Best!

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Happy December sweet friends! 

Our theme the month of December is BELIEVE. We want you to believe in yourself and finish 2017 strong and feeling your best! Make everyday count!

These next few weeks, remember your goals and go after them! You are stronger than you think you are, we believe in you! In addition to your nutrition and exercise goal this month-- set one new goal this December: keep your focus on on Jesus.  Amidst crazy holiday parties and overwhelming schedules you can stay focused! Breathe in the goodness of His love and grace for you.  You can't control all of your circumstances but you can believe in the God who loves you unconditionally, and you can keep your focus on Him this season! #newgoal

Here is your new December Holiday Extravaganza Calendar! When you finish a weekly challenge let us know and you will be entered in for a weekly prize!  Write our your exercise plan for the week on your exercise calander below so you can stay accountable this December!

This holiday season, we have an amazing December Holiday Salad that has everything you need to stop sugar cravings! Whether you use it as a side or with your favorite protein as a main meal, it is delicious! We love fueling our bodies with healthy foods that also taste great. Beautiful pomegranates are a good source of vitamin-C and provide about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement!

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December Holiday Salad

  • 4 cups spinach or mixed greens
  • 1 oz goat cheese
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • 1 Bartlett pear, ripe
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (use a splash of pomegranate juice in the dressing)
  • ⅓ c olive oil
  • ⅓ c white wine vinegar
  • ½ tsp minced garlic
  • Pepper

Instructions: In a jar with an airtight lid, shake last 4 ingredients. Toss with greens, top with cheese, walnuts, ripe pear, pomegranate. Add in grilled chicken or other protein for complete meal! Toasting walnuts (400* 6-8 minutes) brings out such a rich flavor. Enjoy!

Friends, let's make the most of the holiday season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus! Happy December sweet friends!! Check out our Live Transformed Bible Study to recharge and refresh for this December! 


Team TransFit

BELIEVE You Can Finish 2016 Feeling Your Best!

Happy December sweet friends!

Our theme this month is BELIEVE. We want you to believe in yourself as you finish this year stronger and feeling your best! These next few weeks, remember your goals and go after them. You are stronger than you think you are, so never stop!

This holiday season, we have an amazing December Holiday Salad that has everything you need to stop sugar cravings! Whether you use it as a side or with your favorite protein as a main meal, it will be delicious! We love fueling our bodies with healthy foods that also taste great. Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin-C and provide about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement! This helps boost your immunity keeping a resistance against infectious agents!


December Holiday Salad

Serves: 2

Prep time:  5 minutes

 • 4 cups spinach or mixed greens

• 1 oz goat cheese

• ¼ cup walnuts

• 1 Bartlett pear, ripe

• ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (use a splash of pomegranate juice in the dressing)

c olive oil

c white wine vinegar

• ½ tsp minced garlic

• Pepper

Instructions: In a jar with an airtight lid, shake last 4 ingredients. Toss with greens, top with cheese, walnuts, ripe pear, pomegranate. Add in grilled chicken or other protein for complete meal! Toasting walnuts (400* 6-8 minutes) brings out such a rich flavor.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!! Join us December 8th for our Lunch and Learn event! 


Team TransFit

Set Goals and Finish December Strong!

Happy Friday friends! 

Can you believe December is already here? It seems like this year has flown by! However we still have one month left- let's strive to make it our best month yet! 

Here at TransFit we have a lot of exciting things going on in December! 

First, the Holiday Extravaganza is underway!! For those of you who joined in- keep up the great work! We have heard some awesome stories of discipline at holiday events and diligence in working out! GREAT job! Even if you weren't able to join the contest, join us in spirit and make new goals that you can and will achieve this month! Here is a December calendar full of challenges to help you make and achieve short term goals this month and press on through the end of the year! Goals are so important and help us strive to get to the place in our lives where we long to be! Friends, it is NEVER too late to make a new goal! Push yourself in this last month and finish 2015 out strong! Like our December theme you have to truly believe you can do it! 

While your schedule gets busier and busier and you are tempted to put your health and fitness goals- remember why you have started this journey! You long to be healthier in your mind, body and spirit. While I know you may struggle more during this season to get sessions in or make it to the gym, here is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that you can do anywhere (garage, bedroom, outside, etc)!! It will get your heart rate pumping and help you to continue to torch calories long after you've finished! To make the most of your time, give it your absolute best for the 15-20 minutes it takes and then feel great about the workout you got in among all of the tasks you have for the day! It can be easily printed out and taken with you wherever you go! 


This HIIT workout, along with other full-body workouts can be found in the 14 Day Recharge eBook! TransFit was so excited to release our first ever eBook on Black Friday and you can get it TODAY still at a discounted price! Today is the day to begin really recharging your fitness- especially right before Christmas! If you start today you will be finished just in time to be feeling your best mind , body and spirit as you go into the holiday week! You can purchase the eBook for the discounted price here.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!!  

