
Curb Your Sugar Cravings With These 5 Tips!

Sweet friends,

We are halfway through our TransFive 5-Day No Sugar Challenge! You’re almost there, and we are so proud of you! In the challenge, we are reviving our body, mind and spirit by eliminating sugar! The eBook includes a meal plan, recipes, tips, a getting started guide, daily inspiration and more! It’s not too late to join the challenge! Download our FREE eBook below!

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As we know, eating refined and processed sugar can have a negative impact on your health! As we reach the halfway point of our TransFive No Sugar Challenge this week, you may be starting to crave sugar and being tempted to reach for that pack of candy! Be STRONG! Here are three tips to satisfy your sweet tooth and curb those sugar cravings this week!

  1. Brush your teeth

    Brushing your teeth can help stop those sugar cravings! Not only will you have fresh breath, but you won’t want to eat any sugar after brushing!

    2. Drink hot tea

    Drinking hot tea can not only help you curb your sugar cravings, but it can also help fill you up. If you’re reaching for sugar for a boost of energy, grab some green tea! You can also try mint tea, lemon balm tea or carob tea.

    3. Chew sugar-free gum

    Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to stop those sugar cravings! Step out of your comfort zone, and break that habit! Instead of reaching for that piece of chocolate or sweet treat after dinner, pop in a piece of sugar free gum!

    4. Reach for fruit

    Grab some fruit when you are tempted by sugar cravings! Sugar is a source of natural sugar and will keep you from reaching for processed sugar while also giving your great fiber and nutrients. You can eat raw fruits, put fruits in your morning smoothie or infuse your water by adding a few berries to stop cravings!

    We have great smoothie recipes in our TransFive No Sugar Challenge eBook! It’s not too late to join us! Download it HERE.

    5. Go for a walk

    When you start craving sugar, go for a walk around the neighborhood or get a change of scenery to keep your mind off the sugar that you are craving. Not only will this curb your sugar craving, but it will help you reach your daily goal of exercise! It’s a win-win!

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You can do this! You’ve already made it halfway through the challenge, and we are so proud of you! Please reach out to us to tell us how you are doing with the challenge at transfitathens@gmail.com and use the hashtag #TransFit5 on social media!

If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment with one of our registered dietitians, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. You can also sign up for sessions on our app HERE and our website HERE!


Team TransFit

Ready, Set, RUN!

Let us encourage you! 

Yes, we have completed 1/2 of 2018! Finishing 2018 with excellence, success, reaching your goals and dreams is within your reach! We believe in you and know that achieving your dreams does not happen by accident!  Are you ready to come out of your comfort zone to accomplish a new goal? Let's re-light the flame and come fully alive, renew our minds, and believe you CAN do this! 

Summer is a great time to be outside -running, walking, or jogging for fun or training for a new race.

If you are not a "runner" walking, jogging, and movement is important for your transformation. Meet below, Lisa Patton, our TransFit Running Coach and Personal Trainer, Lisa tells us her Top 10 Reasons to Run below!

Come out of your comfort zone and try something NEW! The Athens Half Marathon and 5k is the October 20th/21st weekend and now is the time to start training to walk, run, or jog this amazing event!  We have a FREE training plan below! 


Lisa’s Top 10 Reason’s to RUN! 

Hebrews 12:1-2

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith.”

10. To achieve goals! 

There is a variety of goals to be set for a run; finishing a workout, going farther, going faster, and more. As an added bonus, setting and achieving goals boost your confidence and self-esteem!

9. To tone legs and butt! 

Not only is running an awesome heart-pumping workout, it also serves as strength training for your legs and booty! When running your lower body carries your entire body weight and with each run, your bones and muscles get stronger.

8. You can do it anywhere. 

At the park, in the city, in the neighborhood, or on the beach you can run. If the weather doesn’t allow, hit the treadmill.

7. Running burns serious calories. 

Typically running can burn an estimate of 100 calories per 10 minutes depending on pace. Jogging/Running helps us keep a healthy body weight. After a run be ready to fuel your body with healthy food choices.

6. Running gets you outdoors to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. 

God has given us such an incredible world to enjoy. Even if you're not going to stop and smell the flowers during your cardio workout, you can look around and smile and thank God for His awesome work.

5. Running reduces stress! 

Not that any of us have stress in our lives, but just in case please note Minutes into your run your brain begins to release hormones that naturally improve your mood, making you calmer and more relaxed... YES, PLEASE.

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4. Running can be family time. 

Your run can include the kids biking beside you or a chat with your husband about weekend plans. A run can look like a fun game of chase with the entire family. When its race time the family can be there cheering you on or running beside you.

3. Running is SOCIAL! 

It is amazing how much better you feel after a run with your friends. It’s a time to encourage each other, sometimes vent, and then encourage again. It’s a recipe swap and family activity planning. It’s also a chance to get to know someone new and make friendships that will always share a special bond.

2. Running can be Quiet time. 

I know I just raved about running being fun with family and friends, but sometimes it also a time to be alone. A time to clear your mind, to be quiet, to think, to daydream, to pray, to listen.



God has given us such amazing gifts; our bodies, our friends, our health, our minds, our world, our community, and our families. These are just a few of the things we are reminded of and can praise Him for on a run or walk! 

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous”

Psalm 139:13-14

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October in Athens= ATHHALF! We hope that you will join our TransFit team, as we prepare for the race! This year, AthHalf is offering a 5K and half marathon! Whether your running or walking, we hope that you will set a goal to come out and be with us! Here is the Half Marathon Training Plan!

We believe in each of you and know that each of you can do it! In preparation for the half marathon or any race and distance you need, Lisa and Caroline have made a full performance runners package just for you! This eBook includes a full performance health and fitness package with a detailed running plan leading up to the race, runner's specific strength workouts, best stretches for runners, top foods list for runners and a meal plan specific for runners! Click HERE to purchase the eBook! For a limited time, the eBook will be offered for $4.99! 

Enjoy your week! Remember the July goals you have set! If you would like to have a running training session with our running coach, Lisa, you can purchase a session on our website or email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. 

Let us know how we can encourage you! We can't wait to see you in the studio this week! 


Team TransFit

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Finish Last Five Days of June feeling your best!!!

Hello friends! 

We had such a great week in the studio! Thank you for working so hard and for being so determined to reach your goals! We realize the summer can be a hard time to stick to any routine, but let's focus on the goals we set at the beginning of the month and give our best these last 5 days to achieve success in the last week of June 

Today TransFit has updated and is re-releasing the TransFIVE ChallengeThis 5-Day challenge focuses on eliminating sugar from your body and reviving your body, mind and spirit! It includes a 5 day meal plan, recipes, tips, daily inspiration and more!  We have updated the e-book with a new summer meal plan and new recipes! This is a great time to challenge yourself, as we finish out this month! You can do it!

The TransFit community and anyone who wants to join us will start the TransFIVE Challenge this Monday! Join in the fun and download the TransFIVE e-book (FREE for TransFit clients), plus be added to the TransFit Facebook group to join other ladies in this journey! We are so excited to encourage and inspire each other as we do this challenge together! To download the free ebook, use the code CLIENT at checkout and you will get it for FREE

Spend time this weekend preparing for your upcoming week through nutrition and exercise. You can create a weekly calendar and can plan your meals and exercise, so that you are not in a scramble each day, wondering what to cook or when to fit in your exercise. Please try to book classes at least 24 hours in advance, so that we know you are coming and can specifically prepare the workout for you! You can see this upcoming week's studio schedule below! In addition to these sessions, we offer one-on-one personal training consultations and nutrition consultation by appointment. Email us at, transfitathens@gmail.com if you are interested! Continue to purchase and sign up for classes on MindBody. You can access MindBody online HERE or on the free app HERE

There will also be the Friday Running Group session with Lisa at 6:00 AM! It is FREE! We would love to see you Friday mornings! 

There will also be the Friday Running Group session with Lisa at 6:00 AM! It is FREE! We would love to see you Friday mornings! 

Let's finish this month strong! If there is anything we can do to help you, please email us! Enjoy this beautiful Friday and your weekend!


Team TransFit