COMMIT This August! 🙌🏼

Happy August!

Wow, we can hardly believe August is here! This month we are going to COMMIT--in all that you do, whether it is your exercise, your nutrition, or your spiritual journey we want to help you to COMMIT to your goals and dreams this month! 


"Commit to the LORD, whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

Here is a great acronym to help you be inspired this month! 

C- CONFIDENCE- "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

Remember this truth from scripture and be bold and CONFIDENT because YOU have been specifically created in God's image for something amazing. Walk in the light of confidence today. 

O- OBEDIENCE- "He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.'" Luke 11:28

We were not called to an easy life, but blessed are we who give our best with what we have! Every detail, even the mundane tasks of laundry and cleaning can bring glory to God! Exercising and eating well some days will not be easy, but your body is capable of more than you can dream of and by treating your body well you're honoring God. 

M- MOTIVATION- "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

Let's be ALL IN this month! Even the days you don't feel like it, just show up, give yourself grace, and give your best surrendering every ounce of yourself- heart, mind, body, spirit to His loving hands. A smaller dress size or a weekend party can be temporary motivation, but the ultimate prize- living fully for Christ- is the true motivation.  Start today and let's encourage each other.

M- MINDFULNESS-  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6-7

When we shift our thoughts to thanksgiving, our attitude shifts and our hearts soften. Turn your grumbling into gratitude and be HERE! Be present and be thankful for the blessings that you have! Daily or hourly, repeat this truth and believe that all things are possible when we present our request to Him. 

I- INTENTIONAL-  "Commit to the Lord, whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

"Whatever you do", let these words speak to your heart! Surrender and submit yourself daily to Him first and He will guide you. What YOU focus on grows- be intentional with your time, your thoughts, your goals, and your dreams.  Schedule your exercise, meals, quiet time intentionally this month! 

T- TRANSFORM- "Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

Remember beautiful friend that comparison is the thief of joy. Here is what is true: you are strong, you are confident, you are enough just as you are, and you are a beloved daughter of the King. Renewing your mind is a minute by minute decision to think thoughts that are true about the person you really are! Believe it and transform your life by taking action on your goals and dreams and LIVE transformed by His amazing love for you. 

Commitment is an ACT, not a word! You can determine the person you want to be! Take action each minute this August! Commit to being ALL IN today!

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As our summer schedules come to an end and the school year begins, I want you to activate your mind, body, and spirit to make August the best month yet! Our goal in AUGUST is to be ACTIVE EVERY DAY and COMMIT to the WATER CHALLENGE! Even if it is a quick walk around the neighborhood, a nice walk with the family, swimming with the kids, yoga, or stretching, anything counts! Just get up and move for at least 30 minutes each day! Click on the calendar below to download the August COMMIT challenge and August Water Challenge to help keep track of your exercise and progress! Fill in each day with your activity and record your water intake and then email it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a month of FREE sessions!

We can do it! COMMIT to your whole body health in August! We would love to inspire one another, as we COMMIT this August! With school getting started back and schedules filling with extracurricular activities, it’s important to set your goals ahead of time and focus on COMMITTING to them each day. You’ve got this! We are stronger together!! 💪

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If you have any questions, please email us at Send us your July push up challenge calendars to be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!

Commit this August! We believe in YOU!


Team TransFit


Tips to Make The Second Half of 2018 Your Best!

Clean slate, yes, it's Sunday! Let today be a fresh start for YOU! You can make the 2nd half of 2018 your best! Today, shift your thoughts... focus on being thankful for the body that you have and set a new goal (or two) to ensure you are treating your body with care and respect! Write this goal down, put the goal as a reminder in your phone, and tell a friend- that is how you make your goals become reality! 

One new goal could be to increase the amount of high-quality protein that you include in your daily nutrition plan!  Protein is an essential food for repairing muscle tissue,  building and toning muscles, and for keeping you feeling full for longer. High protein snacks should be consumed after 30-45 minutes after workouts for maximum muscle building and repair benefits and should be consumed as a snacks during the day to fight cravings and help manage weight.

Here are some of our Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling's,  favorites:

  • 1 hard-boiled egg- 8g

  • 1/2 cup chickpeas- 18g

  • 1/2 cup cashews- 16g

  • 3 oz of tuna- 25g

Try out these great high protein snacks and start your healthy lifestyle with a delicious, higher protein nutrition plan!

Here is a high protein healthy popsicle to try this week! 

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  • 1 1/2 cup – strawberries

  • 1 1/4 cup – coconut water

  • 1 teaspoon – honey

  • 4 teaspoon – chia seeds

  • 1 1/2 cup pieces – mango

Puree strawberries (fresh or frozen) with half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Set aside. Puree mango (fresh or frozen) with the other half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in the remaining 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Alternately pour each fruit mixture (for a marbled look) into popsicle molds and freeze until set. Makes 10 (3 ounces) popsicles. If you have an Ice Pop Maker let it freeze for 45 minutes and then add wooden sticks so they stay in place better and the lid will come off easier.


Additionally, here is one of our favorite workouts you can try today! Add this workout to your week and then enjoy a high protein popsicle after! Let's do it, ladies! 

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We hope that this second half of 2018 is your best! We believe in YOU! Let us know what your goals are for the second half of the year. We want to encourage you, as you prepare for a great rest of 2018! If you would like to schedule a 1-1 appointment for nutrition or personal training, you can purchase a package on our FREE app or website, or you can email us at 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

July Client Spotlight You Don't Want to Miss! Diving Into HIS Grace for Transformation!

Sweet friends, 

Can you believe July is almost over?! Each of you has worked so hard this summer! This month our theme was DIVE into GRACE! We made a goal to intentionally dive deep by being more intentional with our bodies, minds, and spirits.  We hope that you felt encouraged by friends, family, and our TransFit community!

Today, we have the pure joy of introducing you to one of our amazing clients, Lauren Douglas!

Lauren is an amazing friend, wife, teacher, and overall incredible woman. She radiates light and love and you instantly feel that when she smiles so brightly or gives you the best heart-felt hug! Lauren is genuine, kind, and one of the hardest working women I know! You will love her spotlight as she speaks about giving herself grace though-out this past year. My prayer is that her testimony will inspire you to dive into everything you do with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength while giving yourself the grace to be uniquely YOU

Lauren, like many of our clients, has been exercising diligently through all 9 months of her pregnancy. We all have something these days: an injury, an illness, a hard day, or some type of stumbling block. We are stronger together and when we show up, TOGETHER, we can transform whatever we put our minds to! Let's do this friend! 

Congrats sweet lady! Thank you for giving your all and for inspiring all women that by giving your best one hour, one day at a time you can reach your goals! 


When my husband, Will, and I found out we were expecting our first baby at the end of July I made a plan to keep myself physically and emotionally healthy throughout my pregnancy. It helped to know that what I was doing for myself was having a direct effect on my growing baby. Part of that self-care included extending myself a lot of grace, especially during the first trimester! I found myself extremely tired and nauseous at the end of the day so made a simple goal to maintain one strength based workout per week and go on one walk/run per week. This felt doable without feeling I was over-exerting myself. I started counting afternoon naps as an integral part of my self-care: ). Once I was feeling like myself again I made three goals to focus on. 1) Get in three workouts a week, 2) drink 100 ounces of water a day, and 3) eat greens every day. Again these were achievable and I knew would benefit me and our growing baby boy.


I had a friend encourage me early on to just keep showing up, no matter how many reps you get to in a session or how out of breath you feel, just keep coming back. She promised that I would feel better during pregnancy and once the baby was here. That was some of the best advice! When I showed up to the TransFormer classes I was so encouraged by Caroline, Lisa, Mallory, Katie, and all the women I was working out alongside. So thank you for encouraging me and lifting me up each time I stepped foot into TransFit! There were days where I didn’t get to a mile during the cardio block or I had to stop and take a breather after only 10 reps, but the support and encouragement I felt from the TransFit community kept me coming back. Just showing up benefited not only my physical health but my emotional health as well. 


I tracked my measurements to help keep me accountable, but also celebrate the work my body was doing to grow this baby. At first, it was hard/scary to see those numbers grow, but I knew it was needed to support a healthy baby. I focused on meeting my goals each week and saw the growing numbers as important work my body was doing. 

Smoothies became my best friend. I throw so many good things in there and know I am getting the nutrition I need. Kale, spinach, cauliflower, protein, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, yogurt for the probiotics, avocado for the healthy fats, were all things I’ve incorporated into a smoothie. They’re an easy way to pack in nutrients when you may not feel like eating yet another salad.


Here is one of my favorite smoothies:

  • 1 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla vega protein powder
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower
  • 1/2 cup frozen peaches
  • 1 tbsp hemp/chia/flax seed mixture
  • Blend until smooth

We are calling it the BeaUtiful Skin Smoothie


This smoothie is a delicious, energizing meal replacement and is so good for your body, mind, and especially your skin. The high protein smoothie is great for post workout! The avocado has good healthy fat for elasticity with your skin and will help keep you full! By adding in a tablespoon of Chia seeds, you will receive Omega 3 three fatty acid’s which are so good for your bones, skin, and heart! The added spinach and cauliflower bring in tons of Vitamin A and C great for your immune system! We added just a sprinkle of almonds on top because we like a crunch, but that’s optional.


I’m days away from meeting our baby boy and am excited to introduce him to the TransFit community! I know once he’s here it will be important for me to get back to working out but plan to extend a lot of grace as I navigate this new adventure of being a mom.


Lauren, we are SO proud of you! We can't wait to meet your sweet baby boy! 

Ladies, we hope you feel encouraged and inspired by Lauren's story! What a testament to diving into HIS GRACE this month! Let us know how we can help you to live transformed. Make it count this July- let's finish July strong! 

Email us at if you have any questions! 


Team TransFit

Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸

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Happy 4th of July! ☀️

This month we are challenging you to finish this summer strong! Below we have a pushup challenge we would love for you to be apart of with us! Download the calendar and start crossing off each day. We are stronger together! If you haven’t downloaded our Summer Transformation Challenge, it’s not too late!! Scroll down and download it and get started today. We’re here to help and encourage you throughout your summer transformation! This month we’re going to dive deeper in everything we do and focus on the fact that by grace we have saved through faith! That’s when we have freedom & true peace! On the 4th we are especially thankful for the freedom of our country! We live in a place where freedom is offered day after day because of the sacrifice of others. We are so thankful for the men & women who serve our country bravely and with honor. Let's lift up these amazing hero's in prayer as we celebrate this 4th of July. 

Client Spotlight: The Dean Family🦋⁣

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We are so proud of our amazing clients Kelli, Kendall, and Avery Dean for all their hard work and dedication! 💪🏻 What a treat to inspire all these amazing young women! They have been working out strong together virtually almost daily. The other day in HIIT, we could tell they loved the boxing round!!⁣ 🥊 Two of Kelli’s favorite exercises are curtsey lunges and deadlifts! If you’ve been in TransFit over the past 2 months or so, then you know we love these exercises too! They are great if you want to target your glutes and thighs, and there are so many different variations!

⠀⁣Below we’ve attached one of her favorite recipes for the family!! This recipe will get you and your family in the spirit to celebrate the 4th of July!! 🎆

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FoodieCrush’s Greek Turkey Burgers with Tzatziki Sauce


For the Turkey Burgers:

  • 1 pound ground turkey

  • ½ cup fresh spinach leaves , chopped

  • ⅓ cup sun-dried tomatoes , chopped

  • 1/4 cup red onion , minced

  • ¼ cup feta cheese , crumbled

  • 2 cloves garlic , pressed or minced

  • 1 egg , whisked

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano

  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  • 4 soft whole-wheat hamburger buns

  • Bibb lettuce leaves

  • Sliced red onion

For the Tzatziki Sauce:

  • ½ cucumber , halved with skin and seeds removed

  • 3/4 cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt

  • 2 cloves garlic , pressed or minced

  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill , minced

  • Pinch of kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. In a large bowl, add the ground turkey, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion and feta. In a small bowl, whisk together the garlic, egg, olive oil and dried oregano and kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper then pour over the turkey and mix with your hands to combine.

  2. Divide the burger mixture into 4 portions and mold into patties. Place on a cutting board or plate dividing the patties with parchment paper and refrigerated for 30 minutes up to overnight. You could also individually freeze the patties at this point for up to 3 months.

  3. Prepare the tzatziki sauce by grating the cucumber. Gather the cucumber together and place in a paper towel and press the water out of the shredded cucumber and place in a medium size bowl. Add the yogurt, garlic, red wine vinegar, fresh dill, kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to 3 days.

  4. Heat a non-stick grill pan over medium heat and spray well with cooking spray.

  5. Place the turkey burgers on the grill, cover with an upside down sheet pan or lid and cook for about 5 minutes per side. Be sure to watch the burgers and monitor your heat as the burgers will brown quickly if the heat is too high.

  6. Slather buns with tzatziki sauce and garnish with lettuce leaves and red onion. Or serve bunless in the bibb lettuce leaves.

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Quick 4th of July HIIT Workout for the Whole Family!

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If you need our TransFit staff to be praying for YOU, please email us your prayer requests. We are a family and want you to feel loved and supported.

We look forward to "seeing" you virtually from HOME OR in the studio!   

Check out our website for more blogsinspirationrecipesworkouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one for workout or prayer.


Caroline and Team TransFit


Dive Into Grace This July!




(v): To intentionally jump or plunge headfirst

July has officially arrived and we are ready to dive in! We lit the SPARK of whole body health and wellness in June and now let's dive deeper into nutrition, exercise, and scripture! I love the word INTENTIONALLY in the definition of DIVE. To keep moving forward this July in our goals and dreams, let's clean the slate starting today and dive in by intentionally doing one thing new for your body, mind, and spirit.

What is that one thing you CAN do this month? 








________________   DAILY (fill in your blank)

Write your one thing down, tell a friend, and stay accountable! Dive in deeper this month and challenge yourself to a new goal! We are excited to hear about it!  Remember, His grace is sufficient for us!! Release the past and reset for a new day! Let's dive into all that He has in store for us this month!


This month, we are challenging you to our Transform Your Arms in JulyPush Up Challenge. Each person who completes this challenge will be put into our drawing for a MONTH of FREE sessions!!! Send us your calendar filled out each day and you could be the winner!! Commit to one thing a day- try doing push-ups daily and if not push-ups, then hold a plank for the number of seconds on the push-up challenge calendar! We hope that you will join us this month, as we transform our arms, our minds, and spirits for the summer! 

If you want more of a challenge, try doing the push-ups on a medicine ball! We believe in YOU!


We pray that this month you rest in His grace! This month, we are encouraging and challenging all clients and friends to join the TransFit Team, as we study the book of John together! What an amazing way for us to build community than going through the Word together! You can follow along as we read through the book of John this month! 


If you completed our June squat challenge- please email or text us with a picture of your completed calendar, so that you can be inserted in the drawing for a month of FREE sessions

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We want to remind you that our studio will be OPEN on Monday ONLY and 1-1 appointments will be available all week; however, the studio WILL BE CLOSED Tuesday-Saturday due to the 4th of July! We hope that you will continue to live transformed on vacation!

Don't forget about our FREE workouts on the website and app, as well as workout videos on the website and YouTube, plus fun and healthy recipes to try for your 4th of July festivities! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Jumping for JOY- June Client Spotlight & Challenge Winner!

Sweet friend! 

The month of June we have encouraged you to light a fire within! We want to help you ignite the flame of passion for whole body health and wellness! Last week we challenged each of you to try the 5 Day Food Journal Challenge. We had so many amazing clients commit to 5-days of food journaling. Thank YOU for pushing yourself and committing to living transformed! If you didn't get to try the challenge last week, don't worry- it's never too late to start! Try it again this week! 

One of our clients, Joy Cooper took on this challenge and saw such transformation, as a result! Joy is an amazing mother and such a dedicated hard worker! You will see Joy and her beautiful daughter Hannah sweating together in the studio! They both always give 110% effort in and out of TransFit! Joy is dedicated to living transformed and has learned about the importance of accountability and dedication, even when it might be challenging! Joy has been food journaling and committed to our 5-day challenge! We are proud to announce her as our JUNE Client Spotlight and the Food Journal Challenge Winner! We are excited for you to read her journey and for you to see progress and total body, mind, and spirit transformation she is making one day at a time!  



My name is Joy Cooper, I am a single mom to 3 AMAZING kids. We have been homeschooling for 9 years. I am a tutor with Classical Conversations, a VIPKID English teacher to children in China and a small group leader at Athens Church for a 9th-grade girls group.

I have been attending the TransFit luncheons, classes, and Bible study for the past few years but never very consistently. I wanted to be more consistent but I just couldn’t make it happen. I had even tried the “My Fitness Pal” app before but just could not commit to figuring out the daily meals and snacks.

A few weeks ago when Caroline mentioned that they were going to have a “My Fitness Pal” app challenge, it happened to coincide with my desire for change and accountability! So… I decided that I should try to figure out the app to track our food and water intake.  My daughter, Hannah, has been using the app for a year! She helped us figure out the app and plan out our meals for the first few days. I will say that once you figure out the first few days it does seem to get easier.  Hannah knew that I liked little treats at the end of my day so she had me add my “treats” in first so that I had enough at the end of the day for a treat. (piece of dark chocolate or a serving of Halo ice cream) When I first started using the App, I was AMAZED at how many things that I would just pick up and eat throughout the day. The App is a great accountability partner! 


I now have set a goal to go to 3 TransFit classes a week. I plan ahead and make my schedule fit around the classes. I love the encouraging atmosphere and people at TransFit. At the end of every session when we are stretching and relaxing with music that encourages our hearts and God’s Word proclaimed over our lives, I am refreshed and ready for what God has planned for the day.  One of my favorite verses is from Psalms 34:5 “Those who look to HIM are RADIANT; their faces are never covered with shame.” Every time I leave TransFit I am reminded to “look to Him”.  God is the one that inspires me and encourages me but he uses the sweet ladies of TransFit to remind me of just how good He is and how much He loves me! I LOVE worshiping my Heavenly Father with these ladies each week in the TransFit Studio.

Here are a few of Joy's favorite things: 


My favorite foods right now are the Halo “Candy Bar” ice cream, Oatmega bar “chocolate coconut”, Hint “mango grapefruit” water and Trader Joe’s “Cowboy Quinoa veggie burger. I have been making a salad with the veggie burger, romaine lettuce, grape tomatoes, mini cucumber, 1/2 cup of fresh salsa from Sam’s and a Tsp of sour cream.  


Joy, we are SO proud of YOU! Keep taking it one day at a time, planning ahead, staying accountable and keep motivated to reach your goals!

Ladies, may we feel encouraged to make June our best yet! We look forward to seeing you in the studio this week!

Don't forget about our SUMMER SIZZLER SALE! 20% off ALL MERCHANDISE with the code SIZZLE on Etsy or in store! Sale ends SOON!

Remember to sign up for group sessions or 1-1 sessions on our FREE app! If you can't make it to the studio this week, you can find great recipes, workouts, and inspiration on our app and website! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

DRUMROLL... Our May Transformation Challenge Winner Is...!!!

Happy Tuesday, friends! 

We hope that your week is off to a great start - we want to help you light that SPARK!  May quickly came to an end, and we were so thrilled to see all of your total transformations in the May Total Transformation Challenge! Thank you! WOW, each of you worked so hard and were truly devoted to living transformed!!! We are excited to announce our WINNERS! 


Our May Total Transformation Weight Loss Challenge Winner is...


Holly Garcia! 

Holly Garcia! 

Holly pushed herself this May and committed to the May Transformation Challenge! Holly, we are so proud of you! Thank you for inspiring us to live transformed! 

So many of you were so generous to donate, that our top 5 winners won a large monetary prize!! 

2. Jennifer Christenberry

Jennifer Christenberry and family 

Jennifer Christenberry and family 

3. Jennifer Rickard


4. Cress Johnson

Cress and her daughter, Read

Cress and her daughter, Read

5. Leah Hobbs

Leah Hobbs

Leah Hobbs

Our May Transformation Calendar Challenger Winner is...

KAREN PAVAO! Way to go ladies for getting those points on the calendar! 

Thank you for committing to our May Calendar Challenge! We are so proud of you and your dedication to healthy living. 

Don't worry if you missed our May Transformation Challenge! We just started our June Squat Challenge! Download the calendar HERE and complete the challenge this month for a chance to win a MONTH OF FREE SESSIONS!


In case you missed the Friday email, we are offering a FREE summer meal plan and recipes on the website HERE! Click HERE to download!

Next week, in addition to our squats we are challenging YOU to our 5 DAY My Fitness Pal Challenge. This will be a food journal challenge through the My Fitness Pal app! We will start all together next Monday for added accountability! Go ahead and download the My Fitness pal app HERE! We hope you will join us for the weekly challenge! 

We believe in you! Let's make this June our best, yet! If you need help lighting that SPARK inside of you schedule a 1-1 with one of our trainers! We would love to help you reach your whole body health goals!

If you have any questions, please email us at

We look forward to seeing you in the studio! 


Team TransFit

Need To Light YOUR FIRE? Here's How To Ignite A New Fire In You This June!


It's time to turn the heat up! In the TransFit studio, your home, your workplace, or vacation destinations! I love the theme for the month of June! Light a Fire in me!!!

 Our prayer for each of you this month is to light a flame of passion in YOU for your whole body health journey! Enjoying exercise, eating nutritious foods, drinking water, and staying focused on what really matters in life. I know many of you are in and out of town for the next two months, but try to get in 2-3 strength workouts and 3-4 cardio workouts each week! Spice up your workouts with our new HIIT Cardio Sessions! You can go the HEALTHY LIVING of our website for FREE recipes and workouts! 

To help you light your fire, here is a NEW FREE summer meal plan!


Keep checking our emails and blogs to see the announcement of our May Transformation Challenge WINNER! If you missed our May Transformation Challenge, don't fret! This month we are challenging you to a squat challenge! Let's tone and strengthen our legs and glutes for the summer! Each day you will complete a set number of squats! By the end of the month, you will feel stronger and determined to add squats to your daily routine! Not only is this a great way to strengthen your lower body, but the clients who consistently adhere to the challenge will be entered into a raffle to receive a MONTH OF FREE SESSIONS! Each day you successfully complete the day's challenge, check the chart attached or take a picture of yourself doing an exercise and post to social media using the hashtag #tfsquatchallenge.

Let's relight the flame within! Set a goal to complete the squat challenge! Continue working hard this week, getting in your workouts and cardio!

Don't miss our NEW summer sessions and session times! 




Sign up for all sessions in advance on the FREE TransFit app, so that we can prepare the sessions specifically for you! 


Thank you for your feedback on our client survey! If you haven't filled it out yet, it's not too late! Click HERE for the survey! 

In response to your request for more accountability via the awesome survey responses, Caroline will be offering a limited number of FREE 25 minute accountability check in 1-1 sessions on Monday afternoon from 2-6 PM! These sessions are limited. Book your session by emailing If Monday does not work for you, please email Caroline for any other availability. Summertime is a great time to reset goals and assess your fitness routine. We would love to schedule 1-1 with you. You can book these sessions on the app or email us for other availability. Remember, our trainers would be happy to do weigh's and body comp anytime you need!  We want to help you transform!


 If you have any questions or would like assistance with your goals, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

Thankful Thursday Celebrating Our Favorite Women! Celebrate our May Client Spotlight!


Happy Thursday! 

It was such a FUN week in the studio with our Celebrate Women's Week last week and we are still flying high from all the amazing energy YOU LADIES BRING TO TRANSFIT! We loved getting to celebrate you! Let's keep the celebration going all month long as we encourage, support and strengthen one another and keep our focus on making exercise our best medicine! 


Throughout Celebrate Women's Week, we were able to giveaway such fabulous prizes thanks to all these incredible people and businesses! A huge thank you to each business to helped us celebrate this past week! Shoutout to lululemon Athens for partnering with us to make the week so successful! 


We ended the week with an amazing Community Workout with all proceeds going to HOPE 139. Thank YOU for your generous donations to help us support such an incredible ministry. We are so thankful for your prayers and support for Shelley and Hope 139. Stay up to date on all happening with HOPE 139 HERE


After a wonderful Celebrate Women's Week, we want to celebrate our May Client Spotlight, Patti McWhorter! 

Patti's Transformation Story: 

I had a long and fulfilling career as a middle and high school language arts teacher, adjunct professor at UGA and Piedmont College, and language arts consultant at Northeast Georgia RESA. When I finally retired from teaching and education, however, I realized that I had no excuse not to implement an appropriate exercise program. Work provided my biggest excuse for not consistently exercising, other than walking. I desperately wanted to be stronger and more flexible – weight loss would hopefully follow.

After several friends mentioned Transfit, I called and made an appointment with Katie Woodall, who introduced me to the total program. I shared with Katie that I knew if I focused on losing weight and not on fitness, I would be frustrated and less likely to reach any goals I might set. So, I decided that the small group setting for personal training would be the best place to start. 

For over a year, I have tried to consistently attend Transfit sessions when I am in town – as many as four each week. I added the yoga sessions when those were offered, and I have recently started the HIIT sessions to focus on cardio fitness as well. I love the atmosphere that encourages each woman to do her best and not compare herself to others. Maybe it is my age, but I think that this is the most valuable lesson we can learn – this is not something I thought in my thirties or forties – I was constantly comparing myself to others and inevitably coming up “lesser than” every time.

When I attended Caroline’s Bible study, I experienced a major change in my thinking about food and fitness. I had never really connected honoring God to eating right and taking care of my health, and the acceptance of this connection has deepened my commitment to living healthier and remaining active as I age.

My initial goals of strength and flexibility remain my primary focus, along with eating well and drinking water. I do focus on eating less – portion control is important – but I generally allow myself to eat a small amount of something special when the opportunity presents itself.

Finally, my greatest challenge is taking the time to focus on exercise when I am not in town for sessions, so I tend to rely on walking. Caroline’s videos and routines are wonderful, but I still have to stop what I’m focused on and do them!

I continue to be a work in progress, as we all are, but I trust that the influence of Transfit will keep me headed in the right direction. I have a wonderful family – a husband, three married children, and three grandchildren, and I want to be healthy enough to enjoy time with all of them.

Patti, we are so proud of you! We hope and pray that each of you feel encouraged and inspired by Patti's story! What an example for us all. 

Let's finish this week strong! Focus on getting at least 80 oz of water and add some stretching time to your day! Make the most of each day. We believe in YOU! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Happy Mother's Day to the Amazing TransFit Women! 💗


Happy Mother's Day to our sweet TransFit women! 

We are so grateful for each of you! You are so deserving of this day to celebrate! We hope that you feel loved and encouraged today. Take time to spend time with your family, friends, and loved ones rejoicing over the gift of being a woman. You are a difference maker, a world changer, and a beautiful lady inside and outside! 

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We loved seeing all of our mother-daughter duos at our Community Session yesterday morning! We were filled with full hearts as we celebrated the beautiful & inspiring women in the community! All ages, sizes, colors, mothers & daughters sweat, laughed and gave their best in the total body mind & spirit workout! We loved honoring all the strong women we know today! Keep living transformed ladies- we love you! 

We pray that you feel supported and inspired today, as you are celebrated! If you missed our April Client spotlight, check out this amazing mother and daughters client spotlight transformation story


We will still be celebrating all week in the studio this coming week so come get revived and renewed for a strong finish to May and the Transformation Challenge!  

We love you! 


Team TransFit


Let's Celebrate!! Come Join Us This Week at TransFit Athens!

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Sweet ladies, 

We are SO excited about Celebrate Women's Week that will take place at our TransFit Studio Monday, May 7th-Saturday Mary 12th! Mother's Day is right around the corner; let's celebrate being strong, beautiful, inspiring women in this amazing community! We are strong together ladies! We would LOVE for you to come join us! At each session, we will be giving away prizes from local business' and have energizing body, mind, spirit workouts just for you!!! 


We love getting to host this event with lululemon Athens! Some of our prizes will include gifts from:

In honor of Celebrate Women's Week, try our Celebrate Super Food Salad! 

Celebrate Super Food Salad

  • 4-5 ounces Spinach or Arugula
  • 2 cups sliced strawberries
  • Slivered almonds
  • 2 ounces goat cheese
  • 1/4 sliced avocado
  • 1 tbsp hemp hearts

We will end Celebrate Women's Week with a Mother/Daughter community workout! This session will be Saturday, May 12 at 9 AM! You can sign up on the FREE TransFit app under SPECIAL EVENTS! Come for a fun workout, giveaways, prizes, and fellowship! We would love for you to join us! This event is open to the whole community! This is a FREE session, any donations will go to Hope 139!


We can't wait to see you this week in the studio! We hope that you make plans to join us next week for Celebrate Women's Week!!! Sign up for your sessions on our app! We are so proud of you! Keep up the hard work! 


Team TransFit

Celebrating YOU at Celebrate Women's Week!

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Sweet friends, 

WOW! May is off to a great start! We are so proud of everyone who is taking our May Transformation Challenge!!! If you haven't started yet, it's NOT too late to start the calendar challenge! We want you to join us for the May transformation challenge! We believe in YOU and know you can do it! In order to advance the challenge, you can find recipes on the HEALTHY LIVING TAB of our website

As we make this May our best month, we want to invite you to our Celebrate Women's Week! NEXT WEEK, we will be celebrating YOU! Join us for a week full of fun sessions and giveaways at EVERY session. We are partnering with lululemon Athens to offer you a week full of celebrating you as inspiring, beautiful, strong women! Let's make exercise our medicine while celebrating all that we have to be thankful for as women!


We will end Celebrate Women's Week with a Mother/Daughter community workout! This session will be Saturday, May 12 at 9 AM! You can sign up on the FREE TransFit app under SPECIAL EVENTS! Come for a fun workout, giveaways, prizes, and fellowship! We would love for you to join us! This event is open to the whole community! This is a FREE session, but all donations will go to Hope 139! 


In honor of Celebrate Women's Week, we want to celebrate Mary Conley! Mary committed to our April Arms Challenge and won a free month of sessions! She is such an inspiration. We are so proud of you, Mary! 


We can't wait to see YOU this week at our sessions! Whether it's your first session or you are a regular TransFit client, we are excited for you to join us!!! We hope that this week you will feel loved, as we celebrate YOU! Make sure to sign up for sessions through our app, HERESign up in advance. Win a giveaway prize and come celebrate with us!

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

Monday Motivation! May Transformation Challenge Starts NOW!


Happy Monday! 

It's time for MAY and our MAY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE! We hope that you will join us for our challenge! It is going to be so much fun and something you don't want to miss. Challenge yourself to a month of accountability. Fill out the May Transformation Challenge calendar and come participate in our NEW May Challenge and weigh in for a chance to WIN! If you missed our last post about the May Transformation Challenge, check it out HERE

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For the first time EVER, we are doing a May Transformation Challenge!

Details of the Game:

Start: May 1st -3rd- weigh-in's    

Finish: May 30 and 31, winner announced June 1

To Play1. Any person puts $20 in the bucket

2. WEIGH IN (Kept completely confidential)

3. Do your best throughout the month of May (eat right, exercise, etc.)

4. WEIGH IN on May 30 or 31

***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! SUCCESS!

***If you gain weight -- your money stays in the bucket. The winner gets all the cash left in the bucket! Let's all play to keep accountable in May! 

 We want to encourage you to participate, as we reset for the month and recharge to prepare for summer! The first place winner will receive all cash! 

To kickstart the month of May, try this new recipe! 


Almond Butter Chocolate Smoothie

  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 TBSP Almond Butter
  • 1 serving Chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 C frozen riced cauliflower
  • 1 Tbsp cacao nibs
  • 6 ice cubes
  • Blend well -add sprinkles of almond butter & cacao nibs! Yummmm!!

We hope that you will join us for the May Transformation Challenge! This challenge is for ALL women in the community! If you want to join us, email to schedule a time to come weigh in! 

We hope to see you in the studio, soon! Let's make this May the best month yet as we focus on making exercise our medicine! 


Team TransFit 

Transforming workouts & a Lunch and Learn You Don't Want to Miss!


Sweet friends, 

Happy Monday! Each new day can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach our goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. However, as we all know, the month goes on and the craziness of life begins to set in and we often will struggle to remain as driven and focused as we were in January. Is this natural? Completely!

So, today we want to offer you a solution to this problem of falling off track and becoming disappointed and frustrated. One of the keys we have found for many clients in reaching their goals for lasting transformation! That solution is to find an accountability partner and if one person, maybe it is a group of people who inspire you daily! This could be someone or a group of women who are seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as well, and who can encourage you in all areas of life- body, mind, and spirit.


This is your "go-to" person when you are feeling stressed over meal planning, don't think you have time to fit in a workout, have struggled to have a quality quiet time all week or are facing any of life's many obstacles. As we see in Proverbs 27:17, we weren't meant to do this life alone. God has intended for us to live this life together, and by doing so we "sharpen" one another and make each other better. This proves to be true for any area of life! When you work together with a friend or group, you will be much more apt to achieve goals and live life to the fullest! Let us know how we can serve you! 

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We would love for you to join us at the TransFit Athens studio on April 25, 2018 at 12:00 PM. During the April Lunch and Learn we will hear from Valerie Langley and enjoy a Transformer lunch from Kaeti Shurling with Perfect Portions. Valerie will lead us through a short meditation to begin and then we will begin to learn about essential oils. She will discuss the 5 most common oils to use for Health and wellness, covering Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, and OnGuard. She will explain how the oils heal your body physically and explain the different ways to use the oils, like diffusing, ingesting and topically. She will also teach how to make chemical free products with these oils that you can use around your home.


You can register for this event on our app under SPECIAL EVENTS! Have your accountability partner come join you at our Lunch and Learn! 

Take time today to seek out an accountability partner or group of inspiring friends. Pray about who this person could be in your life and then reach out to them! Have an honest discussion about how you will both be able to walk through life together, growing physically, mentally and spiritually and helping each other every step of the way.

If you have questions, please email us at


Team TransFit

Mother and Daughters Client Spotlight You Are Going to LOVE!

Sweet friends, 

Thank you for challenging yourself to run the race with perseverance this week! Wow, we had an amazing week in the studio!  Today, we have the honor and joy of highlighting three of our amazing clients! These three are special, as they are a mother and twin daughters client spotlight! Elizabeth, Cynthia, and Cindy are our April client spotlights, each with their own personal transformation story! 

These TransFit ladies will inspire you to keep giving your best one hour, one day at a time to live transformed


Cindy Lester's transformation story: 

I’ve always been an outdoors “Tomboy” growing up climbing trees, riding bikes, playing baseball and football as a kid…. And I have played Tennis and golf most of my life.  About eight years ago, at 60 years old, playing golf at the Country Club, I was “just slightly” in the woods on one of my drives and slipped on a tree root, breaking my fibula. After that, I started therapy and a workout routine that continues today. I started then and have continued cardio workout at the club for an hour a day, 3 times a week. I generally try to do TransFit two days a week, tennis one or two days a week and golf when it’s pretty (fair weather golfer). I love tennis and we’re on a 4.0, 65 and over tennis team that will go to state in October – just because we have no local competition.  Our tennis team did go all the way to Nationals back in 2009 in Palm Springs, California and came in second place Nationally…. Thanks to everyone else on the team! I have really enjoyed the weight exercises and just feeling more fit after starting TransFit classes… I continue to work professionally at Synovus Trust Company, managing the local Athens division and really enjoy meeting and getting to know new clients and people through my work. And finally, I’m ABSOLUTELY most proud of my girls, their families, and their personal accomplishments. 

Cindy and her grandkids! 

Cindy and her grandkids! 

Elizabeth Johnson's transformation story:

Although I have been active in sports all my life, medical school and residency seemed to take my time and slow my focus on exercising. My husband and I moved back to Athens after finishing my residency in Internal Medicine, and I had just given birth to our son, Cole.  Again, it seemed being a new mom and working to build a practice put a daily exercise routine on the back burner.  Finally, Cynthia, my twin sister, moved back to Athens as well.  We have always encouraged and challenged each other. About 6 years ago, we started doing home programs together at lunch at my sister’s house. We kept each other accountable and would text daily about which workout we were going to do when finished seeing patients for the morning.  It got me back exercising 5 days a week and I had so much energy. Even on weekends, Cynthia and I would encourage each other to make up a day if we had missed during the week.  

Elizabeth Johnson and family

Elizabeth Johnson and family

In June of 2017, Cynthia had given my mom and I a gift card to TransFit for Christmas, and I finally used it one Saturday morning. Cynthia had already been going so she could show me the ropes.  I got in several Saturday morning classes and loved it, but it was only 1 day a week and I would exercise on my own during the weekday.  I kept telling myself I could never make 5:30 am work. Even Caroline gently suggested I try a 5:30 am class.  Cynthia again had recently tried the 5:30 am class, and I knew if she could make it work with getting the kids to school then I could too. I remember not sleeping at all that first October night I knew I was going at 5:30 am because I was so nervous about making it home, getting dressed myself, and getting the kids up and ready. However, since October I have been going to TransFit most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and I love it. It starts my day off right and keeps me more motivated during the day! 


Exercise isn’t everything though, it's a piece to transformation. Having my son in travel baseball and daughter in gymnastics makes for eating out a lot during the weekend. This can blow an entire week of hard work. I try, although definitely not always, to make good choices.  I am better some weeks than others. I have started packing a healthy snack bag thanks to Katie Woodall’s great suggestions recently. I love the Oatmega bars, Chomps beef sticks, and Organic fit bars. Plus, my children now will go to the snack bag first instead of asking for money at the concession stands, so they are getting less junk. I have a small refrigerator in my office that I can keep Greek yogurt and cut veggies to snack on at work. I have started getting weekly meals from Perfect Portions with Kaeti Shurling during the week to help keep me accountable with weeknight sporting events. My current goal is the late night snacks or meals. Many weekend nights, we are driving home from a tournament at 10 pm and my son needs something to eat after his game. At that hour, fast food is about the only thing open. I’m tired and this is when I make my worse food decisions. If home, I probably would be asleep.  So, my goal going into more Spring and Summer sports is to make better food decisions.


Cynthia Shepherd's transformation story:

I grew up in Watkinsville. My mother, Cindy Lester, and twin sister, Elizabeth Johnson are also clients at Transfit. I grew up in a very active family. Elizabeth and I started playing tennis at age 5. We were very competitive and played tournaments growing up. We eventually played in high school at OCHS at  No. 1 singles and No. 1 doubles. We also played basketball and volleyball. Learning to study and do homework with a busy after school sports schedule was something that definitely prepared me to for the years ahead in medical school, residency and fellowship. As a family growing up, my parents also instilled the importance of being active together as a family. Despite both parents working full-time jobs, they supported us at every event, home and away. We enjoyed playing golf, water skiing and going for long walks in Madison with my grandmother. 

My husband and I moved back to Watkinsville, our hometown, in July 2011. At that point, we had a 3-year-old daughter and a 9-month-old son. I was not back to my pre-baby weight and this affected my mood and outlook about myself. I started doing home workouts and ultimately encouraged my sister to be my accountability partner. We would work out at lunch together 4-5 days a week. Still, I was not happy with my weight and knew that my diet was not where it should be. I signed up for Caroline’s Nutritional program in the Summer/Spring of 2013 and loved the weekly meal plans and grocery lists. Her meals are healthy for the whole family and easy to cook. While exercising consistently 5 days a week and following my daily meal plan, I was able to get to my goal weight. 


I started working out with Transfit approximately 2 years ago and love the Transformer workouts. I initially started going 1-2 days per week and worked out at home the remaining days. Now I have found the 5:30 AM class fits great with my schedule and helps me start my day more alert and on a positive note. I usually work out 3 days a week at Transfit and 2-3 days a week at my home gym. I love HITT training, running and interval training. My husband has done a number of Ironmans and ½ Ironmans, so he encouraged me to do the Tri-to-Beat Cancer’s Duathlon a few years ago.  I find working out with others is very motivational and love the positive inspiration and encouraging smiles from all the Transfit trainers.  I have definitely gained muscle and strength. It’s also pretty awesome to work out with my 67 y/o mother at Transfit on some afternoons. My children know that if I don’t get to exercise, I am grumpy. They see that exercise is an important part of my life and have learned more about making healthy choices.

As an oncologist, I stress to my patients that exercise and eating a heart-healthy diet with plenty of lean protein and veggies is the best way to fight and prevent cancer. Exercise also relieves stress and anxiety and can also help prevent other diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia (particularly interval training), cardiac disease and osteoporosis. 

In regards to meal planning, I have found that using Kaeti Sterling’s Perfect Portions has been a wonderful time savior for my family and a nutritional way to feed my family quickly when I get home late from work.  My family’s favorite recipes include turkey meatballs and turkey burgers.                                                                                                                                                                                              


Thank you, ladies, for sharing your transformation story! We are so proud of each of you!

Let these stories inspire you to start today on your journey for total body transformation! The time is NOW!  We are here for you! We hope that you feel inspired and encouraged by each of their stories

To finish April strong we wanted to share with you a FREE Spring Meal Plan and recipes!! Challenge yourself and meal prep on Sunday! Get ready for an amazing week! 

If you have any questions, please email us at Don't forget to sign up for our Lunch and Learn on Wednesday! Sign up on our FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTS!


Team TransFit

5 Tips You Need to Spring Clean Your Week!

Sweet friends, 

We were thinking about all the people who have been inquiring the past few months about wanting to make a change in their life--a new refreshing change toward a healthy lifestyle! Like all of you who were spring cleaning your closets this past week; now is the time to spring clean your lifestyle!! Just making a few small changes can help you feel more organized, refreshed, and focused on your health. We have 5 tips that you can do this week to reset your body, mind, and spirit!


5 tips that help you revive your healthy lifestyle!

Tip 1: Start on Sundays or Mondays

Sit down with your newspaper, see what is in season and fresh and plan your weekly menu. Get the kids involved ask each family member what they would like to eat (within reason) and plan accordingly. We use a dry erase board and write out breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. The children love helping decide what is for dinner and it helps them to learn about food groups and what you need to make a balanced meal. Meal prep is essential! Here is a FREE meal plan! Click HERE

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Tip 2: Pre-cook Protein for the week on the day purchased

Buy chicken, pork, and other meets and try cooking them all the day purchased. Bake or Grill 4-8 chicken breasts with little seasonings then throughout the week you can chop and put in a salad, a tortilla, or make chicken salad. The easy step of pre-cooking protein will help you to eat more at home for meals and not feel so rushed in the evenings.

Tip 3: Wash & Cut veggies and fruit for half of the week and store in grab-n-go containers or plastic bags for easy access.  Make a veggie tray for the week and try to keep in the fridge and bring out for the family as afternoon snack or appetizer before dinner.


Tip 4: Make snack baskets for your children and for you!

The premise of the snack basket is that everyone is not rummaging through the pantry multiple times a day.  Pre-make snacks a the beginning of the week in portion controlled bags and the snacks will be ready for active families! Snack baskets for adults are also ideal as a post-workout snack or afternoon pick-me-up!


Step 5: Make an appointment for exercise

Your doctor, hair, and other appointments are important and your health should be top on your list. Make an appointment with yourself, a friend, or a trainer to exercise 5 times a week. YOU are worth it! Put it on the calendar and stick with that time consistently! Don't forget our new HIIT class is tomorrow and Thursday at 9:30 AM! This is a great way to revive your cardio workout! 


We are so proud of you and your goals to get healthy! You will start to see that when you make these healthy decisions, your family and friends will, too! You are an inspiration. If you would like to meet with our Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Consultants, you can purchase a session on our website HERE or app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at Let us know how we can help you live transformed! 


Team TransFit

Come ALIVE in April Because HE IS ALIVE! 🌸✝️🐰

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Happy Easter, friends! 

He is RISEN! Today, we rejoice in a risen Savior! We celebrate the life, death, resurrection, and await the return of Jesus! We are so thankful for each of you and the community we have with TransFit. We want to challenge each of you to remember that exercise is worship!  We are honoring our bodies, a most amazing gift,  through treating our bodies with respect and care.  Enjoy an outdoor walk or even a slow stretch today and give thanks for the gifts you have been given.

Enjoy today and be intentional with friends and family. Please try some of our healthier Easter recipes! Let's celebrate today because He is RISEN! 


Add this Spring Salad to your meal, today! 

Strawberry and Mint Salad

  • 5 oz Spring Mix (I like the 50/50 Mix with half spring mix and half spinach)
  • 1-pint strawberries- washed, hulled, sliced
  • 1 cup walnut halves
  • 3 oz. creamy Gorgonzola (look for the Gorgonzola that doesn't just crumble apart, you want the really creamy kind)
  • 1/2 cup Mint Chiffonade


  1. Place Spring Mix in a large bowl
  2. Top with strawberries and walnuts
  3. Sprinkle Gorgonzola and Mint chiffonade over the top
  4. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar with a lid 
  5. Place the lid on the jar and shake vigorously until the dressing has emulsified

It should look homogeneous in appearance. Enjoy! 


We are excited to see you and help you transform in body, mind, and spirit this week in the TransFit Studio! Let us know how we can help you live transformed this April! 


Team TransFit


Client Spotlight You Don't Want to Miss!

Sweet friends! 

Today, we want to share the stories of three beautiful ladies who will surely inspire you that YOU CAN do anything you put your mind to!! We are so thankful for each of these ladies and the hard work and dedication they put into living transformed each day! One goal of each of these ladies is to have strong bones. Marilyn, Ba, and Molly have been doing strength training exercises for over 2 years and have seen amazing results! We often focus and talk about the importance of building up bones and increasing our bone density in sessions.  We need weight-bearing exercises, Vitamin D, and Calcium to maintain strong bones as we age!  Check out these top five superfoods for your bones! Find ways to incorporate these foods into your meals! 

Top Five Superfoods For Your Bones:

  1. Dark Leafy Greens- choose dark greens like kale, collard greens, and turnip greens! These greens are a great source of calcium and Vitamin K, which helps reduce risks of osteoporosis. 
  2. Sweet potatoes- Sweet potatoes add potassium and magnesium into your diet! 
  3. Grapefruit- one grapefruit will give you enough calcium you need for the day! 
  4. Figs- offer you calcium, potassium, and magnesium! 
  5. Salmon- It has Vitamin D that helps your bones use calcium and the omega-3 fatty acids, which help your bones! 
Marilyn Nutter, Molly Efland, Ba Steedman

Marilyn Nutter, Molly Efland, Ba Steedman

Molly's story about living transformed:

I started working with Caroline in March of 2014, so this is an anniversary year for us! At that time I had retired from full-time teaching and wanted to devote some time to get my body in ‘shape’.  Even though I’d always thought of myself as being reasonably fit, healthy and enjoyed being active, my body was showing signs that I was getting older and had to do something different to tone things up. I needed guidance to get started, keep going, and have fun while doing it. Caroline quickly gave me that guidance and motivated me to set obtainable goals for exercise and nutrition. When I exercise at TransFit now, I leave feeling refreshed, tired too, but well refreshed for the day ahead. I love working out with so many positive women who may have different goals than me, but we certainly have a common bond of exercise, nutrition, and positivity to improve our lives. It’s hard work for sure, but I can’t imagine not continuing. I work out at TransFit twice a week, go to yoga on two other days and try to swim at least once a week. I also walk each day, some days shorter walks than others, but I just have to get outside and move.


One of the biggest changes I have made is how to plan meals better and really think about what I’m going to eat each day.  I’ve loved learning about so many different good things to eat that are healthy for you! Who knew you should eat a small snack between meals?? Hemp hearts and quinoa are now on my steady diet. Luckily I have a husband who is willing to try new recipes…at least once. Before working with Caroline I wasn’t a big breakfast eater, but now I know the benefits of eating something to get you started each day. Here one of my easy go-to breakfast recipes:

Baked Apple with Yogurt and Nuts

  • 1 apple, I like Honeycrisp
  • ½ to 1-cup Greek yogurt, plain or vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Roasted pecan halves
  • 2-3 teaspoons of hemp hearts

Slice the apple into bite size pieces, place them in a microwave-safe bowl. Sprinkle them liberally with cinnamon. Cook in the microwave for about 1 to 1 ½ minutes.  Dollop the yogurt on top, then the pecans, then the hemp hearts. If you use plain yogurt you might want to drizzle a little agave syrup on top. The apples give out lots of nice sweet juice, just depends on your taste.

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 Ba's story about living transformed:

I retired from full time teaching after more than 30 years and am now teaching half-time.  I love teaching and hope to continue for several more years. I have a wonderful, supportive family - including 2 beautiful grandchildren. I have always been active, but I wanted to continue to be active. I felt that an exercise program for "me" would help. TransFit supported me and my friends in working to help us with strength training, nutrition, but most importantly, positive energy. I enjoy working out with others and sharing our concerns and victories. I always feel better after exercising. I am challenged constantly and want to work harder! I come to classes twice a week.  I walk most days and I love to go to yoga.  I would like to start back playing tennis. I used to play, but would love to start back! I love to set goals and am currently trying to continue to work on a better diet for me and my husband! Another goal is to exercise together, but it is a challenge. However, a new healthy lifestyle affects other facets of my life and I now feel better and have been able to make many new friends! 


Marilyn's story about living transformed:

Marilyn is the most dedicated woman and is the most consistent in her Tuesday/ Thursday small group! Her strength amazing us each day as she lifts weights and has the most beautiful plank. We love hearing about the new superfoods she eats each morning! You may see Marilyn out walking with her friends most mornings getting in her cardio! This lady is our inspiration - living transformed and encouraging all her friends to stay active! 

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Ladies, thank you for inspiring us! What a joy it is to have each of you in the TransFit community! We hope that you feel encouraged by these ladies! 

For those of you who took the TransFIVE Challenge, let's finish strong! You can do it! We believe in you! If you didn't take the challenge, it's not too late to start! You can download the FREE eBook HERE

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Revive Your Body, Mind, & Spirit This Week at TransFit! 🙋🏼💗

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Happy Sunday, sweet friend! 

We have an amazing week we planned for you in the studio, as we revive our bodies, minds, and spirits for Spring!

Our TransFormer sessions will be revived and supercharged this week, a new Uplift Session tomorrow at 11:30 AM and Thursday night will be amazing!  


We wanted to let you know about our FREE community workout THIS Thursday! This event will be on Thursday, March 22 at 6 PM and is specifically for Hope 139 house! This workout will be filled with lots of energy, fun, food, and fellowship as we sparkle together while supporting Hope 139! We want to invite you and any of your friends to come join us! The community workout is for all women of the Athens area, so we would LOVE to see you! The workout will be a transforming whole body workout for any age and fitness level! 


In case you missed our previous blogs about Hope 139, here is a quick overview of who Hope 139 is and the needs and services that they will provide! Hope 139 is near and dear to the hearts of the ladies at TransFit because our very own trainer, Shelley Tanner, started this non-profit organization! 


Hope 139 House, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 non-profit incorporation seeking to provide housing and support for women in crisis pregnancy and parenting situations.  This maternity and second chance home will provide hands-on training in many areas through a Christ-centered environment so that mother and baby have a better chance of staying together as a family unit and having hope of a beautiful future together.

Plans for the Home:

  • Provide adequate, comfortable housing for up to 16 women in crisis during or after pregnancy through maternity home
  • Housing for women and their young children for those at-risk of being separated due to various individual circumstances in the second chance home
  • Lessen the strain on the foster care system by providing women with alternatives to their current situations, where mother and child can remain together under supervision, implementing a plan for behavior change. 
  • Both mom and child will experience the extravagant grace and love of Jesus Christ and be forever changed by Him

Services Provided:

  • Education- traditional and skills training, GED
  • Bible study
  • Parenting and life skills training
  • Counseling services through partnerships
  • Mental and physical healthcare needs
  • Career training
  • Behavior modification strategies

Current Needs

  • Prayer
  • A building for the home
  • Funds
  • Staff
  • Van or other vehicle for transportation
  • Many other needs for furnishing the home when the building is secured

We are so excited to offer this FREE community workout to raise support and donations for Hope 139. Feel free to share our flyers with your friends! We hope that you will join us! Sign up on our FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTS

We wanted to remind you about our March Recharge Nutrition packages! We have three different packages that are fit to your needs! You can find them on our website HERE under SERVICES. Let us know how we can help you transform! 

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Team TransFit 

10 Ways To Get Your Family Healthy This Spring!

Happy Spring, sweet friends! 

Can you believe we are halfway through March?! Remember to keep up with your March Calendar Challenge of being ABSolutely motivated daily! Amazing client Molly Efland won our February Challenge and gained one month of free sessions by completing her February calendar! Get your family into the challenge too- even if you start today by committing to finishing March strong!

Today, we want to encourage you and help your family make better decisions to live a healthier lifestyle one day at a time! Yes, we know it is challenging to find a meal that pleases everyone and so hard to get the kids moving some days but here are

10 ways we hope to inspire you!


10 ways to get your family healthy! 


1. Set an example!

Your kids and other family members are watching you — when you take time out of your day to exercise when you choose an apple over a bag of potato chips when you refill your water bottle when you choose steamed veggies over french fries. They’re watching! And though we aren’t always perfect in our choices, we can make a big impact on our family with all the small choices we make day in and day out!


2. Feed your family what you’re eating!

Instead of fixing your family a separate meal, serve them the same foods you’re eating but add in one food on their plate that they will eat and like. If you’ve baked fish with steamed veggies and rice for yourself, don’t hesitate to put the same foods on their plates. Add in some fruit on the side that they can nibble on! They might not be as excited as you are about your healthy meal, but don’t let that discourage you. And don’t give up! Even if they aren’t thrilled about this meal the first time you offer it to them, offer it to them again…and again! 

3. Offer incentives.

Kids love sticker charts, $5 gift cards,  and earning rewards! Use an incentive that motivates your kids. We have tried earning “stars” for every new food our kids try. Once they earn 10 stars, they get a $5 gift card to Target! It works, and they get very excited! Rewards don’t always have to come in the form of sugar!

4. Take them grocery shopping.

It may not be your idea of fun, but we encourage you to get the whole family involved in grocery shopping! Let the kids pick out the produce! Or let them try using the scales to weigh the vegetables you’re purchasing — any way to get them excited about new fruits and vegetables! Helping you at the store might be another way for them to likely try the foods they (not you!) put in the cart.


5. Let them help you in the kitchen!

If everyone has a helping hand in dinner, it might encourage them to eat what they’ve worked so hard to prepare! Even if it’s washing fruit and vegetables (or if you’re comfortable, they can chop, too), give them a specific task!

Put them in charge of re-filling snack baskets. If you have the snack-sized Ziplock bags, they can pre-portion out their snacks for school, too!

6. Use meal planning charts!

Instead of you sitting down to plan out your families’ meals alone each week, enlist your help from your family! This would be a great opportunity to talk about the fruits and vegetables that are currently in season and let them pick which ones they’d like along with the main dish. And once it’s on the chart, there’s no fuss about breakfast, lunch or dinner — it’s already been discussed and planned! Another bonus: you’re organized for the whole week! This will simplify grocery shopping as well!

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7. Let your kids help prepare their own lunch boxes.

Make it fun — use shapes and a variety of colors. Cut their sandwiches, cheese, and fruit into different shapes. Mix it up with color, like green cucumbers, red strawberries, orange carrots or yellow bell peppers. And send healthy dips to go along! Try finding a yogurt-based Ranch for dipping, hummus or peanut butter. Use muffin cups to separate foods and add color. You could also roll up sliced turkey with cheese and add a toothpick!

8. Make exercising fun!

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Get a stopwatch and have a relay race or see how many jumping jacks they can do in 1 minute! Get out the jump ropes and hula-hoops. Turn on some fun music and have a dance contest! If the weather is nice, ask them to join you for a jog! Sign up for family races or 5k events that have a Family Fun Run. Let them see you honoring your body through exercise! Most likely, if your kids see you on the floor doing push-ups, they’re going to want to join in! And if not, ask them — that might be all it takes is an invitation from you!


9. Have patience.

Just like in your journey to a whole body transformation, it takes time for their bodies and minds to adjust to new habits. Changes don't happen overnight. Extend extra compassion, love, and patience to them. Eventually, they will enjoy time in the kitchen, trips to the grocery store and exercising with you.

10. Praise!

We all need affirmation and encouragement in our lives. They need to hear from us, “Great job!” or “I am so proud of you!” So any chance you get, take it! Tell them, show them, affirm them every single day!


We encourage you to help motivate your family to have a healthier lifestyle! We believe in you and know you can do it!

Another place to find tips and healthy recipes are in our, Healthy Families Handbook eBook. You can purchase it HERE! This is a great resource to use when it comes to better whole-body health for your family!

If you plan a meal with your family or get in a family workout, please send us a picture! We would love to see what you and your family do! If you have any questions, please email us at 

Please join us this coming Thursday night 6 PM for a fun, free, community workout event benefiting HOPE 139! Sign up on the app to reserve your spot (limited number available).


Team TransFit